/*! \page medsplitter MEDSPLITTER tool The purpose of MEDSPLITTER is to split MED files into a series of other MED files forming a partition of the original MED files. It can either work with serial meshes (1 to n) or distributed meshes (p to n). For serial meshes, it accepts MED files from the 2.1 version onwards. For distributed MED files, it accepts MED files from the 2.3 version onwards. It can be used either as an executable, \a medsplitter or as a library. The partitioning is made thanks to one of the following library : - METIS (http://glaros.dtc.umn.edu/gkhome/views/metis/index.html) - SCOTCH (http://www.labri.fr/perso/pelegrin/scotch/scotch_fr.html) The arguments to the medsplitter tool can be retrieved by calling : \code medsplitter --help \endcode There exists a parallel version of MEDSPLITTER, which accepts distributed MED files only. In contrast to the ordinary MEDSPLITTER the parallel one distributes several usual MED files composing the whole model among available processors. It uses parallel versions of the partitioning libraries: ParaMETIS and PT-SCOTCH. After the partitioning each processor writes only it's own part of the distributed MED file. The parallel MEDSPLITTER processes meshes only, not fields. It can be used either as an executable, \a medsplitter_para or as a library. The arguments to the medsplitter_para tool can be retrieved by calling : \code medsplitter_para --help \endcode */