#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*- ### # Command line tool to manage SALOME configuration. # Usage: type "scfg help" to learn how to use tool. ### import sys import os from sconfig.salome_config import CfgTool, defaultConfFile ### # TODO # 1. Improve parsing of command line: each command should be defined as: # - command: name of the command # - help: help string as appears in the short description of a command in a list # of commands and as a first line of command's help # - options: (dict) see below # - parameters: (list or dict) see below # Each option should be defined with: # - title: one letter signature # - help: help string # - parameter: name of parameter if option requires a parameter # Each parameter should be defined with: # - title: as appears in help information # - optional: flag (boolean) showing if this parameter is optional # - help: help description # # Parser of command line should then automatically check validity of the command, # its parameters and options. # # 2. Usage and help information should be automaticall generated and formatted # from command description as described above. # # 3. Protect from adding same named option to a command. # # 4. Improve formatting help for command's parameters (see 1) - namely, wrapping # into a block. ### ## # function: get_tool_name # # gets a name of this command line tool (string) ## def get_tool_name(): return os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) ## # function: verbose # # returns True when in debug mode (env var VERBOSE is set to 1) ## def verbose(): return bool(os.getenv("VERBOSE", False)) ## # function: debug # # prints debug information (for debug purposes) # # Parameters: # args: output data to be printed to the screen (any printable objects) ## def debug(*args): if verbose(): print "[DEBUG]", for a in args: print a, print pass ## # function: error_exit # # prints error information and exits with non-zero status # # Parameters: # msg: error message (string) ## def error_exit(msg): print "%s: %s" % (get_tool_name(), msg) sys.exit(1) pass ## # function: get_commands # # get supported commands # # return value is a dictionary: # { cmd : ( help, opt_map ) } # here: # - cmd is a command (string) # - help is a command's general help information on a command (string) # - opt_map is a disctionary of allowed command's options: # { opt: opt_help }, where # - opt is option ("a:" if option requires a parameter or just "a" elsewhere, where # "a" is any letter) # - opt_help is a help information on the option (string). # # See also: add_command ## def get_commands(): if not globals().get("__commands__"): globals()["__commands__"] = {} return globals().get("__commands__") ## # function: add_command # # adds command to the tool # # Parameters: # cmd: command (string) # help_string: help information on the command (string) # options: options supported by the command (map {opt: opt_help}, see get_commands) ## def add_command(cmd, help_string, options): if cmd in get_commands(): debug("command %s already exists" % cmd) else: get_commands()[ cmd ] = ( help_string, options ) pass ## # function: get_opts # # gets supported options for the command # # Parameters: # cmd: command (string) # # return value is map {opt: opt_help} (see get_commands) ## def get_opts(cmd): if cmd is None: cmd = "" opts = {} try: opts = get_commands()[cmd][1] except: pass return opts ## # function: get_help # # gets help string for the command # # Parameters: # cmd: command (string) # # return value is unformatted string ## def get_help(cmd): if cmd is None: cmd = "" help_string = "" try: help_string = get_commands()[cmd][0] except: pass return help_string ## # function: format_string # # formats string into block according to the given block width # # Parameters: # s: string data # width: requested width of resulting string block # # return formatted string block ## def format_string(s, width): blocks = s.split("\n") result = [] for block in blocks: block = block.replace("\t", " [[TAB]] ") words = block.split() current_string = "" for word in words: word = word if word != "[[TAB]]" else " "*2 if not current_string: current_string = word else: if len(current_string + " " + word) <= width: current_string += " " + word else: result.append(current_string) current_string = word pass pass pass result.append(current_string) pass return "\n".join(result) ## # function: format_commands # # formats short help on all supported commands # # return string that contains formatted help on commands ## def format_commands(): commands = get_commands() # filter out tool itself commands = filter(lambda a: a != "", commands) # sort commands alphabetically commands.sort() # get max command's length max_length = max([ len(i) for i in commands]) # generate formatting string prefix = " " separator = " " fmt_string = prefix + "%" + "-%ds" % max_length + separator def _format(_c): _h = get_help(_c).split("\n")[0] _h = format_string(_h, 80-(max_length+len(prefix)+len(separator))) _h = _h.split("\n") _t = prefix + " " * max_length + separator _r = [] _r.append(_h[0]) for _i in _h[1:]: _r.append(_t + _i) return "\n".join(_r) return "\n".join([ fmt_string % i + _format(i) for i in commands]) ## # function: format_list_options # # formats short help on commands's options to be inserted into short help info on a command # # Parameters: # cmd: command (string) # # return string that contains formatted help ## def format_list_options(cmd): opts = get_opts(cmd) return "".join([" [%s]" % i for i in opts.keys()]) ## # function: format_options # # formats help on commands's options to be inserted after short help info on a command # # Parameters: # cmd: command (string) # # return string that contains formatted help ## def format_options(cmd): opts = get_opts(cmd) opts_names = opts.keys() if not opts: return "" # get max command's length max_length = max([ len(i) for i in opts_names]) # generate formatting string prefix = " " separator = " " fmt_string = prefix + "%" + "-%ds" % max_length + separator def _format(_o): _h = opts[_o] _h = format_string(_h, 80-(max_length+len(prefix)+len(separator))) _h = _h.split("\n") _t = prefix + " " * max_length + separator _r = [] _r.append(_h[0]) for _i in _h[1:]: _r.append(_t + _i) return "\n".join(_r) return "\n" + "\n".join([ fmt_string % i + _format(i) for i in opts_names]) + "\n" ## # function: usage # # prints help and exits with zero status # # Parameters: # cmd: command (string) ## def usage(cmd=None): if cmd is None: cmd = "" if cmd not in get_commands(): error_exit("unknown command: %s" % cmd) fmt = {} fmt[ "prg" ] = get_tool_name() fmt[ "cmd" ] = get_tool_name() if not cmd else cmd fmt[ "cmd_list" ] = format_commands() fmt[ "opts" ] = format_list_options(cmd) fmt[ "opt_list" ] = format_options(cmd) help_string = get_help(cmd) help_string = help_string.replace("\t", " ") print help_string.format(**fmt) sys.exit(0) pass ## # function: parse_cmd_line # # parses command line; prints error and exits if unsupported command # or option is specified # # Parameters: # args: arguments being parsed (list of strings) ## def parse_cmd_line(args): tool_opts, cmd, cmd_opts, tgt, params = {}, None, {}, None, [] args.reverse() commands = get_commands() while args: a = args.pop() if a == "-": # empty option error_exit("empty option is not allowed") if a.startswith("-"): allowed_opts = get_opts(cmd).keys() allowed_opts = dict([(i[1], len(i)>2) for i in allowed_opts]) processed_opts = tool_opts if cmd is None else cmd_opts cmd_descr = "" if cmd is None else " for command '%s'" % cmd opts = a[1:] while opts: o = opts[0] opts = opts[1:] if o == "-": # "--" format is not supported error_exit("invalid format of option") elif o in allowed_opts.keys(): if allowed_opts[o]: # supported option; requires parameter if opts: processed_opts[ o ] = opts opts = [] elif args and not args[-1].startswith("-") and not args[-1] in commands: processed_opts[ o ] = args.pop() else: error_exit("option %s%s requires argument" % (o, cmd_descr)) else: # supported option; does not require parameter processed_opts[ o ] = None pass pass else: # unsupported option error_exit("unknown option: -%s%s" % (o, cmd_descr)) pass # while opts pass elif not cmd: cmd = a if cmd not in commands: # unsupported command error_exit("unknown command: %s" % cmd) pass elif not tgt: tgt = a pass else: params += [ a ] return tool_opts, cmd, cmd_opts, tgt, params ## # function: main # # main entry point of the tool ## def main(): # set-up commands # - tool itself help_string = "Command line tool to manage SALOME configuration.\n\n" help_string += "Usage: {prg}{opts} COMMAND [ARGS]\n" help_string += "{opt_list}\n" help_string += "Supported commands:\n" help_string += "{cmd_list}\n\n" help_string += "See '{prg} help COMMAND' for more information on a specific command." options = {} options [ "-s FILE" ] = "Path to the configuration file; default: %s." % defaultConfFile() add_command("", help_string, options) # - help command help_string = "Display help information about this tool.\n\n" help_string += "Usage: {prg} {cmd}{opts}\n" help_string += "{opt_list}" add_command("help", help_string, {}) # - set command help_string = "Create or modify configuration object.\n\n" help_string += "Usage: {prg} {cmd}{opts} TARGET [PARAM VALUE ...]\n\n" help_string += "\tTARGET: configuration object being created / modified\n" help_string += "\tPARAM: parameter of the target object\n" help_string += "\tVALUE: value to be assigned to the attribute of the target object\n" help_string += "{opt_list}" add_command("set", help_string, {}) # - get command help_string = "Get parameter of configuration object.\n\n" help_string += "Usage: {prg} {cmd}{opts} TARGET PARAM\n\n" help_string += "\tTARGET: configuration object being inspected\n" help_string += "\tPARAM: parameter of the target object\n" help_string += "{opt_list}" add_command("get", help_string, {}) # - remove command help_string = "Remove configuration object or its attribute(s).\n\n" help_string += "Usage: {prg} {cmd}{opts} TARGET [PARAM ...]\n\n" help_string += "\tTARGET: configuration object\n" help_string += "\tPARAM: attribute of the target object\n" help_string += "{opt_list}" add_command("remove", help_string, {}) # - dump command help_string = "Dump configuration.\n\n" help_string += "Usage: {prg} {cmd}{opts} [TARGET]\n\n" help_string += "\tTARGET: optional configuration object (if not specified,\n" help_string += "\t all configuration is dumped).\n" help_string += "{opt_list}" add_command("dump", help_string, {}) # - verify command help_string = "Verify configuration.\n\n" help_string += "Usage: {prg} {cmd}{opts} [TARGET]\n\n" help_string += "\tTARGET: optional configuration object (if not specified,\n" help_string += "\t all configuration is verified).\n" help_string += "{opt_list}" add_command("verify", help_string, {}) # - clean command help_string = "Clean configuration.\n\n" help_string += "Usage: {prg} {cmd}{opts}\n" help_string += "{opt_list}" add_command("clean", help_string, {}) # parse command line opts, cmd, cmd_opts, tgt, params = parse_cmd_line(sys.argv[1:]) debug("parse command line: options =", opts, "; command =", cmd, "; command options =", cmd_opts, "; target =", tgt, "; arguments =", params) # process command if not cmd or cmd == "help": # show help and exit usage(tgt) pass try: # check if custom source file is specified src_file = opts["s"] if opts.has_key("s") else None debug("source file:", src_file) # create config tool cfg_tool = CfgTool(src_file) debug("cfg tool:", cfg_tool) # TODO: we should not check commands in a switch-like block below; # instead processing should be done automatically basing on the # predefined set of commands (TODO) if cmd == "get": if not tgt: error_exit("%s: target is not specified!" % cmd) if len(params) < 1: error_exit("%s: parameter of target %s is not specified!" % (cmd, tgt)) # only one parameter can be read! if len(params) > 1: error_exit("%s: can't read more than one parameter at once!" % cmd) def _toString(v): if v is None: return "" elif type(v) is list: return " ".join(v) else: return v print _toString(cfg_tool.get(tgt, params[0])) pass elif cmd == "set": if not tgt: error_exit("%s: target is not specified!" % cmd) # empty parameters list is allowed! cfg_tool.set(tgt, *params) pass elif cmd == "remove": if not tgt: error_exit("%s: target is not specified!" % cmd) # empty parameters list is allowed! cfg_tool.remove(tgt, *params) pass elif cmd == "dump": if len(params) > 0: error_exit("%s: command does not support parameters!" % cmd) # empty target is allowed! cfg_tool.dump(tgt) pass elif cmd == "verify": if len(params) > 0: error_exit("%s: command does not support parameters!" % cmd) # empty target is allowed! errors = [] if cfg_tool.verify(tgt, errors): msg = " (no products found)" if not cfg_tool.get("cfg", "products") else "" print "Configuration is valid%s." % msg else: raise Exception("Configuration is invalid:\n"+ "\n".join(errors)) pass elif cmd == "clean": if tgt: error_exit("%s: command does not support target!" % cmd) if len(params) > 0: error_exit("%s: command does not support parameters!" % cmd) # empty target is allowed! cfg_tool.clean() pass else: # unknown command: normally we should not go here error_exit("unknown command: %s" % cmd) pass pass except Exception, e: error_exit(e) pass if __name__ == "__main__": main()