Source code for src.debug

#!/usr/bin/env python
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-

#  Copyright (C) 2010-2018  CEA/DEN
#  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
#  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
#  version 2.1 of the License.
#  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  Lesser General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
#  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA

This file assume DEBUG functionalities use.
Print salomeTools debug messages in sys.stderr.
Show pretty print debug representation from instances of SAT classes 
(pretty print src.pyconf.Config)

| Warning: supposedly show messages in SAT development phase, not production
| Usage:
| >> import debug as DBG
| >> DBG.write("aTitle", aVariable)        # not shown in production 
| >> DBG.write("aTitle", aVariable, True)  # unconditionaly shown (as show=True)
| to set show message as development phase:
| >> DBG.push_debug(True)
| to set no show message as production phase:
| >> DBG.push_debug(False)
| to set show message temporary as development phase, only in a method:
| >> def aMethodToDebug(...):
| >>   DBG.push_debug(True)              #force show as appended status
| >>   etc. method code with some DBG.write()
| >>   DBG.pop_debug()                   #restore previous status (show or not show)
| >>   return
| to set a message for future fix, as temporary problem to not forget:
| DBG.tofix("aTitle", aVariable, True/False) #True/False in production shown, or not
| in command line interface you could redirect stderr to file 'myDebug.log':
| >> sat compile ... 2> myDebug.log   # only stderr
| >> sat compile ... &> myDebug.log   # stdout and stderr

import os
import sys
import traceback
import StringIO as SIO
import pprint as PP

_debug = [False] #support push/pop for temporary activate debug outputs

_user = os.environ['USER']
# wambeke is christian at home
_developpers = ["christian", "wambeke", "crouzet"] # crouzet, kloss ...

[docs]def indent(text, amount=2, ch=' '): """indent multi lines message""" padding = amount * ch return ''.join(padding + line for line in text.splitlines(True))
[docs]def isTypeConfig(var): """To know if var is instance from Config/pyconf""" typ = str(type(var)) # print "isTypeConfig" ,type, dir(var) if ".pyconf.Config" in typ: return True if ".pyconf.Mapping" in typ: return True if ".pyconf.Sequence" in typ: return True # print "NOT isTypeConfig %s" % typ return False
[docs]def write(title, var="", force=None, fmt="\n#### DEBUG: %s:\n%s\n"): """write sys.stderr a message if _debug[-1]==True or optionaly force=True""" if _debug[-1] or force: tvar = type(var) typ = str(tvar) if isTypeConfig(var): sys.stderr.write(fmt % (title, indent(COLS.toColor(getStrConfigDbg(var))))) return if 'UnittestStream' in typ: sys.stderr.write(fmt % (title, indent(var.getLogs()))) return if tvar is not str and tvar is not unicode: sys.stderr.write(fmt % (title, indent(PP.pformat(var)))) return sys.stderr.write(fmt % (title, indent(var))) return return
[docs]def tofix(title, var="", force=None): """ write sys.stderr a message if _debug[-1]==True or optionaly force=True use this only if no logger accessible for classic logger.warning(message) """ fmt = "\n#### TOFIX: %s:\n%s\n" write(title, var, force, fmt)
[docs]def push_debug(aBool): """set debug outputs activated, or not""" _debug.append(aBool)
[docs]def pop_debug(): """restore previous debug outputs status""" if len(_debug) > 1: return _debug.pop() else: sys.stderr.write("\nERROR: pop_debug: too much pop.") return None
[docs]def format_exception(msg, limit=None, trace=None): """ Format a stack trace and the exception information. as traceback.format_exception(), without color with traceback only if (_debug) or (DBG._user in DBG._developpers) """ etype, value, tb = sys.exc_info() if (_debug[-1]) or (_user in _developpers): res = msg if tb: res += "\nTraceback (most recent call last):\n" res += "".join(traceback.format_tb(tb, limit)) # [:-1]) res += "\n" res += "\n".join(traceback.format_exception_only(etype, value)) return res else: res = msg res += "".join(traceback.format_exception_only(etype, value)) return res
[docs]def format_color_exception(msg, limit=None, trace=None): """ Format a stack trace and the exception information. as traceback.format_exception(), with color with traceback only if (_debug) or (DBG._user in DBG._developpers) """ etype, value, tb = sys.exc_info() if (_debug[-1]) or (_user in _developpers): res = "<red>" + msg if tb: res += "<yellow>\nTraceback (most recent call last):\n" res += "".join(traceback.format_tb(tb, limit)) # [:-1]) res += "\n<red>" res += "\n".join(traceback.format_exception_only(etype, value)) return res + "<reset>" else: res = "<red>" + msg # + "<bright>" res += "".join(traceback.format_exception_only(etype, value)) return res + "<reset>"
############################################### # utilitaires divers pour debug ###############################################
[docs]class OutStream(SIO.StringIO): """ utility class for pyconf.Config output iostream """
[docs] def close(self): """ because Config.__save__ calls close() stream as file keep value before lost as self.value """ self.value = self.getvalue() SIO.StringIO.close(self)
[docs]class InStream(SIO.StringIO): """utility class for pyconf.Config input iostream""" pass
[docs]def getLocalEnv(): """get string for environment variables representation""" res = "" for i in sorted(os.environ): res += "%s : %s\n" % (i, os.environ[i]) return res
# save as initial moved as Config.__save__()
[docs]def saveConfigStd(config, aStream): """returns as file .pyconf""" indent = 0 config.__save__(aStream, indent)
[docs]def getStrConfigStd(config): """set string as saveConfigStd, as file .pyconf""" outStream = OutStream() saveConfigStd(config, outStream) return outStream.value
[docs]def getStrConfigDbg(config): """ set string as saveConfigDbg, as (path expression evaluation) for debug """ outStream = OutStream() saveConfigDbg(config, outStream) return outStream.value
[docs]def saveConfigDbg(config, aStream, indent=0, path=""): """pyconf returns multilines (path expression evaluation) for debug""" _saveConfigRecursiveDbg(config, aStream, indent, path, 0) aStream.close() # as config.__save__()
def _saveConfigRecursiveDbg(config, aStream, indent, path, nb): """pyconf inspired from Mapping.__save__""" debug = False nbp = nb + 1 # depth recursive if indent <= 0: indentp = 0 else: indentp = indent + 2 if nbp > 10: # protection # raise Exception("!!! ERROR: Circular reference after %s" % aStream.getvalue()) # raise Exception("!!! ERROR: Circular reference %s" % path) aStream.write("<red>!!! ERROR: Circular reference after %s<reset>\n" % path) return indstr = indent * ' ' # '':no indent, ' ':indent strType = str(type(config)) if debug: print "saveDbg Type", path, strType if "Sequence" in strType: for i in range(len(config)): _saveConfigRecursiveDbg(config[i], aStream, indentp, path+"[%i]" % i, nbp) return ''' if "Reference" in strType: try: #evaluate = value.resolve(config) aStream.write("<header>%s%s<reset> : %s <yellow>--> '%s'<reset>\n" % (indstr, path, config, str(config))) except Exception as e: aStream.write("<header>%s%s<reset> : <red>!!! ERROR: %s !!!<reset>\n" % (indstr, path, e.message)) return ''' try: #type config, mapping order = object.__getattribute__(config, 'order') data = object.__getattribute__(config, 'data') except: aStream.write("%s%s : '%s'\n" % (indstr, path, str(config))) return for key in sorted(data): #order): # data as sort alphabetical, order as initial order value = data[key] strType = str(type(value)) if debug: print 'strType', path, key, strType if "Config" in strType: _saveConfigRecursiveDbg(value, aStream, indentp, path+"."+key, nbp) continue if "Mapping" in strType: _saveConfigRecursiveDbg(value, aStream, indentp, path+"."+key, nbp) continue if "Sequence" in strType: for i in range(len(value)): _saveConfigRecursiveDbg([i], aStream, indentp, path+"."+key+"[%i]" % i, nbp) continue if "Expression" in strType: try: evaluate = value.evaluate(config) aStream.write("%s%s.%s : %s --> '%s'\n" % (indstr, path, key, str(value), evaluate)) except Exception as e: aStream.write("%s%s.%s : !!! ERROR: %s !!!\n" % (indstr, path, key, e.message)) continue if "Reference" in strType: try: evaluate = value.resolve(config) aStream.write("%s%s.%s : %s --> '%s'\n" % (indstr, path, key, str(value), evaluate)) except Exception as e: aStream.write("%s%s.%s : !!! ERROR: %s !!!\n" % (indstr, path, key, e.message)) continue if type(value) in [str, bool, int, type(None), unicode]: aStream.write("%s%s.%s : '%s'\n" % (indstr, path, key, str(value))) continue try: aStream.write("!!! TODO fix that %s %s%s.%s : %s\n" % (type(value), indstr, path, key, str(value))) except Exception as e: aStream.write("%s%s.%s : !!! %s\n" % (indstr, path, key, e.message))