Command clean


The clean command removes products in the source, build, or install directories of an application. Theses directories are usually named SOURCES, BUILD, INSTALL.

Use the options to define what directories you want to suppress and to set the list of products


  • Clean all previously created build and install directories (example application as SALOME_xx):

    # take care, is long time to restore, sometimes
    sat clean SALOME-xx --build --install
  • Clean previously created build and install directories, only for products with property is_salome_module:

    sat clean SALOME-xxx --build --install \
                         --properties is_salome_module:yes

Availables options

  • --products : Products to clean.

  • --properties :

    Filter the products by their properties.
    Syntax: --properties <property>:<value>
  • --sources : Clean the product source directories.

  • --build : Clean the product build directories.

  • --install : Clean the product install directories.

  • --all : Clean the product source, build and install directories.

  • --sources_without_dev :

    Do not clean the products in development mode,
    (they could have VCS commits pending).

Some useful configuration pathes

No specific configuration.