/*! \page MEDCouplingMeshesPage Meshes in MEDCoupling \section MEDCouplingMeshes Common concept shared by all type of Meshes in MEDCoupling A mesh has the following properties : - name - **a dimension (called mesh dimension) and only one** (it implies that \b all cells constituting mesh have the same dimension) - a space dimension (relative to coordinates) - a number of nodes - a number of cells In MEDCoupling library there is no presence of faces nor edges. As a mesh has one dimension and only once, that is to say every cells in mesh have the same dimension called MeshDimension. For example a mesh with a meshDimension equal to 1, have \b cells of type NORM_SEG2. Another example, a mesh with a meshDimension equal to 2, have \b cells of type NORM_TRI3 and NORM_POLYGON for example. The class that incarnates the concept described above is : \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingMesh. \section MEDCouplingMeshesAvailInstan Available instantiable mesh types in MEDCoupling - \subpage MEDCouplingUMeshPage "Unstructured meshes" - \subpage MEDCouplingCMeshPage "Cartesian meshes" - \subpage MEDCouplingExtrudedPage "3D Extruded meshes" */