Command compile


The compile command allows compiling the products of a SALOME application.


  • Compile a complete application:

    sat compile <application>
  • Compile only some products:

    sat compile <application> --products <product1>,<product2> ...
  • Use sat -t to duplicate the logs in the terminal (by default the log are stored and displayed with sat log command):

    sat -t compile <application> --products <product1>
  • Compile a module and its dependencies:

    sat compile <application> --products med --with_fathers
  • Compile a module and the modules depending on it (for example plugins):

    sat compile <application> --products med --with_children
  • Clean the build and install directories before starting compilation:

    sat compile <application> --products GEOM  --clean_all


    a warning will be shown if option –products is missing
    (as it will clean everything)
  • Clean only the install directories before starting compilation:

    sat compile <application> --clean_install
  • Add options for make:

    sat compile <application> --products <product> --make_flags <flags>
  • Use the –check option to execute the unit tests after compilation:

    sat compile <application> --check
  • Remove the build directory after successful compilation (some build directory like qt are big):

    sat compile <application> --products qt --clean_build_after
  • Stop the compilation as soon as the compilation of a module fails:

    sat compile <product> --stop_first_fail
  • Do not compile, just show if products are installed or not, and where is the installation:

    sat compile <application> --show

Some useful configuration pathes

The way to compile a product is defined in the pyconf file configuration. The main options are:

  • build_source : the method used to build the product (cmake/autotools/script)
  • compil_script : the compilation script if build_source is equal to “script”
  • cmake_options : additional options for cmake.
  • nb_proc : number of jobs to use with make for this product.