Source code for src.logger

#!/usr/bin/env python
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
#  Copyright (C) 2010-2012  CEA/DEN
#  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
#  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
#  version 2.1 of the License.
#  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  Lesser General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
#  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA

Implements the classes and method relative to the logging

import sys
import os
import datetime
import re
import tempfile

import src
import printcolors
import xmlManager

import src.debug as DBG

log_macro_command_file_expression = "^[0-9]{8}_+[0-9]{6}_+.*\.xml$"
log_all_command_file_expression = "^.*[0-9]{8}_+[0-9]{6}_+.*\.xml$"

[docs]class Logger(object): """\ Class to handle log mechanism. """ def __init__(self, config= None, silent_sysstd=False, all_in_terminal=False, micro_command = False): """Initialization :param config pyconf.Config: The global configuration. :param silent_sysstd boolean: if True, do not write anything in terminal. """ DBG.write("src.logger.Logger", id(self)) self.config = config self.default_level = 3 self.silentSysStd = silent_sysstd # Construct xml log file location for sat prints. prefix = "" if micro_command: prefix = "micro_" hour_command_host = (config.VARS.datehour + "_" + config.VARS.command + "_" + config.VARS.hostname) logFileName = prefix + hour_command_host + ".xml" log_dir = src.get_log_path(config) logFilePath = os.path.join(log_dir, logFileName) # Construct txt file location in order to log # the external commands calls (cmake, make, git clone, etc...) txtFileName = prefix + hour_command_host + ".txt" txtFilePath = os.path.join(log_dir, "OUT", txtFileName) src.ensure_path_exists(os.path.dirname(logFilePath)) src.ensure_path_exists(os.path.dirname(txtFilePath)) # The path of the log files (one for sat traces, and the other for # the system commands traces) self.logFileName = logFileName self.logFilePath = logFilePath self.txtFileName = txtFileName self.txtFilePath = txtFilePath # The list of all log files corresponding to the current command and # the commands called by the current command self.l_logFiles = [logFilePath, txtFilePath] # Initialize xml instance and put first fields # like beginTime, user, command, etc... self.xmlFile = xmlManager.XmlLogFile(logFilePath, "SATcommand", attrib = {"application" : config.VARS.application}) self.put_initial_xml_fields() # Initialize the txt file for reading try: self.logTxtFile = open(str(self.txtFilePath), 'w') except IOError: #msg1 = _("WARNING! Trying to write to a file that" # " is not accessible:") #msg2 = _("The logs won't be written.") #print("%s\n%s\n%s\n" % (src.printcolors.printcWarning(msg1), # src.printcolors.printcLabel(str(self.txtFilePath)), # src.printcolors.printcWarning(msg2) )) self.logTxtFile = tempfile.TemporaryFile() # If the option all_in_terminal was called, all the system commands # are redirected to the terminal if all_in_terminal: self.logTxtFile = sys.__stdout__
[docs] def put_initial_xml_fields(self): """\ Called at class initialization: Put all fields corresponding to the command context (user, time, ...) """ # command name self.xmlFile.add_simple_node("Site", attrib={"command" : self.config.VARS.command}) # version of salomeTools self.xmlFile.append_node_attrib("Site", attrib={"satversion" : self.config.INTERNAL.sat_version}) # machine name on which the command has been launched self.xmlFile.append_node_attrib("Site", attrib={"hostname" : self.config.VARS.hostname}) # Distribution of the machine self.xmlFile.append_node_attrib("Site", attrib={"OS" : self.config.VARS.dist}) # The user that have launched the command self.xmlFile.append_node_attrib("Site", attrib={"user" : self.config.VARS.user}) # The time when command was launched Y, m, dd, H, M, S = date_to_datetime(self.config.VARS.datehour) date_hour = "%2s/%2s/%4s %2sh%2sm%2ss" % (dd, m, Y, H, M, S) self.xmlFile.append_node_attrib("Site", attrib={"beginTime" : date_hour}) # The application if any if "APPLICATION" in self.config: self.xmlFile.append_node_attrib("Site", attrib={"application" : self.config.VARS.application}) # The initialization of the trace node self.xmlFile.add_simple_node("Log",text="") # The system commands logs self.xmlFile.add_simple_node("OutLog", text=os.path.join("OUT", self.txtFileName)) # The initialization of the node where # to put the links to the other sat commands that can be called by any # command self.xmlFile.add_simple_node("Links")
[docs] def write(self, message, level=None, screenOnly=False): """\ function used in the commands to print in the terminal and the log file. :param message str: The message to print. :param level int: The output level corresponding to the message 0 < level < 6. :param screenOnly boolean: if True, do not write in log file. """ # avoid traces if unittest if isCurrentLoggerUnittest(): # print("doing unittest") sendMessageToCurrentLogger(message, level) return # do not write message starting with \r to log file if not message.startswith("\r") and not screenOnly: self.xmlFile.append_node_text("Log", printcolors.cleancolor(message)) # get user or option output level current_output_verbose_level = self.config.USER.output_verbose_level if not ('isatty' in dir(sys.stdout) and sys.stdout.isatty()): # clean the message color if the terminal is redirected by user # ex: sat compile appli > log.txt message = printcolors.cleancolor(message) # Print message regarding the output level value if level: if level <= current_output_verbose_level and not self.silentSysStd: sys.stdout.write(message) else: if self.default_level <= current_output_verbose_level and not self.silentSysStd: sys.stdout.write(message) self.flush()
[docs] def error(self, message): """Print an error. :param message str: The message to print. """ # Print in the log file self.xmlFile.append_node_text("traces", _('ERROR:') + message) # Print in the terminal and clean colors if the terminal # is redirected by user if not ('isatty' in dir(sys.stderr) and sys.stderr.isatty()): sys.stderr.write(printcolors.printcError(_('ERROR:') + message)) else: sys.stderr.write(_('ERROR:') + message)
[docs] def flush(self): """Flush terminal""" sys.stdout.flush() self.logTxtFile.flush()
[docs] def end_write(self, attribute): """\ Called just after command end: Put all fields corresponding to the command end context (time). Write the log xml file on the hard drive. And display the command to launch to get the log :param attribute dict: the attribute to add to the node "Site". """ # Get current time (end of command) and format it dt = Y, m, dd, H, M, S = date_to_datetime(self.config.VARS.datehour) t0 = datetime.datetime(int(Y), int(m), int(dd), int(H), int(M), int(S)) tf = dt delta = tf - t0 total_time = timedelta_total_seconds(delta) hours = int(total_time / 3600) minutes = int((total_time - hours*3600) / 60) seconds = total_time - hours*3600 - minutes*60 # Add the fields corresponding to the end time # and the total time of command endtime = dt.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %Hh%Mm%Ss') self.xmlFile.append_node_attrib("Site", attrib={"endTime" : endtime}) self.xmlFile.append_node_attrib("Site", attrib={"TotalTime" : "%ih%im%is" % (hours, minutes, seconds)}) # Add the attribute passed to the method self.xmlFile.append_node_attrib("Site", attrib=attribute) # Call the method to write the xml file on the hard drive self.xmlFile.write_tree(stylesheet = "command.xsl") # Dump the config in a pyconf file in the log directory logDir = src.get_log_path(self.config) dumpedPyconfFileName = (self.config.VARS.datehour + "_" + self.config.VARS.command + ".pyconf") dumpedPyconfFilePath = os.path.join(logDir, 'OUT', dumpedPyconfFileName) try: f = open(dumpedPyconfFilePath, 'w') self.config.__save__(f) f.close() except IOError: pass
[docs]def date_to_datetime(date): """\ From a string date in format YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS returns list year, mon, day, hour, minutes, seconds :param date str: The date in format YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS :return: the same date and time in separate variables. :rtype: (str,str,str,str,str,str) """ Y = date[:4] m = date[4:6] dd = date[6:8] H = date[9:11] M = date[11:13] S = date[13:15] return Y, m, dd, H, M, S
[docs]def timedelta_total_seconds(timedelta): """\ Replace total_seconds from datetime module in order to be compatible with old python versions :param timedelta datetime.timedelta: The delta between two dates :return: The number of seconds corresponding to timedelta. :rtype: float """ return ( timedelta.microseconds + 0.0 + (timedelta.seconds + timedelta.days * 24 * 3600) * 10 ** 6) / 10 ** 6
[docs]def show_command_log(logFilePath, cmd, application, notShownCommands): """\ Used in updateHatXml. Determine if the log xml file logFilePath has to be shown or not in the hat log. :param logFilePath str: the path to the command xml log file :param cmd str: the command of the log file :param application str: the application passed as parameter to the salomeTools command :param notShownCommands list: the list of commands that are not shown by default :return: True if cmd is not in notShownCommands and the application in the log file corresponds to application :rtype: boolean """ # When the command is not in notShownCommands, no need to go further : # Do not show if cmd in notShownCommands: return False, None, None # Get the application of the log file try: logFileXml = src.xmlManager.ReadXmlFile(logFilePath) except Exception as e: msg = _("WARNING: the log file %s cannot be read:" % logFilePath) sys.stdout.write(printcolors.printcWarning("%s\n%s\n" % (msg, e))) return False, None, None if 'application' in logFileXml.xmlroot.keys(): appliLog = logFileXml.xmlroot.get('application') launched_cmd = logFileXml.xmlroot.find('Site').attrib['launchedCommand'] # if it corresponds, then the log has to be shown if appliLog == application: return True, appliLog, launched_cmd elif application != 'None': return False, appliLog, launched_cmd return True, appliLog, launched_cmd if application == 'None': return True, None, None return False, None, None
[docs]def list_log_file(dirPath, expression): """Find all files corresponding to expression in dirPath :param dirPath str: the directory where to search the files :param expression str: the regular expression of files to find :return: the list of files path and informations about it :rtype: list """ lRes = [] for fileName in os.listdir(dirPath): # YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_namecmd.xml sExpr = expression oExpr = re.compile(sExpr) if file_name = fileName if fileName.startswith("micro_"): file_name = fileName[len("micro_"):] # get date and hour and format it date_hour_cmd_host = file_name.split('_') date_not_formated = date_hour_cmd_host[0] date = "%s/%s/%s" % (date_not_formated[6:8], date_not_formated[4:6], date_not_formated[0:4]) hour_not_formated = date_hour_cmd_host[1] hour = "%s:%s:%s" % (hour_not_formated[0:2], hour_not_formated[2:4], hour_not_formated[4:6]) if len(date_hour_cmd_host) < 4: cmd = date_hour_cmd_host[2][:-len('.xml')] host = "" else: cmd = date_hour_cmd_host[2] host = date_hour_cmd_host[3][:-len('.xml')] lRes.append((os.path.join(dirPath, fileName), date_not_formated, date, hour_not_formated, hour, cmd, host)) return lRes
[docs]def update_hat_xml(logDir, application=None, notShownCommands = []): """\ Create the xml file in logDir that contain all the xml file and have a name like YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_namecmd.xml :param logDir str: the directory to parse :param application str: the name of the application if there is any """ # Create an instance of XmlLogFile class to create hat.xml file xmlHatFilePath = os.path.join(logDir, 'hat.xml') xmlHat = src.xmlManager.XmlLogFile(xmlHatFilePath, "LOGlist", {"application" : application}) # parse the log directory to find all the command logs, # then add it to the xml file lLogFile = list_log_file(logDir, log_macro_command_file_expression) for filePath, __, date, __, hour, cmd, __ in lLogFile: showLog, cmdAppli, full_cmd = show_command_log(filePath, cmd, application, notShownCommands) #if cmd not in notShownCommands: if showLog: # add a node to the hat.xml file xmlHat.add_simple_node("LogCommand", text=os.path.basename(filePath), attrib = {"date" : date, "hour" : hour, "cmd" : cmd, "application" : cmdAppli, "full_command" : full_cmd}) # Write the file on the hard drive xmlHat.write_tree('hat.xsl')
# TODO for future # prepare skip to logging logger sat5.1 # suppose only one logger in sat5.1 _currentLogger = []
[docs]def getCurrentLogger(): """get current logging logger, set as DefaultLogger if not set yet""" if len(_currentLogger) == 0: import src.loggingSimple as LOGSI logger = LOGSI.getDefaultLogger() _currentLogger.append(logger) logger.warning("set by default current logger as %s" % return _currentLogger[0]
[docs]def getDefaultLogger(): """get simple logging logger DefaultLogger, set it as current""" import src.loggingSimple as LOGSI logger = LOGSI.getDefaultLogger() setCurrentLogger(logger) # set it as current return logger
[docs]def getUnittestLogger(): """get simple logging logger UnittestLogger, set it as current""" import src.loggingSimple as LOGSI logger = LOGSI.getUnittestLogger() setCurrentLogger(logger) # set it as current return logger
[docs]def setCurrentLogger(logger): """temporary send all in stdout as simple logging logger""" if len(_currentLogger) == 0: _currentLogger.append(logger) logger.warning("set current logger as %s" % else: if _currentLogger[0].name != # logger.debug("quit current logger as default %s" % _currentLogger[0].name) _currentLogger[0] = logger logger.warning("change current logger as %s" % return _currentLogger[0]
[docs]def isCurrentLoggerUnittest(): logger = getCurrentLogger() if "Unittest" in res = True else: res = False DBG.write("isCurrentLoggerUnittest %s" %, res) return res
[docs]def sendMessageToCurrentLogger(message, level): """ assume relay from obsolescent logger.write(msg, 1/2/3...) to future logging.critical/warning/info...(msg) (as logging package tips) """ logger = getCurrentLogger() if level is None: lev = 2 else: lev = level if lev <= 1: logger.critical(message) return if lev == 2: logger.warning(message) return if lev == 3: return if lev == 4: logger.step(message) return if lev == 5: logger.trace(message) return if lev >= 6: logger.debug(message) return msg = "What is this level: '%s' for message:\n%s" % (level, message) logger.warning(msg) return