/*! \page meshing MESHING \section meshing_overview Overview This class is a class derived from MESH class that is used to build a MESH object from scratch. All verifications are under user responsability : if array values or array dimensions are wrong, results are impredictable. All the arrays passed as arguments in the set methods are duplicated in MESHING object. The creation of a mesh should respect the following sequence : - setting general information (name, description, dimensions, coordinate system, ...), - setting the nodes (number and coordinates), - setting the connectivity (types, connectivity arrays,...), - group creations. The following paragraphs describe the methods that must be called when creating a mesh. An example illustrates the general procedure. The specific case of \c MED_POLYGON and \c MED_POLYHEDRA elements requires some methods that are described in \ref polygon. \section outline_meshing Outline The following sections point to various groups of MESHING methods : - Constructors : \ref MESHING_constructors, - General information : \ref MESHING_general, - Setting nodes : \ref MESHING_nodes, - Connectivity : \ref MESHING_connectivity, - Groups : \ref MESHING_group. An example of mesh creation via MESHING is given in : - C++ : \include MESHINGexample.cxx - Python: \include MESHINGexample.py */