#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2017-2019 OPEN CASCADE # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, you may download a copy of license # from https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0. """ Command line tool to insert copyright notice to a file. Usage: type "insert_copyright --help" to learn how to use tool. """ import argparse import os.path as osp import re import sys import time # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _COMMENTS = { 'cpp': '//', 'shell': '#', 'python': '#', 'auto': None, } _OWNERS = { 'cea': 'CEA/DEN', 'edf': 'EDF R&D', 'occ': 'OPEN CASCADE' } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def error_exit(msg): """ Print error message to stderr and exit. Arguments: msg (str): Error message. """ sys.stderr.write("ERROR: {}\n".format(msg)) sys.exit(-1) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def warning(msg): """ Print wating message to stderr. Arguments: msg (str): Warning message. """ sys.stderr.write("WARNING: {}\n".format(msg)) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def formats(): """ Get supported formats of comments. Returns: list[str]: List of formats. """ return list(_COMMENTS) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def search_line(lines, rex, depth=1): """ Search regexp in given lines. Arguments: lines (list[str]): List of strings. regex (str): Regular expression. depth (Optional[int]): Depth of search. Defaults to 1 line. Returns: int: Index of first matched line. """ for i in range(depth if depth >= 0 else len(lines)): if i < len(lines): if re.search(rex, lines[i]): return i return -1 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_owner(owner): """ Get owner's title Arguments: owner (str): Owner's name of alias or list of owners separated by comma. Returns: str: Owner's title. """ if owner.lower() in 'all': return get_owner('cea,edf,occ') owners = [i.strip() for i in owner.split(',')] result = [] for i in owners: i = _OWNERS.get(i.lower(), i) if i not in result: result.append(i) return ', '.join(result) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_comment(file_format): """ Get comment for given format. Arguments: format (str): Format of comments. Returns: str: Comment signature for given format; *None* for unsupported format. """ return _COMMENTS.get(file_format) if file_format else None # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_copyright(comment, owner, year): """ Generate copyright from template. Arguments: comment (str): Comment signature. owner (str): Copyright owner. year (str): Copyright year(s). Returns: list[str]: List of strings with copyright data. """ template = osp.join(osp.dirname(sys.argv[0]), 'copyright.template') try: with open(template) as fid: cp_notice = [i.strip() for i in fid.readlines()] cp_notice = [i % {'year' : year, 'owner' : owner} for i in cp_notice] cp_notice = [comment + ' ' + i if i else comment for i in cp_notice] return [i + '\n' for i in cp_notice] + ['\n'] except IOError: error_exit("cannot find copyright template") return [] # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_module_owner(module): """ Get owner of given module. Arguments: module (str): Module name. Returns: str: Module's owner. """ modules_info = osp.join(osp.dirname(sys.argv[0]), 'modules.info') owner = None try: with open(modules_info) as fid: lines = fid.readlines() index = search_line(lines, r'^{}:'.format(module), -1) if index >= 0: return get_owner(lines[index].split(":")[1].strip()) except IOError: warning("cannot find modules info file") return owner # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def autodetect_owner(filename): """ Auto-detect owner from file path. Arguments: filename (str): File path. Returns: str: Owner; *None* if owner isn't detected. """ filename = osp.realpath(filename) if osp.exists(filename): directory = osp.dirname(filename) while directory != '/': config_file = osp.join(directory, '.git', 'config') if osp.exists(config_file): try: from ConfigParser import ConfigParser except ImportError: from configparser import ConfigParser try: from StringIO import StringIO except ImportError: from io import StringIO with open(config_file) as fid: gitcfg = fid.readlines() cfg = ConfigParser() data = StringIO(''.join([l.lstrip() for l in gitcfg])) cfg.readfp(data) # pragma pylint: disable=deprecated-method url = cfg.get('remote "origin"', 'url') module = osp.split(url)[-1] if module.endswith('.git'): module = module[:-4] return get_module_owner(module) break directory = osp.dirname(directory) return None # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def autodetect_format(filename): """ Auto-detect format from filename. Arguments: filename (str): File path. Returns: str: Format of comments; *None* if format isn't detected. """ extensions = { 'cpp': ('c', 'cpp', 'cxx', 'cc', 'c++', 'h', 'hxx', 'hpp', 'hh', 'h++', 'idl', 'i'), 'shell': ('sh', 'bash', 'csh', 'cmake', 'txt', 'cfg', 'ini', 'm4'), 'python': ('py',), } rev_extensions = {e: k for k, exts in extensions.items() for e in exts} if filename and osp.isfile(filename): extension = osp.splitext(filename)[1][1:].lower() if extension in ('in',): name = osp.splitext(filename)[0] extension = osp.splitext(name)[1][1:].lower() if extension in rev_extensions: return rev_extensions[extension] try: import magic mtool = magic.open(magic.MAGIC_MIME_TYPE) mtool.load() file_formats = { 'cpp': ('text/x-c', 'text/x-c++'), 'shell': ('text/x-shellscript',), 'python': ('text/x-python',), } rev_file_formats = {f: k for k, ff in file_formats.items() for f in ff} file_format = mtool.file(filename) if file_format in rev_file_formats: return rev_file_formats[file_format] except ImportError: pass return None # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def insert_copyright(filename, owner, year, file_format): """ Insert copyright note to a file. Arguments: filename (str): File path. owner (str): Copyright owner. year (str): Copyright year(s). file_format (str): Format of comments. """ try: with open(filename) as fid: lines = fid.readlines() except IOError: warning("cannot read file: {}".format(filename)) return if file_format in ('auto',): file_format = autodetect_format(filename) if owner.lower() in ('auto',): owner = autodetect_owner(filename) or get_owner('all') else: owner = get_owner(owner) comment = get_comment(file_format) if comment is None: warning("cannot detect format") return shell_row = search_line(lines, r'^#!') \ if file_format in ('sh', 'bash', 'csh', 'py', 'python') else -1 coding_row = search_line(lines, r'coding:', 3) \ if file_format in ('py', 'python') else -1 insert_point = max(0, shell_row + 1, coding_row + 1) cp_notice = get_copyright(comment, owner, year) if cp_notice: lines[insert_point:insert_point] = cp_notice try: with open(filename, 'w') as fid: for line in lines: fid.write(line) except IOError: warning("cannot write file: {}".format(filename)) return # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def main(): """Main function.""" # Parse command line. description = "Command line tool to insert copyright notice to file(s)." parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description) help_string = "copyright owner; if not specified, tool tries to " \ "autodetect an owner from the file path; if auto-detection fails, " \ "an owner is set to '{owner}'" owner = 'auto' parser.add_argument("-o", "--owner", action="store", dest="owner", default=owner, help=help_string.format(owner=get_owner('all'))) help_string = "copyright year(s); default: current year ({year})" year = str(time.localtime().tm_year) parser.add_argument("-y", "--year", action="store", dest="year", default=year, help=help_string.format(year=year)) help_string = "format of comments ({choices}); default: {file_format}" file_format = 'auto' parser.add_argument("-f", "--format", action="store", choices=formats(), dest="format", default=file_format, help=help_string.format(file_format=file_format, choices="|".join(formats()))) help_string = "file where to insert copyright notice" parser.add_argument('files', nargs='+', metavar='FILE', help=help_string) args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) owner = args.owner year = args.year file_format = args.format files = args.files for filename in files: insert_copyright(filename, owner, year, file_format) return 0 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())