Source code for src.environment

#!/usr/bin/env python
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
#  Copyright (C) 2010-2013  CEA/DEN
#  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
#  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
#  version 2.1 of the License.
#  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  Lesser General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
#  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA

import os
import subprocess
import string
import sys

import src
import src.debug as DBG
import pprint as PP

[docs]class Environ: """\ Class to manage the environment context """ def __init__(self, environ=None): """Initialization. If the environ argument is passed, the environment will be add to it, else it is the external environment. :param environ dict: """ if environ is not None: self.environ = environ else: self.environ = os.environ def __repr__(self): """easy non exhaustive quick resume for debug print""" return "%s(\n%s\n)" % (self.__class__.__name__, PP.pformat(self.environ)) def _expandvars(self, value): """\ replace some $VARIABLE into its actual value in the environment :param value str: the string to be replaced :return: the replaced variable :rtype: str """ if "$" in value: # The string.Template class is a string class # for supporting $-substitutions zt = string.Template(value) try: value = zt.substitute(self.environ) except KeyError as exc: raise src.SatException(_("Missing definition " "in environment: %s") % str(exc)) return value
[docs] def append_value(self, key, value, sep=os.pathsep): """\ append value to key using sep :param key str: the environment variable to append :param value str: the value to append to key :param sep str: the separator string """ # check if the key is already in the environment if key in self.environ: value_list = self.environ[key].split(sep) # Check if the value is already in the key value or not if not value in value_list: value_list.append(value) else: value_list.append(value_list.pop(value_list.index(value))) self.set(key, sep.join(value_list)) else: self.set(key, value)
[docs] def append(self, key, value, sep=os.pathsep): """\ Same as append_value but the value argument can be a list :param key str: the environment variable to append :param value str or list: the value(s) to append to key :param sep str: the separator string """ if isinstance(value, list): for v in value: self.append_value(key, v, sep) else: self.append_value(key, value, sep)
[docs] def prepend_value(self, key, value, sep=os.pathsep): """\ prepend value to key using sep :param key str: the environment variable to prepend :param value str: the value to prepend to key :param sep str: the separator string """ if key in self.environ: value_list = self.environ[key].split(sep) if not value in value_list: value_list.insert(0, value) else: value_list.insert(0, value_list.pop(value_list.index(value))) self.set(key, sep.join(value_list)) else: self.set(key, value)
[docs] def prepend(self, key, value, sep=os.pathsep): """\ Same as prepend_value but the value argument can be a list :param key str: the environment variable to prepend :param value str or list: the value(s) to prepend to key :param sep str: the separator string """ if isinstance(value, list): for v in value: self.prepend_value(key, v, sep) else: self.prepend_value(key, value, sep)
[docs] def is_defined(self, key): """\ Check if the key exists in the environment :param key str: the environment variable to check """ return key in self.environ.keys()
[docs] def set(self, key, value): """\ Set the environment variable "key" to value "value" :param key str: the environment variable to set :param value str: the value """ self.environ[key] = self._expandvars(value)
[docs] def get(self, key): """\ Get the value of the environment variable "key" :param key str: the environment variable """ if key in self.environ: return self.environ[key] else: return ""
[docs] def command_value(self, key, command): """\ Get the value given by the system command "command" and put it in the environment variable key :param key str: the environment variable :param command str: the command to execute """ value = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=self.environ).communicate()[0] self.environ[key] = value
[docs]class SalomeEnviron: """\ Class to manage the environment of SALOME. """ def __init__(self, cfg, environ, forBuild=False, for_package=None, enable_simple_env_script = True): """\ Initialization. :param cfg Config: the global config :param environ Environ: the Environ instance where to store the environment variables :param forBuild bool: If true, it is a launch environment, else a build one :param for_package str: If not None, produce a relative environment designed for a package. """ self.environ = environ self.cfg = cfg self.forBuild = forBuild self.for_package = for_package self.enable_simple_env_script = enable_simple_env_script self.silent = False def __repr__(self): """easy almost exhaustive quick resume for debug print""" res = { "environ" : self.environ, "forBuild" : self.forBuild, "for_package" : self.for_package, } return "%s(\n%s\n)" % (self.__class__.__name__, PP.pformat(res))
[docs] def append(self, key, value, sep=os.pathsep): """\ append value to key using sep :param key str: the environment variable to append :param value str: the value to append to key :param sep str: the separator string """ return self.environ.append(key, value, sep)
[docs] def prepend(self, key, value, sep=os.pathsep): """\ prepend value to key using sep :param key str: the environment variable to prepend :param value str: the value to prepend to key :param sep str: the separator string """ return self.environ.prepend(key, value, sep)
[docs] def is_defined(self, key): """\ Check if the key exists in the environment :param key str: the environment variable to check """ return self.environ.is_defined(key)
[docs] def get(self, key): """\ Get the value of the environment variable "key" :param key str: the environment variable """ return self.environ.get(key)
[docs] def set(self, key, value): """\ Set the environment variable "key" to value "value" :param key str: the environment variable to set :param value str: the value """ # check if value needs to be evaluated if value is not None and value.startswith("`") and value.endswith("`"): res = subprocess.Popen("echo %s" % value, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate() value = res[0].strip() return self.environ.set(key, value)
[docs] def dump(self, out): """\ Write the environment to out :param out file: the stream where to write the environment """ for k in self.environ.environ.keys(): try: value = self.get(k) except: value = "?" out.write("%s=%s\n" % (k, value))
[docs] def add_line(self, nb_line): """\ Add empty lines to the out stream (in case of file generation) :param nb_line int: the number of empty lines to add """ if 'add_line' in dir(self.environ): self.environ.add_line(nb_line)
[docs] def add_comment(self, comment): """\ Add a commentary to the out stream (in case of file generation) :param comment str: the commentary to add """ if 'add_comment' in dir(self.environ): self.environ.add_comment(comment)
[docs] def add_warning(self, warning): """\ Add a warning to the out stream (in case of file generation) :param warning str: the warning to add """ if 'add_warning' in dir(self.environ): self.environ.add_warning(warning)
[docs] def finish(self, required): """\ Add a final instruction in the out file (in case of file generation) :param required bool: Do nothing if required is False """ if 'finish' in dir(self.environ): self.environ.add_line(1) self.environ.add_comment("clean all the path") self.environ.finish(required)
[docs] def set_python_libdirs(self): """Set some generic variables for python library paths""" ver = self.get('PYTHON_VERSION') self.set('PYTHON_LIBDIR0', os.path.join('lib', 'python' + ver, 'site-packages')) self.set('PYTHON_LIBDIR1', os.path.join('lib64', 'python' + ver, 'site-packages')) self.python_lib0 = self.get('PYTHON_LIBDIR0') self.python_lib1 = self.get('PYTHON_LIBDIR1')
[docs] def get_names(self, lProducts): """\ Get the products name to add in SALOME_MODULES environment variable It is the name of the product, except in the case where the is a component name. And it has to be in SALOME_MODULES variable only if the product has the property has_salome_hui = "yes" :param lProducts list: List of products to potentially add """ lProdHasGui = [p for p in lProducts if 'properties' in src.product.get_product_config(self.cfg, p) and 'has_salome_gui' in src.product.get_product_config(self.cfg, p).properties and src.product.get_product_config(self.cfg, p).properties.has_salome_gui=='yes'] lProdName = [] for ProdName in lProdHasGui: pi = src.product.get_product_config(self.cfg, ProdName) if 'component_name' in pi: lProdName.append(pi.component_name) else: lProdName.append(ProdName) return lProdName
[docs] def set_application_env(self, logger): """\ Sets the environment defined in the APPLICATION file. :param logger Logger: The logger instance to display messages """ # add variable PRODUCT_ROOT_DIR as $workdir in APPLICATION.environ section if not present try: tmp = self.cfg.APPLICATION.environ.PRODUCT_ROOT_DIR except: self.cfg.APPLICATION.environ.PRODUCT_ROOT_DIR = src.pyconf.Reference(self.cfg, src.pyconf.DOLLAR, "workdir") DBG.write("set_application_env add default Config.APPLICATION.environ.PRODUCT_ROOT_DIR", self.cfg.APPLICATION.environ) # Set the variables defined in the "environ" section if 'environ' in self.cfg.APPLICATION: # we write PRODUCT environment it in order to conform to # self.add_comment("PRODUCT environment") self.load_cfg_environment(self.cfg.APPLICATION.environ) if self.forBuild and "build" in self.cfg.APPLICATION.environ: self.load_cfg_environment( if not self.forBuild and "launch" in self.cfg.APPLICATION.environ: self.load_cfg_environment(self.cfg.APPLICATION.environ.launch) self.add_line(1)
[docs] def set_salome_minimal_product_env(self, product_info, logger): """\ Sets the minimal environment for a SALOME product. xxx_ROOT_DIR and xxx_SRC_DIR :param product_info Config: The product description :param logger Logger: The logger instance to display messages """ # set root dir DBG.write("set_salome_minimal_product_env", product_info) root_dir = + "_ROOT_DIR" if not self.is_defined(root_dir): if 'install_dir' in product_info and product_info.install_dir: self.set(root_dir, product_info.install_dir) elif not self.silent: logger.write(" " + _("No install_dir for product %s\n") %, 5) source_in_package = src.get_property_in_product_cfg(product_info, "sources_in_package") if not self.for_package or source_in_package == "yes": # set source dir, unless no source dir if not src.product.product_is_fixed(product_info): src_dir = + "_SRC_DIR" if not self.is_defined(src_dir): if not self.for_package: self.set(src_dir, product_info.source_dir) else: self.set(src_dir, os.path.join("out_dir_Path", "SOURCES",
[docs] def set_salome_generic_product_env(self, pi): """\ Sets the generic environment for a SALOME product. :param pi Config: The product description """ # Construct XXX_ROOT_DIR env_root_dir = self.get( + "_ROOT_DIR") l_binpath_libpath = [] # create additional ROOT_DIR for CPP components if 'component_name' in pi: compo_name = pi.component_name if compo_name + "CPP" == compo_root_dir = compo_name + "_ROOT_DIR" envcompo_root_dir = os.path.join( self.cfg.TOOLS.common.install_root, compo_name ) self.set(compo_root_dir , envcompo_root_dir) bin_path = os.path.join(envcompo_root_dir, 'bin', 'salome') lib_path = os.path.join(envcompo_root_dir, 'lib', 'salome') l_binpath_libpath.append( (bin_path, lib_path) ) if src.get_property_in_product_cfg(pi, "fhs"): lib_path = os.path.join(env_root_dir, 'lib') pylib1_path = os.path.join(env_root_dir, self.python_lib0) pylib2_path = os.path.join(env_root_dir, self.python_lib1) bin_path = os.path.join(env_root_dir, 'bin') else: lib_path = os.path.join(env_root_dir, 'lib', 'salome') pylib1_path = os.path.join(env_root_dir, self.python_lib0, 'salome') pylib2_path = os.path.join(env_root_dir, self.python_lib1, 'salome') bin_path = os.path.join(env_root_dir, 'bin', 'salome') # Construct the paths to prepend to PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH and # PYTHONPATH l_binpath_libpath.append( (bin_path, lib_path) ) for bin_path, lib_path in l_binpath_libpath: if not self.forBuild: self.prepend('PATH', bin_path) if src.architecture.is_windows(): self.prepend('PATH', lib_path) else : self.prepend('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', lib_path) l = [ bin_path, lib_path, pylib1_path, pylib2_path ] self.prepend('PYTHONPATH', l)
[docs] def set_cpp_env(self, product_info): """\ Sets the generic environment for a SALOME cpp product. :param product_info Config: The product description """ # Construct XXX_ROOT_DIR env_root_dir = self.get( + "_ROOT_DIR") l_binpath_libpath = [] # Construct the paths to prepend to PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH and # PYTHONPATH bin_path = os.path.join(env_root_dir, 'bin') lib_path = os.path.join(env_root_dir, 'lib') l_binpath_libpath.append( (bin_path, lib_path) ) for bin_path, lib_path in l_binpath_libpath: if not self.forBuild: self.prepend('PATH', bin_path) if src.architecture.is_windows(): self.prepend('PATH', lib_path) else : self.prepend('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', lib_path) l = [ bin_path, lib_path, os.path.join(env_root_dir, self.python_lib0), os.path.join(env_root_dir, self.python_lib1) ] self.prepend('PYTHONPATH', l)
[docs] def load_cfg_environment(self, cfg_env): """\ Loads environment defined in cfg_env :param cfg_env Config: A config containing an environment """ # Loop on cfg_env values for env_def in cfg_env: val = cfg_env[env_def] # if it is env_script, do not do anything (reserved keyword) if env_def == "env_script": continue # if it is a dict, do not do anything if isinstance(val, src.pyconf.Mapping): continue # if it is a list, loop on its values if isinstance(val, src.pyconf.Sequence): # transform into list of strings l_val = [] for item in val: l_val.append(item) val = l_val # "_" means that the value must be prepended if env_def.startswith("_"): # separator exception for PV_PLUGIN_PATH if env_def[1:] == 'PV_PLUGIN_PATH': self.prepend(env_def[1:], val, ';') else: self.prepend(env_def[1:], val) elif env_def.endswith("_"): # separator exception for PV_PLUGIN_PATH if env_def[:-1] == 'PV_PLUGIN_PATH': self.append(env_def[:-1], val, ';') else: self.append(env_def[:-1], val) else: self.set(env_def, val)
[docs] def set_a_product(self, product, logger): """\ Sets the environment of a product. :param product str: The product name :param logger Logger: The logger instance to display messages """ # Get the informations corresponding to the product pi = src.product.get_product_config(self.cfg, product) # skip mesa products (if any) at run time, # unless use_mesa property was activated if not self.forBuild: if not ("APPLICATION" in self.cfg and "properties" in self.cfg.APPLICATION and "use_mesa" in and == "yes") : if ("properties" in pi and "is_mesa" in and == "yes") : logger.write(_("Skip mesa product %s\n") %, 4) return if self.for_package: pi.install_dir = os.path.join("out_dir_Path", self.for_package, if not self.silent: logger.write(_("Setting environment for %s\n") % product, 4) self.add_line(1) self.add_comment('setting environ for ' + product) # Do not define environment if the product is native if src.product.product_is_native(pi): if src.product.product_has_env_script(pi): self.run_env_script(pi, native=True) return # Set an additional environment for SALOME products if src.product.product_is_salome(pi): # set environment using definition of the product self.set_salome_minimal_product_env(pi, logger) self.set_salome_generic_product_env(pi) if src.product.product_is_cpp(pi): # set a specific environment for cpp modules self.set_salome_minimal_product_env(pi, logger) self.set_cpp_env(pi) if src.product.product_is_generated(pi): if "component_name" in pi: # hack the source and install directories in order to point # on the generated product source install directories install_dir_save = pi.install_dir source_dir_save = pi.source_dir name_save = pi.install_dir = os.path.join(self.cfg.APPLICATION.workdir, "INSTALL", pi.component_name) if self.for_package: pi.install_dir = os.path.join("out_dir_Path", self.for_package, pi.component_name) pi.source_dir = os.path.join(self.cfg.APPLICATION.workdir, "GENERATED", pi.component_name) = pi.component_name self.set_salome_minimal_product_env(pi, logger) self.set_salome_generic_product_env(pi) # Put original values pi.install_dir = install_dir_save pi.source_dir = source_dir_save = name_save # Put the environment define in the configuration of the product if "environ" in pi: self.load_cfg_environment(pi.environ) if self.forBuild and "build" in pi.environ: self.load_cfg_environment( if not self.forBuild and "launch" in pi.environ: self.load_cfg_environment(pi.environ.launch) # if product_info defines a env_scripts, load it if 'env_script' in pi.environ: self.run_env_script(pi, logger)
[docs] def run_env_script(self, product_info, logger=None, native=False): """\ Runs an environment script. :param product_info Config: The product description :param logger Logger: The logger instance to display messages :param native Boolean: if True load set_native_env instead of set_env """ env_script = product_info.environ.env_script # Check that the script exists if not os.path.exists(env_script): raise src.SatException(_("Environment script not found: %s") % env_script) if not self.silent and logger is not None: logger.write(" ** load %s\n" % env_script, 4) # import the script and run the set_env function try: import imp pyproduct = imp.load_source( + "_env_script", env_script) if not native: if self.forBuild and "set_env_build" in dir(pyproduct): pyproduct.set_env_build(self, product_info.install_dir, product_info.version) elif (not self.forBuild) and "set_env_launch" in dir(pyproduct): pyproduct.set_env_launch(self, product_info.install_dir, product_info.version) else: # at least this one is mandatoryi, # if set_env_build and set_env_build are not defined pyproduct.set_env(self, product_info.install_dir, product_info.version) else: # not mandatory, if set_nativ_env not defined, we do nothing if "set_nativ_env" in dir(pyproduct): pyproduct.set_nativ_env(self) except: __, exceptionValue, exceptionTraceback = sys.exc_info() print(exceptionValue) import traceback traceback.print_tb(exceptionTraceback) traceback.print_exc()
[docs] def run_simple_env_script(self, script_path, logger=None): """\ Runs an environment script. Same as run_env_script, but with a script path as parameter. :param script_path str: a path to an environment script :param logger Logger: The logger instance to display messages """ if not self.enable_simple_env_script: return # Check that the script exists if not os.path.exists(script_path): raise src.SatException(_("Environment script not found: %s") % script_path) if not self.silent and logger is not None: logger.write(" ** load %s\n" % script_path, 4) script_basename = os.path.basename(script_path) if script_basename.endswith(".py"): script_basename = script_basename[:-len(".py")] # import the script and run the set_env function try: import imp pyproduct = imp.load_source(script_basename + "_env_script", script_path) pyproduct.load_env(self) except: __, exceptionValue, exceptionTraceback = sys.exc_info() print(exceptionValue) import traceback traceback.print_tb(exceptionTraceback) traceback.print_exc()
[docs] def set_products(self, logger, src_root=None): """\ Sets the environment for all the products. :param logger Logger: The logger instance to display messages :param src_root src: the application working directory """ self.add_line(1) self.add_comment('setting environ for all products') # Make sure that the python lib dirs are set after python if "Python" in self.cfg.APPLICATION.products: self.set_a_product("Python", logger) self.set_python_libdirs() # The loop on the products for product in self.cfg.APPLICATION.products.keys(): if product == "Python": continue self.set_a_product(product, logger) self.finish(False)
[docs] def set_full_environ(self, logger, env_info): """\ Sets the full environment for products specified in env_info dictionary. :param logger Logger: The logger instance to display messages :param env_info list: the list of products """ DBG.write("set_full_environ for", env_info) # DBG.write("set_full_environ config", self.cfg.APPLICATION.environ, True) # set product environ self.set_application_env(logger) self.set_python_libdirs() # set products for product in env_info: self.set_a_product(product, logger)
[docs]class FileEnvWriter: """\ Class to dump the environment to a file. """ def __init__(self, config, logger, out_dir, src_root, env_info=None): """\ Initialization. :param cfg Config: the global config :param logger Logger: The logger instance to display messages :param out_dir str: The directory path where t put the output files :param src_root str: The application working directory :param env_info str: The list of products to add in the files. """ self.config = config self.logger = logger self.out_dir = out_dir self.src_root= src_root self.silent = True self.env_info = env_info
[docs] def write_env_file(self, filename, forBuild, shell, for_package = None): """\ Create an environment file. :param filename str: the file path :param forBuild bool: if true, the build environment :param shell str: the type of file wanted (.sh, .bat) :return: The path to the generated file :rtype: str """ if not self.silent: self.logger.write(_("Create environment file %s\n") % src.printcolors.printcLabel(filename), 3) # create then env object env_file = open(os.path.join(self.out_dir, filename), "w") tmp = src.fileEnviron.get_file_environ(env_file, shell, {}) env = SalomeEnviron(self.config, tmp, forBuild, for_package=for_package) env.silent = self.silent # Set the environment if self.env_info is not None: env.set_full_environ(self.logger, self.env_info) else: # set env from the APPLICATION env.set_application_env(self.logger) # The list of products to launch lProductsName = env.get_names(self.config.APPLICATION.products.keys()) env.set( "SALOME_MODULES", ','.join(lProductsName)) # set the products env.set_products(self.logger, src_root=self.src_root) # add cleanup and close env.finish(True) env_file.close() return
[docs] def write_cfgForPy_file(self, filename, additional_env = {}, for_package = None, with_commercial = True): """\ Append to current opened aFile a cfgForPy environment (SALOME python launcher). :param filename str: the file path :param additional_env dict: a dictionary of additional variables to add to the environment :param for_package str: If not None, produce a relative environment designed for a package. """ if not self.silent: self.logger.write(_("Create configuration file %s\n") % src.printcolors.printcLabel(, 3) # create then env object tmp = src.fileEnviron.get_file_environ(filename, "cfgForPy", {}) # environment for launch env = SalomeEnviron(self.config, tmp, forBuild=False, for_package=for_package, enable_simple_env_script = with_commercial) env.silent = self.silent if self.env_info is not None: env.set_full_environ(self.logger, self.env_info) else: # set env from PRODUCT env.set_application_env(self.logger) # The list of products to launch lProductsName = env.get_names(self.config.APPLICATION.products.keys()) env.set( "SALOME_MODULES", ','.join(lProductsName)) # set the products env.set_products(self.logger, src_root=self.src_root) # Add the additional environment if it is not empty if len(additional_env) != 0: for variable in additional_env: env.set(variable, additional_env[variable]) # add cleanup and close env.finish(True)
[docs]class Shell: """\ Definition of a Shell. """ def __init__(self, name, extension): """\ Initialization. :param name str: the shell name :param extension str: the shell extension """ = name self.extension = extension
[docs]def load_environment(config, build, logger): """\ Loads the environment (used to run the tests, for example). :param config Config: the global config :param build bool: build environement if True :param logger Logger: The logger instance to display messages """ environ = SalomeEnviron(config, Environ(os.environ), build) environ.set_application_env(logger) environ.set_products(logger) environ.finish(True)