/*!\mainpage MEDMEM user's guide \image html MED_small.png \image latex MED_small.eps \anchor fig_MED_small \section intro Introduction This document constitutes the user guide of the %MEDMEM library and of its related tools. \section install Installation The install procedure of the %MEDMEM library can handle a variety of configurations to suit the needs of its user. Instructions for configuring and installing the library can be found in \ref medmem_install. \section outline Outline This user guide contains five different chapters that cover the core %MEDMEM and MEDCoupling libraries, the interpolation library and the associated tools: - Chapter \ref medcoupling describes DataStructures used for cross process exchange of meshes and fields. - Chapter \ref medloader describes API for I/O from or to a MED file coming from a \ref medcoupling data structure. - Chapter \ref interptools describes the interpolation and localization library. - Chapter \ref medmem covers the %MEDMEM core library, i.e. the implementation of meshes, supports and fields and the associated drivers (for MED-file, VTK, GIBI). - Chapter \ref tools describes various tools based on MEDMEM that can be helpful for handling MED files (conversion tools and splitting tools). */