/*!\mainpage MEDMEM user's guide \section intro Introduction This document is the user guide of the %MED SALOME module. The MED module consists in: - \ref S1 to manipulate meshes and fields that conform to the MED data model. This library can be used in C++ programs as in python script for data processing on meshes and fields. - \ref S2 that exhibits some useful functions of the library for a graphical manipulation of data in standard use cases. - \ref S3 that can be used to process MED data files \section S1 A library of functions for data processing The figure below represents the layer structure of the packages of the library: \image html medlayers_70pc.png The fondamentals consists in three atomic libraries: - \ref medcoupling that describes DataStructures used for cross process exchange of meshes and fields. - \ref medloader that provides I/O functions to the MED file format - \ref interptools (INTERP_KERNEL + REMAPPER) that provides mathematical structures and algorithms for interpolation and localization. You should be warned that the MEDMEM library still exists in the MED module but is considered as deprecated: - \ref medmem covers the %MEDMEM core library, i.e. the implementation of meshes, supports and fields and the associated drivers (for MED-file, VTK, GIBI). \section S2 A graphical interface for standard use cases The MED module in SALOME comes with a graphical interface that helps you to deal with most standard use case of fields manipulation. The user guide can be found here: - User guide of the MED Graphical Interface (in french) You could also be interested to read the software specifications and requirements for this graphical module, and even the technical considerations for development: - Software specifications and requirements of the MED Graphical Interface (in french) - Developer guide of the MED Graphical Interface (in french) \section S3 A set of tools for file manipulation - Chapter \ref tools describes various tools based on MEDMEM that can be helpful for handling MED files (conversion tools and splitting tools). \section install Installation The install procedure of the %MED SALOME module can handle a variety of configurations to suit the needs of its user. Instructions for configuring and installing the module an be found in \ref medmem_install. */