Usage of SAlomeTools


sat usage is a Command Line Interface (CLI).

sat [generic_options] [command] [product] [command_options]

Options of sat

Useful not exhaustive generic options of sat CLI.

–help or -h

Get help as simple text.

sat --help          # get the list of existing commands
sat --help compile  # get the help on a specific command 'compile'

–debug or -g

Execution in debug mode allows to see more trace and stack if an exception is raised.

–verbose or -v

Change verbosity level (default is 3).

# for product 'SALOME_xx' for example
# execute compile command in debug mode with trace level 4
sat -g -v 4 compile SALOME_xx

Build a SALOME product

Get the list of available products

To get the list of the current available products in your context:

sat config --list

Prepare sources of a product

To prepare (get) all the sources of a product (SALOME_xx for example):

sat prepare SALOME_xx
The sources are usually copied in directories
$USER.workDir + SALOME_xx… + SOURCES + $

Compile SALOME

To compile products:

# compile all prerequisites/products
sat compile SALOME_xx

# compile only 2 products (KERNEL and SAMPLES), if not done yet
sat compile SALOME_xx --products KERNEL,SAMPLES

# compile only 2 products, unconditionaly
sat compile SALOME_xx ---products SAMPLES --clean_all
The products are usually build in the directories
$USER.workDir + SALOME_xx… + BUILD + $

The products are usually installed in the directories
$USER.workDir + SALOME_xx… + INSTALL + $