/*! \page support SUPPORT \section support_general General information The SUPPORT class is the class representing subregions of the mesh in the MEDMEM library. A SUPPORT object groups together a set of elements that have similar entity types. \section support_outline Outline The reference for the SUPPORT methods are given by the following links : - constructors : \ref SUPPORT_constructors, - creation methods : \ref SUPPORT_creation, - query methods : \ref SUPPORT_query, - advanced methods : \ref SUPPORT_advanced. \section family FAMILY objects The FAMILY concept is directly linked to the representation of supports in the MED file. It is only useful for directly manipulating the arrays that are written/read by the MED drivers. More information can be found on this topic in \ref RefManualMedFile "MED reference guide". A FAMILY is a SUPPORT with some additional methods that concern some optional attributes (we could have none) and groups (we could also have none) : - \a getIdentifier returns the family identifier (an integer), - \a getNumberOfAttributes returns the number of attributes of this family, - \a getAttributesIdentifiers and \a getAttributeIdentifier returns an integer array or an integer that represents attribute identifier, - \a getAttributesValues and \a getAttributeValue returns an integer array or an integer that represents attribute value. - \a getAttributesDescriptions and \a getAttributeDescription returns a string array or a string that represents attribute description, - \a getNumberOfGroups returns the number of groups which it belongs to, - \a getGroupsNames and \a getGroupName return a string array or a string that represents the group name which it belongs to. \section group_section GROUP objects A GROUP is a SUPPORT with some additional methods to find FAMILY that makes it up : - \a getNumberOfFamilies returns the number of FAMILY that makes up the GROUP ; - \a getFamilies and \a getFamily return a FAMILY array or a FAMILY that makes up the GROUP. */