Source code for src.test_module

#!/usr/bin/env python
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
#  Copyright (C) 2010-2013  CEA/DEN
#  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
#  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
#  version 2.1 of the License.
#  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  Lesser General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
#  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA

# Python 2/3 compatibility for execfile function
    def execfile(somefile, global_vars, local_vars):
        with open(somefile) as f:
            code = compile(, somefile, 'exec')
            exec(code, global_vars, local_vars)

import os
import sys
import datetime
import shutil
import string
import imp
import subprocess

from . import fork
import src

# directories not considered as test grids
C_IGNORE_GRIDS = ['.git', '.svn', 'RESSOURCES']


# Get directory to be used for the temporary files.
[docs]def getTmpDirDEFAULT(): if src.architecture.is_windows(): directory = os.getenv("TEMP") else: # for Linux: use /tmp/logs/{user} folder directory = os.path.join( '/tmp', 'logs', os.getenv("USER", "unknown")) return directory
[docs]class Test: def __init__(self, config, logger, tmp_working_dir, testbase="", grids=None, sessions=None, launcher="", show_desktop=True): self.grids = grids self.config = config self.logger = logger self.tmp_working_dir = tmp_working_dir self.sessions = sessions self.launcher = launcher self.show_desktop = show_desktop res = self.prepare_testbase(testbase) self.test_base_found = True if res == 1: # Fail self.test_base_found = False self.settings = {} self.known_errors = None # create section for results self.config.TESTS = src.pyconf.Sequence(self.config) self.nb_run = 0 self.nb_succeed = 0 self.nb_timeout = 0 self.nb_not_run = 0 self.nb_acknoledge = 0 def _copy_dir(self, source, target): if self.config.VARS.python >= "2.6": shutil.copytree(source, target, symlinks=True, ignore=shutil.ignore_patterns('.git*','.svn*')) else: shutil.copytree(source, target, symlinks=True)
[docs] def prepare_testbase_from_dir(self, testbase_name, testbase_dir): self.logger.write(_("get test base from dir: %s\n") % \ src.printcolors.printcLabel(testbase_dir), 3) if not os.access(testbase_dir, os.X_OK): raise src.SatException(_("testbase %(name)s (%(dir)s) does not " "exist ...\n") % { 'name': testbase_name, 'dir': testbase_dir }) self._copy_dir(testbase_dir, os.path.join(self.tmp_working_dir, 'BASES', testbase_name))
[docs] def prepare_testbase_from_git(self, testbase_name, testbase_base, testbase_tag): self.logger.write( _("get test base '%(testbase)s' with '%(tag)s' tag from git\n") % { "testbase" : src.printcolors.printcLabel(testbase_name), "tag" : src.printcolors.printcLabel(testbase_tag)}, 3) try: def set_signal(): # pragma: no cover """see""" import signal signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL) cmd = "git clone --depth 1 %(base)s %(dir)s" cmd += " && cd %(dir)s" if testbase_tag=='master': cmd += " && git fetch origin %(branch)s" else: cmd += " && git fetch origin %(branch)s:%(branch)s" cmd += " && git checkout %(branch)s" cmd = cmd % { 'branch': testbase_tag, 'base': testbase_base, 'dir': testbase_name } self.logger.write("> %s\n" % cmd, 5) if src.architecture.is_windows(): # preexec_fn not supported on windows platform res =, cwd=os.path.join(self.tmp_working_dir, 'BASES'), shell=True, stdout=self.logger.logTxtFile, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) else: res =, cwd=os.path.join(self.tmp_working_dir, 'BASES'), shell=True, preexec_fn=set_signal, stdout=self.logger.logTxtFile, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) if res != 0: raise src.SatException(_("Error: unable to get test base " "'%(name)s' from git '%(repo)s'.") % \ { 'name': testbase_name, 'repo': testbase_base }) except OSError: self.logger.error(_("git is not installed. exiting...\n")) sys.exit(0)
[docs] def prepare_testbase_from_svn(self, user, testbase_name, testbase_base): self.logger.write(_("get test base '%s' from svn\n") % \ src.printcolors.printcLabel(testbase_name), 3) try: def set_signal(): # pragma: no cover """see""" import signal signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL) cmd = "svn checkout --username %(user)s %(base)s %(dir)s" cmd = cmd % { 'user': user, 'base': testbase_base, 'dir': testbase_name } # Get the application environment self.logger.write(_("Set the application environment\n"), 5) env_appli = src.environment.SalomeEnviron(self.config, src.environment.Environ(dict(os.environ))) env_appli.set_application_env(self.logger) self.logger.write("> %s\n" % cmd, 5) if src.architecture.is_windows(): # preexec_fn not supported on windows platform res =, cwd=os.path.join(self.tmp_working_dir, 'BASES'), shell=True, stdout=self.logger.logTxtFile, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) else: res =, cwd=os.path.join(self.tmp_working_dir, 'BASES'), shell=True, preexec_fn=set_signal, stdout=self.logger.logTxtFile, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env_appli.environ.environ,) if res != 0: raise src.SatException(_("Error: unable to get test base '%(nam" "e)s' from svn '%(repo)s'.") % \ { 'name': testbase_name, 'repo': testbase_base }) except OSError: self.logger.error(_("svn is not installed. exiting...\n")) sys.exit(0) ## # Configure tests base.
[docs] def prepare_testbase(self, test_base_name): src.printcolors.print_value(self.logger, _("Test base"), test_base_name, 3) self.logger.write("\n", 3, False) # search for the test base test_base_info = None for project_name in self.config.PROJECTS.projects: project_info = self.config.PROJECTS.projects[project_name] if "test_bases" not in project_info: continue for t_b_info in project_info.test_bases: if == test_base_name: test_base_info = t_b_info if not test_base_info: if os.path.exists(test_base_name): self.prepare_testbase_from_dir("DIR", test_base_name) self.currentTestBase = "DIR" return 0 if not test_base_info: message = (_("########## ERROR: test base '%s' not found\n") % test_base_name) self.logger.write("%s\n" % src.printcolors.printcError(message)) return 1 if test_base_info.get_sources == "dir": self.prepare_testbase_from_dir(test_base_name, elif test_base_info.get_sources == "git": self.prepare_testbase_from_git(test_base_name,, self.config.APPLICATION.test_base.tag) elif test_base_info.get_sources == "svn": svn_user = src.get_cfg_param(, "svn_user", self.config.USER.svn_user) self.prepare_testbase_from_svn(svn_user, test_base_name, else: raise src.SatException(_("unknown source type '%(type)s' for test b" "ase '%(base)s' ...\n") % { 'type': test_base_info.get_sources, 'base': test_base_name }) self.currentTestBase = test_base_name ## # Searches if the script is declared in known errors pyconf. # Update the status if needed.
[docs] def search_known_errors(self, status, test_grid, test_session, test): test_path = os.path.join(test_grid, test_session, test) if not src.config_has_application(self.config): return status, [] if self.known_errors is None: return status, [] platform = self.config.VARS.arch application = self.config.VARS.application error = self.known_errors.get_error(test_path, application, platform) if error is None: return status, [] if status == src.OK_STATUS: if not error.fixed: # the error is fixed self.known_errors.fix_error(error) #import testerror #testerror.write_test_failures( # self.config.TOOLS.testerror.file_path, # self.known_errors.errors) return status, [, error.expected, error.comment, error.fixed ] if error.fixed: self.known_errors.unfix_error(error) #import testerror #testerror.write_test_failures(self.config.TOOLS.testerror.file_path, # self.known_errors.errors) delta = self.known_errors.get_expecting_days(error) kfres = [, error.expected, error.comment, error.fixed ] if delta < 0: return src.KO_STATUS, kfres return src.KNOWNFAILURE_STATUS, kfres ## # Read the * files.
[docs] def read_results(self, listTest, has_timed_out): results = {} for test in listTest: resfile = os.path.join(self.currentDir, self.currentgrid, self.currentsession, test[:-3] + "") # check if <test> file exists if not os.path.exists(resfile): results[test] = ["?", -1, "", []] else: gdic, ldic = {}, {} execfile(resfile, gdic, ldic) status = src.TIMEOUT_STATUS if not has_timed_out: status = src.KO_STATUS if ldic.has_key('status'): status = ldic['status'] expected = [] if status == src.KO_STATUS or status == src.OK_STATUS: status, expected = self.search_known_errors(status, self.currentgrid, self.currentsession, test) callback = "" if ldic.has_key('callback'): callback = ldic['callback'] elif status == src.KO_STATUS: callback = "CRASH" exec_time = -1 if ldic.has_key('time'): try: exec_time = float(ldic['time']) except: pass results[test] = [status, exec_time, callback, expected] # check if <test>.py file exists testfile = os.path.join(self.currentDir, self.currentgrid, self.currentsession, test) if not os.path.exists(testfile): results[test].append('') else: text = open(testfile, "r").read() results[test].append(text) # check if <test> file exists outfile = os.path.join(self.currentDir, self.currentgrid, self.currentsession, test[:-3] + "") if not os.path.exists(outfile): results[test].append('') else: text = open(outfile, "r").read() results[test].append(text) return results ## # Generates the script to be run by Salome. # This python script includes init and close statements and a loop # calling all the scripts of a single directory.
[docs] def generate_script(self, listTest, script_path, ignoreList): # open template file template_file = open(os.path.join(self.config.VARS.srcDir, "test", ""), 'r') template = string.Template( # create substitution dictionary d = dict() d['resourcesWay'] = os.path.join(self.currentDir, 'RESSOURCES') d['tmpDir'] = os.path.join(self.tmp_working_dir, 'WORK') d['toolsWay'] = os.path.join(self.config.VARS.srcDir, "test") d['sessionDir'] = os.path.join(self.currentDir, self.currentgrid, self.currentsession) d['resultFile'] = os.path.join(self.tmp_working_dir, 'WORK', 'exec_result') d['listTest'] = listTest d['sessionName'] = self.currentsession d['ignore'] = ignoreList # create script with template script = open(script_path, 'w') script.write(template.safe_substitute(d)) script.close() # Find the getTmpDir function that gives access to *pidict file directory. # (the *pidict file exists when SALOME is launched)
[docs] def get_tmp_dir(self): # Rare case where there is no KERNEL in grid list # (for example MED_STANDALONE) if ('APPLICATION' in self.config and 'KERNEL' not in self.config.APPLICATION.products and 'KERNEL_ROOT_DIR' not in os.environ): return getTmpDirDEFAULT # Case where "sat test" is launched in an existing SALOME environment if 'KERNEL_ROOT_DIR' in os.environ: root_dir = os.environ['KERNEL_ROOT_DIR'] if ('APPLICATION' in self.config and 'KERNEL' in self.config.APPLICATION.products): root_dir = src.product.get_product_config(self.config, "KERNEL").install_dir # Case where there the appli option is called (with path to launcher) if len(self.launcher) > 0: # There are two cases : The old application (runAppli) # and the new one launcherName = os.path.basename(self.launcher) launcherDir = os.path.dirname(self.launcher) if launcherName == 'runAppli': # Old application cmd = ("for i in " + launcherDir + "/env.d/*.sh; do source ${i};" " done ; echo $KERNEL_ROOT_DIR") else: # New application cmd = ("echo -e 'import os\nprint os.environ[\"KERNEL_" + "ROOT_DIR\"]' >; %s shell" + "") % self.launcher # OP 14/11/2017 Ajout de traces pour essayer de decouvrir le pb # de remontee de log des tests #root_dir = subprocess.Popen(cmd, # stdout=subprocess.PIPE, # shell=True, # executable='/bin/bash').communicate()[0].split()[-1] subproc_res = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, executable='/bin/bash').communicate() #print "TRACES OP - subproc_res = " for resLine in subproc_res: print "- '#%s#'" %resLine root_dir = subproc_res[0].split()[-1] # OP 14/11/2017 Ajout de traces pour essayer de decouvrir le pb # de remontee de log des tests #print "TRACES OP - root_dir = '#%s#'" %root_dir # import grid salome_utils from KERNEL that gives # the right getTmpDir function (file_, pathname, description) = imp.find_module("salome_utils", [os.path.join(root_dir, 'bin', 'salome')]) try: grid = imp.load_module("salome_utils", file_, pathname, description) return grid.getLogDir except: grid = imp.load_module("salome_utils", file_, pathname, description) return grid.getTmpDir finally: if file_: file_.close()
[docs] def get_test_timeout(self, test_name, default_value): if ("timeout" in self.settings and test_name in self.settings["timeout"]): return self.settings["timeout"][test_name] return default_value
[docs] def generate_launching_commands(self): # Case where "sat test" is launched in an existing SALOME environment if 'KERNEL_ROOT_DIR' in os.environ: binSalome = "runSalome" binPython = "python" killSalome = "" # Rare case where there is no KERNEL in grid list # (for example MED_STANDALONE) if ('APPLICATION' in self.config and 'KERNEL' not in self.config.APPLICATION.products): binSalome = "runSalome" binPython = "python" killSalome = "" src.environment.load_environment(self.config, False, self.logger) return binSalome, binPython, killSalome # Case where there the appli option is called (with path to launcher) if len(self.launcher) > 0: # There are two cases : The old application (runAppli) # and the new one launcherName = os.path.basename(self.launcher) launcherDir = os.path.dirname(self.launcher) if launcherName == 'runAppli': # Old application binSalome = self.launcher binPython = ("for i in " + launcherDir + "/env.d/*.sh; do source ${i}; done ; python") killSalome = ("for i in " + launcherDir + "/env.d/*.sh; do source ${i}; done ;'") return binSalome, binPython, killSalome else: # New application binSalome = self.launcher binPython = self.launcher + ' shell' killSalome = self.launcher + ' killall' return binSalome, binPython, killSalome # SALOME version detection and APPLI repository detection VersionSalome = src.get_salome_version(self.config) appdir = 'APPLI' if "APPLI" in self.config and "application_name" in self.config.APPLI: appdir = self.config.APPLI.application_name # Case where SALOME has NOT the launcher that uses the SalomeContext API if VersionSalome < 730: binSalome = os.path.join(self.config.APPLICATION.workdir, appdir, "runAppli") binPython = "python" killSalome = "" src.environment.load_environment(self.config, False, self.logger) return binSalome, binPython, killSalome # Case where SALOME has the launcher that uses the SalomeContext API else: launcher_name = src.get_launcher_name(self.config) binSalome = os.path.join(self.config.APPLICATION.workdir, launcher_name) binPython = binSalome + ' shell' killSalome = binSalome + ' killall' return binSalome, binPython, killSalome return binSalome, binPython, killSalome ## # Runs tests of a session (using a single instance of Salome).
[docs] def run_tests(self, listTest, ignoreList): out_path = os.path.join(self.currentDir, self.currentgrid, self.currentsession) sessionname = "%s/%s" % (self.currentgrid, self.currentsession) time_out = self.get_test_timeout(sessionname, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) time_out_salome = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT # generate wrapper script script_path = os.path.join(out_path, '') self.generate_script(listTest, script_path, ignoreList) tmpDir = self.get_tmp_dir() binSalome, binPython, killSalome = self.generate_launching_commands() if self.settings.has_key("run_with_grids") \ and self.settings["run_with_grids"].has_key(sessionname): binSalome = (binSalome + " -m %s" % self.settings["run_with_grids"][sessionname]) logWay = os.path.join(self.tmp_working_dir, "WORK", "log_cxx") status = False elapsed = -1 if self.currentsession.startswith("NOGUI_"): # runSalome -t (bash) status, elapsed = fork.batch(binSalome, self.logger, os.path.join(self.tmp_working_dir, "WORK"), [ "-t", "--shutdown-server=1", script_path ], delai=time_out, log=logWay) elif self.currentsession.startswith("PY_"): # python status, elapsed = fork.batch(binPython, self.logger, os.path.join(self.tmp_working_dir, "WORK"), [script_path], delai=time_out, log=logWay) else: opt = "-z 0" if self.show_desktop: opt = "--show-desktop=0" status, elapsed = fork.batch_salome(binSalome, self.logger, os.path.join( self.tmp_working_dir, "WORK"), [ opt, "--shutdown-server=1", script_path ], getTmpDir=tmpDir, fin=killSalome, delai=time_out, log=logWay, delaiapp=time_out_salome) self.logger.write("status = %s, elapsed = %s\n" % (status, elapsed), 5) # create the test result to add in the config object test_info = src.pyconf.Mapping(self.config) test_info.testbase = self.currentTestBase test_info.grid = self.currentgrid test_info.session = self.currentsession test_info.script = src.pyconf.Sequence(self.config) script_results = self.read_results(listTest, elapsed == time_out) for sr in sorted(script_results.keys()): self.nb_run += 1 # create script result script_info = src.pyconf.Mapping(self.config) = sr script_info.res = script_results[sr][0] script_info.time = script_results[sr][1] if script_info.res == src.TIMEOUT_STATUS: script_info.time = time_out if script_info.time < 1e-3: script_info.time = 0 callback = script_results[sr][2] if script_info.res != src.OK_STATUS and len(callback) > 0: script_info.callback = callback kfres = script_results[sr][3] if len(kfres) > 0: script_info.known_error = src.pyconf.Mapping(self.config) = kfres[0] script_info.known_error.expected = kfres[1] script_info.known_error.comment = kfres[2] script_info.known_error.fixed = kfres[3] script_info.content = script_results[sr][4] script_info.out = script_results[sr][5] # add it to the list of results test_info.script.append(script_info, '') # display the results if script_info.time > 0: exectime = "(%7.3f s)" % script_info.time else: exectime = "" sp = "." * (35 - len( self.logger.write(self.write_test_margin(3), 3) self.logger.write("script %s %s %s %s\n" % ( src.printcolors.printcLabel(, sp, src.printcolors.printc(script_info.res), exectime), 3, False) if script_info and len(callback) > 0: self.logger.write("Exception in %s\n%s\n" % \ (, src.printcolors.printcWarning(callback)), 2, False) if script_info.res == src.OK_STATUS: self.nb_succeed += 1 elif script_info.res == src.KNOWNFAILURE_STATUS: self.nb_acknoledge += 1 elif script_info.res == src.TIMEOUT_STATUS: self.nb_timeout += 1 elif script_info.res == src.NA_STATUS: self.nb_run -= 1 elif script_info.res == "?": self.nb_not_run += 1 self.config.TESTS.append(test_info, '') ## # Runs all tests of a session.
[docs] def run_session_tests(self): self.logger.write(self.write_test_margin(2), 3) self.logger.write("Session = %s\n" % src.printcolors.printcLabel( self.currentsession), 3, False) # prepare list of tests to run tests = os.listdir(os.path.join(self.currentDir, self.currentgrid, self.currentsession)) tests = filter(lambda l: l.endswith(".py"), tests) tests = sorted(tests, key=str.lower) # build list of known failures cat = "%s/%s/" % (self.currentgrid, self.currentsession) ignoreDict = {} for k in self.ignore_tests.keys(): if k.startswith(cat): ignoreDict[k[len(cat):]] = self.ignore_tests[k] self.run_tests(tests, ignoreDict) ## # Runs all tests of a grid.
[docs] def run_grid_tests(self): self.logger.write(self.write_test_margin(1), 3) self.logger.write("grid = %s\n" % src.printcolors.printcLabel( self.currentgrid), 3, False) grid_path = os.path.join(self.currentDir, self.currentgrid) sessions = [] if self.sessions is not None: sessions = self.sessions # user choice else: # use all scripts in grid sessions = filter(lambda l: l not in C_IGNORE_GRIDS, os.listdir(grid_path)) sessions = filter(lambda l: os.path.isdir(os.path.join(grid_path, l)), sessions) sessions = sorted(sessions, key=str.lower) for session_ in sessions: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(grid_path, session_)): self.logger.write(self.write_test_margin(2), 3) self.logger.write(src.printcolors.printcWarning("Session %s not" " found" % session_) + "\n", 3, False) else: self.currentsession = session_ self.run_session_tests() ## # Runs test testbase.
[docs] def run_testbase_tests(self): res_dir = os.path.join(self.currentDir, "RESSOURCES") os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = (res_dir + os.pathsep + os.environ['PYTHONPATH']) os.environ['TT_BASE_RESSOURCES'] = res_dir src.printcolors.print_value(self.logger, "TT_BASE_RESSOURCES", res_dir, 4) self.logger.write("\n", 4, False) self.logger.write(self.write_test_margin(0), 3) testbase_label = "Test base = %s\n" % src.printcolors.printcLabel( self.currentTestBase) self.logger.write(testbase_label, 3, False) self.logger.write("-" * len(src.printcolors.cleancolor(testbase_label)), 3) self.logger.write("\n", 3, False) # load settings settings_file = os.path.join(res_dir, "") if os.path.exists(settings_file): gdic, ldic = {}, {} execfile(settings_file, gdic, ldic) self.logger.write(_("Load test settings\n"), 3) self.settings = ldic['settings_dic'] self.ignore_tests = ldic['known_failures_list'] if isinstance(self.ignore_tests, list): self.ignore_tests = {} self.logger.write(src.printcolors.printcWarning("known_failur" "es_list must be a dictionary (not a list)") + "\n", 1, False) else: self.ignore_tests = {} self.settings.clear() # read known failures pyconf if "testerror" in self.config.LOCAL: #import testerror #self.known_errors = testerror.read_test_failures( # self.config.TOOLS.testerror.file_path, # do_error=False) pass else: self.known_errors = None if self.grids is not None: grids = self.grids # given by user else: # select all the grids (i.e. directories) in the directory grids = filter(lambda l: l not in C_IGNORE_GRIDS, os.listdir(self.currentDir)) grids = filter(lambda l: os.path.isdir( os.path.join(self.currentDir, l)), grids) grids = sorted(grids, key=str.lower) for grid in grids: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.currentDir, grid)): self.logger.write(self.write_test_margin(1), 3) self.logger.write(src.printcolors.printcWarning( "grid %s does not exist\n" % grid), 3, False) else: self.currentgrid = grid self.run_grid_tests()
[docs] def run_script(self, script_name): if ('APPLICATION' in self.config and script_name in self.config.APPLICATION): script = self.config.APPLICATION[script_name] if len(script) == 0: return self.logger.write("\n", 2, False) if not os.path.exists(script): self.logger.write(src.printcolors.printcWarning("WARNING: scrip" "t not found: %s" % script) + "\n", 2) else: self.logger.write(src.printcolors.printcHeader("----------- sta" "rt %s" % script_name) + "\n", 2) self.logger.write("Run script: %s\n" % script, 2) subprocess.Popen(script, shell=True).wait() self.logger.write(src.printcolors.printcHeader("----------- end" " %s" % script_name) + "\n", 2)
[docs] def run_all_tests(self): initTime = self.run_script('test_setup') self.logger.write("\n", 2, False) self.logger.write(src.printcolors.printcHeader( _("=== STARTING TESTS")) + "\n", 2) self.logger.write("\n", 2, False) self.currentDir = os.path.join(self.tmp_working_dir, 'BASES', self.currentTestBase) self.run_testbase_tests() # calculate total execution time totalTime = - initTime totalTime -= datetime.timedelta(microseconds=totalTime.microseconds) self.logger.write("\n", 2, False) self.logger.write(src.printcolors.printcHeader(_("=== END TESTS")), 2) self.logger.write(" %s\n" % src.printcolors.printcInfo(str(totalTime)), 2, False) # # Start the tests # self.run_script('test_cleanup') self.logger.write("\n", 2, False) # evaluate results res_count = "%d / %d" % (self.nb_succeed, self.nb_run - self.nb_acknoledge) res_out = _("Tests Results: %(succeed)d / %(total)d\n") % \ { 'succeed': self.nb_succeed, 'total': self.nb_run } if self.nb_succeed == self.nb_run: res_out = src.printcolors.printcSuccess(res_out) else: res_out = src.printcolors.printcError(res_out) self.logger.write(res_out, 1) if self.nb_timeout > 0: self.logger.write(_("%d tests TIMEOUT\n") % self.nb_timeout, 1) res_count += " TO: %d" % self.nb_timeout if self.nb_not_run > 0: self.logger.write(_("%d tests not executed\n") % self.nb_not_run, 1) res_count += " NR: %d" % self.nb_not_run status = src.OK_STATUS if self.nb_run - self.nb_succeed - self.nb_acknoledge > 0: status = src.KO_STATUS elif self.nb_acknoledge: status = src.KNOWNFAILURE_STATUS self.logger.write(_("Status: %s\n" % status), 3) return self.nb_run - self.nb_succeed - self.nb_acknoledge ## # Write margin to show test results.
[docs] def write_test_margin(self, tab): if tab == 0: return "" return "| " * (tab - 1) + "+ "