Source code for src.fileEnviron

#!/usr/bin/env python
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
#  Copyright (C) 2010-2013  CEA/DEN
#  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
#  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
#  version 2.1 of the License.
#  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  Lesser General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
#  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA

import os
import pprint as PP
import src.debug as DBG

@echo off

rem The following variables are used only in case of a sat package
set out_dir_Path=%~dp0
set PRODUCT_OUT_DIR=%out_dir_Path%
set prereq_install_Path=%out_dir_Path%\PREREQUISITES\INSTALL
set prereq_build_Path=%out_dir_Path%\PREREQUISITES\BUILD

#### cleandup ###
# cleanup a path (first parameter) from duplicated entries;
# second parameter is the separator
cleandup() {
out_var=`echo $1 | awk -v sep=$2 '{                      \\
     na = split($1,a,sep);                               \\
     k=0;                                                \\
     for(i=0;i<=na;i++) {                                \\
       found=0;                                          \\
       for(j=0;j<k;j++) {                                \\
         if(a[i]==aa[j])                                 \\
         {                                               \\
           found=1;                                      \\
           break;                                        \\
         };                                              \\
       };                                                \\
       if(found==0) {                                    \\
         aa[k++]=a[i];                                   \\
       };                                                \\
     };                                                  \\
     ORS=sep;                                            \\
     for(i=0;i<k;i++) {                                  \\
       print aa[i];                                      \\
     }                                                   \\
   }' | sed -e 's|\\(.*\\)$1|\\1|g' -e 's|^[:;]||' -e 's|[:;]$||'`
echo $out_var
### clean ###
clean ()
xenv=`printenv $1`
out_var=`cleandup $xenv $2`
export $1=$out_var

# The 3 following variables are used only in case of a sat package
export out_dir_Path=$(cd $(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]});pwd)
export PRODUCT_OUT_DIR=${out_dir_Path}


[SALOME Configuration]

# a generated SALOME Configuration file using python syntax

[docs]def get_file_environ(output, shell, environ=None): """Instantiate correct FileEnvironment sub-class. :param output file: the output file stream. :param shell str: the type of shell syntax to use. :param environ dict: a potential additional environment. """ if shell == "bash": return BashFileEnviron(output, environ) if shell == "bat": return BatFileEnviron(output, environ) if shell == "cfgForPy": return LauncherFileEnviron(output, environ) if shell == "cfg": return ContextFileEnviron(output, environ) raise Exception("FileEnviron: Unknown shell = %s" % shell)
[docs]class FileEnviron(object): """\ Base class for shell environment """ def __init__(self, output, environ=None): """\ Initialization :param output file: the output file stream. :param environ dict: a potential additional environment. """ self._do_init(output, environ) def __repr__(self): """\ easy non exhaustive quick resume for debug print""" res = { "output" : self.output, "environ" : self.environ, } return "%s(\n%s\n)" % (self.__class__.__name__, PP.pformat(res)) def _do_init(self, output, environ=None): """\ Initialization :param output file: the output file stream. :param environ dict: a potential additional environment. """ self.output = output self.toclean = [] if environ is not None: #if str(type(environ)) == "<type 'instance'>": if id(environ) == id(os.environ): DBG.tofix("set %s environ as python os.environ, are you sure it is safe ?" % self.__class__.__name__, True) self.environ = environ else: DBG.tofix("set %s environ as COPY of python os.environ, are you sure it is safe ?" % self.__class__.__name__, True) self.environ = dict(os.environ) #make a copy cvw 180320
[docs] def add_line(self, number): """\ Add some empty lines in the shell file :param number int: the number of lines to add """ self.output.write("\n" * number)
[docs] def add_comment(self, comment): """\ Add a comment in the shell file :param comment str: the comment to add """ self.output.write("# %s\n" % comment)
[docs] def add_echo(self, text): """\ Add a "echo" in the shell file :param text str: the text to echo """ self.output.write('echo %s"\n' % text)
[docs] def add_warning(self, warning): """\ Add a warning "echo" in the shell file :param warning str: the text to echo """ self.output.write('echo "WARNING %s"\n' % warning)
[docs] def append_value(self, key, value, sep=os.pathsep): """\ append value to key using sep :param key str: the environment variable to append :param value str: the value to append to key :param sep str: the separator string """ self.set(key, self.get(key) + sep + value) if (key, sep) not in self.toclean: self.toclean.append((key, sep))
[docs] def append(self, key, value, sep=os.pathsep): """\ Same as append_value but the value argument can be a list :param key str: the environment variable to append :param value str or list: the value(s) to append to key :param sep str: the separator string """ if isinstance(value, list): self.append_value(key, sep.join(value), sep) else: self.append_value(key, value, sep)
[docs] def prepend_value(self, key, value, sep=os.pathsep): """\ prepend value to key using sep :param key str: the environment variable to prepend :param value str: the value to prepend to key :param sep str: the separator string """ self.set(key, value + sep + self.get(key)) if (key, sep) not in self.toclean: self.toclean.append((key, sep))
[docs] def prepend(self, key, value, sep=os.pathsep): """\ Same as prepend_value but the value argument can be a list :param key str: the environment variable to prepend :param value str or list: the value(s) to prepend to key :param sep str: the separator string """ if isinstance(value, list): self.prepend_value(key, sep.join(value), sep) else: self.prepend_value(key, value, sep)
[docs] def is_defined(self, key): """\ Check if the key exists in the environment :param key str: the environment variable to check """ return (key in self.environ)
[docs] def set(self, key, value): """\ Set the environment variable 'key' to value 'value' :param key str: the environment variable to set :param value str: the value """ raise NotImplementedError("set is not implement for this shell!")
[docs] def get(self, key): """\ Get the value of the environment variable "key" :param key str: the environment variable """ return '${%s}' % key
[docs] def command_value(self, key, command): """\ Get the value given by the system command "command" and put it in the environment variable key. Has to be overwritten in the derived classes This can be seen as a virtual method :param key str: the environment variable :param command str: the command to execute """ raise NotImplementedError("command_value is not implement " "for this shell!")
[docs] def finish(self, required=True): """Add a final instruction in the out file (in case of file generation) :param required bool: Do nothing if required is False """ for (key, sep) in self.toclean: if sep != ' ': self.output.write('clean %s "%s"\n' % (key, sep))
[docs]class BashFileEnviron(FileEnviron): """\ Class for bash shell. """ def __init__(self, output, environ=None): """Initialization :param output file: the output file stream. :param environ dict: a potential additional environment. """ self._do_init(output, environ) self.output.write(bash_header)
[docs] def set(self, key, value): """Set the environment variable "key" to value "value" :param key str: the environment variable to set :param value str: the value """ self.output.write('export %s="%s"\n' % (key, value)) self.environ[key] = value
[docs] def command_value(self, key, command): """\ Get the value given by the system command "command" and put it in the environment variable key. Has to be overwritten in the derived classes This can be seen as a virtual method :param key str: the environment variable :param command str: the command to execute """ self.output.write('export %s=$(%s)\n' % (key, command))
[docs] def finish(self, required=True): """Add a final instruction in the out file (in case of file generation) :param required bool: Do nothing if required is False """ if not required: return FileEnviron.finish(self, required)
[docs]class BatFileEnviron(FileEnviron): """\ for Windows batch shell. """ def __init__(self, output, environ=None): """Initialization :param output file: the output file stream. :param environ dict: a potential additional environment. """ self._do_init(output, environ) self.output.write(bat_header)
[docs] def add_comment(self, comment): """Add a comment in the shell file :param comment str: the comment to add """ self.output.write("rem %s\n" % comment)
[docs] def get(self, key): """Get the value of the environment variable "key" :param key str: the environment variable """ return '%%%s%%' % key
[docs] def set(self, key, value): """Set the environment variable "key" to value "value" :param key str: the environment variable to set :param value str: the value """ self.output.write('set %s=%s\n' % (key, value)) self.environ[key] = value
[docs] def command_value(self, key, command): """\ Get the value given by the system command "command" and put it in the environment variable key. Has to be overwritten in the derived classes This can be seen as a virtual method :param key str: the environment variable :param command str: the command to execute """ self.output.write('%s > tmp.txt\n' % (command)) self.output.write('set /p %s =< tmp.txt\n' % (key))
[docs] def finish(self, required=True): """\ Add a final instruction in the out file (in case of file generation) In the particular windows case, do nothing :param required bool: Do nothing if required is False """ return
[docs]class ContextFileEnviron(FileEnviron): """Class for a salome context configuration file. """ def __init__(self, output, environ=None): """Initialization :param output file: the output file stream. :param environ dict: a potential additional environment. """ self._do_init(output, environ) self.output.write(cfg_header)
[docs] def set(self, key, value): """Set the environment variable "key" to value "value" :param key str: the environment variable to set :param value str: the value """ self.output.write('%s="%s"\n' % (key, value)) self.environ[key] = value
[docs] def get(self, key): """Get the value of the environment variable "key" :param key str: the environment variable """ return '%({0})s'.format(key)
[docs] def command_value(self, key, command): """\ Get the value given by the system command "command" and put it in the environment variable key. Has to be overwritten in the derived classes This can be seen as a virtual method :param key str: the environment variable :param command str: the command to execute """ raise NotImplementedError("command_value is not implement " "for salome context files!")
[docs] def add_echo(self, text): """Add a comment :param text str: the comment to add """ self.add_comment(text)
[docs] def add_warning(self, warning): """Add a warning :param text str: the warning to add """ self.add_comment("WARNING %s" % warning)
[docs] def prepend_value(self, key, value, sep=os.pathsep): """prepend value to key using sep :param key str: the environment variable to prepend :param value str: the value to prepend to key :param sep str: the separator string """ self.output.write('ADD_TO_%s: %s\n' % (key, value))
[docs] def append_value(self, key, value, sep=os.pathsep): """append value to key using sep :param key str: the environment variable to append :param value str: the value to append to key :param sep str: the separator string """ self.prepend_value(key, value)
[docs] def finish(self, required=True): """Add a final instruction in the out file (in case of file generation) :param required bool: Do nothing if required is False """ return
[docs]def special_path_separator(name): """\ TCLLIBPATH, TKLIBPATH, PV_PLUGIN_PATH environments variables need some exotic path separator. This function gives the separator regarding the name of the variable to append or prepend. :param name str: The name of the variable to find the separator """ special_blanks_keys=["TCLLIBPATH", "TKLIBPATH"] special_semicolon_keys=["PV_PLUGIN_PATH"] res=os.pathsep if name in special_blanks_keys: res=" " if name in special_semicolon_keys: res=";" return res
[docs]class LauncherFileEnviron: """\ Class to generate a launcher file script (in python syntax) SalomeContext API """ def __init__(self, output, environ=None): """Initialization :param output file: the output file stream. :param environ dict: a potential additional environment. """ self.output = output self.toclean = [] if environ is not None: self.environ = environ else: self.environ = os.environ # Initialize some variables if not "PATH" in self.environ.keys(): self.environ["PATH"]="" if not "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" in self.environ.keys(): self.environ["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"]="" if not "PYTHONPATH" in self.environ.keys(): self.environ["PYTHONPATH"]="" if not "TCLLIBPATH" in self.environ.keys(): self.environ["TCLLIBPATH"]="" if not "TKLIBPATH" in self.environ.keys(): self.environ["TKLIBPATH"]="" # four whitespaces for first indentation in a python script self.indent=" " self.prefix="context." self.setVarEnv="setVariable" self.begin=self.indent+self.prefix self.output.write(Launcher_header) self.specialKeys={"PATH": "Path", "LD_LIBRARY_PATH": "LdLibraryPath", "PYTHONPATH": "PythonPath"}
[docs] def change_to_launcher(self, value): res=value return res
[docs] def add_line(self, number): """Add some empty lines in the launcher file :param number int: the number of lines to add """ self.output.write("\n" * number)
[docs] def add_echo(self, text): """Add a comment :param text str: the comment to add """ self.output.write('# %s"\n' % text)
[docs] def add_warning(self, warning): """Add a warning :param text str: the warning to add """ self.output.write('# "WARNING %s"\n' % warning)
[docs] def append_value(self, key, value, sep=":"): """append value to key using sep :param key str: the environment variable to append :param value str: the value to append to key :param sep str: the separator string """ if self.is_defined(key) : self.add(key, value) else : self.set(key, value)
[docs] def append(self, key, value, sep=":"): """Same as append_value but the value argument can be a list :param key str: the environment variable to append :param value str or list: the value(s) to append to key :param sep str: the separator string """ if isinstance(value, list): self.append_value(key, sep.join(value), sep) else: self.append_value(key, value, sep)
[docs] def prepend_value(self, key, value, sep=":"): """prepend value to key using sep :param key str: the environment variable to prepend :param value str: the value to prepend to key :param sep str: the separator string """ if self.is_defined(key) : self.add(key, value) else : self.set(key, value)
[docs] def prepend(self, key, value, sep=":"): """Same as prepend_value but the value argument can be a list :param key str: the environment variable to prepend :param value str or list: the value(s) to prepend to key :param sep str: the separator string """ if isinstance(value, list): self.prepend_value(key, sep.join(value), sep) else: self.prepend_value(key, value, sep)
[docs] def is_defined(self, key): """Check if the key exists in the environment :param key str: the environment variable to check """ return key in self.environ.keys()
[docs] def get(self, key): """Get the value of the environment variable "key" :param key str: the environment variable """ return '${%s}' % key
[docs] def set(self, key, value): """Set the environment variable "key" to value "value" :param key str: the environment variable to set :param value str: the value """ self.output.write(self.begin+self.setVarEnv+ '(r"%s", r"%s", overwrite=True)\n' % (key, self.change_to_launcher(value))) self.environ[key] = value
[docs] def add(self, key, value): """prepend value to key using sep :param key str: the environment variable to prepend :param value str: the value to prepend to key """ if key in self.specialKeys.keys(): self.output.write(self.begin+'addTo%s(r"%s")\n' % (self.specialKeys[key], self.change_to_launcher(value))) self.environ[key]+=":"+value return sep=special_path_separator(key) self.output.write(self.indent+ '#temporary solution!!! have to be defined in API a ' '?dangerous? addToSpecial(r"%s", r"%s")\n' % (key, value)) #pathsep not precised because do not know future os launch? self.output.write(self.begin+'addToSpecial(r"%s", r"%s")\n' % (key, self.change_to_launcher(value))) self.environ[key]+=sep+value #here yes we know os for current execution
[docs] def command_value(self, key, command): """\ Get the value given by the system command "command" and put it in the environment variable key. :param key str: the environment variable :param command str: the command to execute """ self.output.write(self.indent+'#`%s`\n' % command) import shlex, subprocess args = shlex.split(command) res=subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, __ = res.communicate() self.output.write(self.begin+ self.setVarEnv+ '(r"%s", r"%s", overwrite=True)\n' % (key, out))
[docs] def add_comment(self, comment): # Special comment in case of the distène licence if comment=="DISTENE license": self.output.write(self.indent+ "#"+ self.prefix+ self.setVarEnv+ '(r"%s", r"%s", overwrite=True)\n' % ('DISTENE_LICENSE_FILE', self.change_to_launcher( 'Use global envvar: DLIM8VAR'))) self.output.write(self.indent+ "#"+ self.prefix+ self.setVarEnv+ '(r"%s", r"%s", overwrite=True)\n' % ('DLIM8VAR', self.change_to_launcher( '<your licence>'))) return if "setting environ for" in comment: self.output.write(self.indent+"#[%s]\n" % comment.split("setting environ for ")[1]) return self.output.write(self.indent+"# %s\n" % comment)
[docs] def finish(self, required=True): """\ Add a final instruction in the out file (in case of file generation) In the particular launcher case, do nothing :param required bool: Do nothing if required is False """ return
[docs]class ScreenEnviron(FileEnviron): def __init__(self, output, environ=None): self._do_init(output, environ) self.defined = {}
[docs] def add_line(self, number): pass
[docs] def add_comment(self, comment): pass
[docs] def add_echo(self, text): pass
[docs] def add_warning(self, warning): pass
[docs] def write(self, command, name, value, sign="="): import src self.output.write(" %s%s %s %s %s\n" % \ (src.printcolors.printcLabel(command), " " * (12 - len(command)), src.printcolors.printcInfo(name), sign, value))
[docs] def is_defined(self, name): return self.defined.has_key(name)
[docs] def get(self, name): return "${%s}" % name
[docs] def set(self, name, value): self.write("set", name, value) self.defined[name] = value
[docs] def prepend(self, name, value, sep=":"): if isinstance(value, list): value = sep.join(value) value = value + sep + self.get(name) self.write("prepend", name, value)
[docs] def append(self, name, value, sep=":"): if isinstance(value, list): value = sep.join(value) value = self.get(name) + sep + value self.write("append", name, value)
[docs] def command_value(self, key, command): pass
[docs] def run_env_script(self, module, script): self.write("load", script, "", sign="")
# The SALOME launcher template withProfile = """\ #! /usr/bin/env python ################################################################ # WARNING: this file is automatically generated by SalomeTools # # WARNING: and so could be overwritten at any time. # ################################################################ import os import sys import subprocess # Add the pwdPath to able to run the launcher after unpacking a package # Used only in case of a salomeTools package out_dir_Path=os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) # Preliminary work to initialize path to SALOME Python modules def __initialize(): sys.path[:0] = [ 'BIN_KERNEL_INSTALL_DIR' ] os.environ['ABSOLUTE_APPLI_PATH'] = 'KERNEL_INSTALL_DIR' # define folder to store omniorb config (initially in virtual application folder) try: from salomeContextUtils import setOmniOrbUserPath setOmniOrbUserPath() except Exception, e: print e sys.exit(1) # End of preliminary work # salome doc only works for virtual applications. Therefore we overwrite it with this function def _showDoc(modules): for module in modules: modulePath = os.getenv(module+"_ROOT_DIR") if modulePath != None: baseDir = os.path.join(modulePath, "share", "doc", "salome") docfile = os.path.join(baseDir, "gui", module.upper(), "index.html") if not os.path.isfile(docfile): docfile = os.path.join(baseDir, "tui", module.upper(), "index.html") if not os.path.isfile(docfile): docfile = os.path.join(baseDir, "dev", module.upper(), "index.html") if os.path.isfile(docfile): out, err = subprocess.Popen(["xdg-open", docfile]).communicate() else: print "Online documentation is not accessible for module:", module else: print module+"_ROOT_DIR not found!" def main(args): # Identify application path then locate configuration files __initialize() if args == ['--help']: from salomeContext import usage usage() sys.exit(0) #from salomeContextUtils import getConfigFileNames #configFileNames, args, unexisting = getConfigFileNames( args, checkExistence=True ) #if len(unexisting) > 0: # print "ERROR: unexisting configuration file(s): " + ', '.join(unexisting) # sys.exit(1) # Create a SalomeContext which parses configFileNames to initialize environment try: from salomeContext import SalomeContext, SalomeContextException SalomeContext.addToSpecial=addToSpecial context = SalomeContext(None) # Here set specific variables, if needed # context.addToPath('mypath') # context.addToLdLibraryPath('myldlibrarypath') # context.addToPythonPath('mypythonpath') # context.setVariable('myvarname', 'value') # Logger level error context.getLogger().setLevel(40) context.setVariable(r"PRODUCT_ROOT_DIR", out_dir_Path, overwrite=True) # here your local standalone environment if len(args) >1 and args[0]=='doc': _showDoc(args[1:]) return # Start SALOME, parsing command line arguments out, err, status = context.runSalome(args) sys.exit(status) except SalomeContextException, e: import logging logging.getLogger("salome").error(e) sys.exit(1) # def addToSpecial(self, name, value, pathSep=None): # add special dangerous cases: TCLLIBPATH PV_PLUGIN_PATH etc... # # TCLLIBPATH: Tcl treats the contents of that variable as a list. Be happy, for you can now use drive letters on windows. if value == '': return specialBlanksKeys=["TCLLIBPATH", "TKLIBPATH"] specialSemicolonKeys=["PV_PLUGIN_PATH"] res=os.pathsep if name in specialBlanksKeys: res=" " if name in specialSemicolonKeys: res=";" if pathSep==None: sep=res else: sep=pathSep value = os.path.expandvars(value) # expand environment variables self.getLogger().debug("Add to %s: %s", name, value) env = os.getenv(name, None) if env is None: os.environ[name] = value else: os.environ[name] = value + sep + env #explicitely or not special path separator ?whitespace, semicolon? if __name__ == "__main__": args = sys.argv[1:] main(args) # """ withProfile3 = """\ #! /usr/bin/env python3 ################################################################ # WARNING: this file is automatically generated by SalomeTools # # WARNING: and so could be overwritten at any time. # ################################################################ import os import sys import subprocess # Add the pwdPath to able to run the launcher after unpacking a package # Used only in case of a salomeTools package out_dir_Path=os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) # Preliminary work to initialize path to SALOME Python modules def __initialize(): sys.path[:0] = [ 'BIN_KERNEL_INSTALL_DIR' ] os.environ['ABSOLUTE_APPLI_PATH'] = 'KERNEL_INSTALL_DIR' # define folder to store omniorb config (initially in virtual application folder) try: from salomeContextUtils import setOmniOrbUserPath setOmniOrbUserPath() except Exception as e: print(e) sys.exit(1) # End of preliminary work # salome doc only works for virtual applications. Therefore we overwrite it with this function def _showDoc(modules): for module in modules: modulePath = os.getenv(module+"_ROOT_DIR") if modulePath != None: baseDir = os.path.join(modulePath, "share", "doc", "salome") docfile = os.path.join(baseDir, "gui", module.upper(), "index.html") if not os.path.isfile(docfile): docfile = os.path.join(baseDir, "tui", module.upper(), "index.html") if not os.path.isfile(docfile): docfile = os.path.join(baseDir, "dev", module.upper(), "index.html") if os.path.isfile(docfile): out, err = subprocess.Popen(["xdg-open", docfile]).communicate() else: print("Online documentation is not accessible for module:", module) else: print(module+"_ROOT_DIR not found!") def main(args): # Identify application path then locate configuration files __initialize() if args == ['--help']: from salomeContext import usage usage() sys.exit(0) #from salomeContextUtils import getConfigFileNames #configFileNames, args, unexisting = getConfigFileNames( args, checkExistence=True ) #if len(unexisting) > 0: # print("ERROR: unexisting configuration file(s): " + ', '.join(unexisting)) # sys.exit(1) # Create a SalomeContext which parses configFileNames to initialize environment try: from salomeContext import SalomeContext, SalomeContextException SalomeContext.addToSpecial=addToSpecial context = SalomeContext(None) # Here set specific variables, if needed # context.addToPath('mypath') # context.addToLdLibraryPath('myldlibrarypath') # context.addToPythonPath('mypythonpath') # context.setVariable('myvarname', 'value') # Logger level error context.getLogger().setLevel(40) context.setVariable(r"PRODUCT_ROOT_DIR", out_dir_Path, overwrite=True) # here your local standalone environment if len(args) >1 and args[0]=='doc': _showDoc(args[1:]) return # Start SALOME, parsing command line arguments out, err, status = context.runSalome(args) sys.exit(status) except SalomeContextException as e: import logging logging.getLogger("salome").error(e) sys.exit(1) # def addToSpecial(self, name, value, pathSep=None): # add special dangerous cases: TCLLIBPATH PV_PLUGIN_PATH etc... # # TCLLIBPATH: Tcl treats the contents of that variable as a list. Be happy, for you can now use drive letters on windows. if value == '': return specialBlanksKeys=["TCLLIBPATH", "TKLIBPATH"] specialSemicolonKeys=["PV_PLUGIN_PATH"] res=os.pathsep if name in specialBlanksKeys: res=" " if name in specialSemicolonKeys: res=";" if pathSep==None: sep=res else: sep=pathSep value = os.path.expandvars(value) # expand environment variables self.getLogger().debug("Add to %s: %s", name, value) env = os.getenv(name, None) if env is None: os.environ[name] = value else: os.environ[name] = value + sep + env #explicitely or not special path separator ?whitespace, semicolon? if __name__ == "__main__": args = sys.argv[1:] main(args) # """