# Copyright (C) 2012-2024 CEA, EDF, OPEN CASCADE # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com # # Author: A.Geay, V. Sandler, A. Bruneton # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set-up global policies #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CMAKE_POLICY(SET CMP0003 NEW) # Ensure proper linker behavior IF(WIN32) CMAKE_POLICY(SET CMP0020 OLD) # Disable automatic linking to qtmain.lib ENDIF(WIN32) CMAKE_POLICY(SET CMP0053 NEW) # For correct Qt 5 detection procedure IF(CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL 3.12) CMAKE_POLICY(SET CMP0074 NEW) # Use ROOT variables when detecting packages ENDIF() IF(CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL 3.18) CMAKE_POLICY(SET CMP0057 NEW) ENDIF() #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # LIST_CONTAINS is a macro useful for determining whether a list has a # particular entry #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MACRO(LIST_CONTAINS var value) SET(${var}) FOREACH(value2 ${ARGN}) IF(${value} STREQUAL "${value2}") SET(${var} TRUE) ENDIF (${value} STREQUAL "${value2}") ENDFOREACH (value2) ENDMACRO(LIST_CONTAINS) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The PARSE_ARGUMENTS macro will take the arguments of another macro and # define several variables. # # USAGE: PARSE_ARGUMENTS(prefix arg_names options arg1 arg2...) # # ARGUMENTS: # # prefix: IN: a prefix to put on all variables it creates. # # arg_names: IN: a list of names. # For each item in arg_names, PARSE_ARGUMENTS will create a # variable with that name, prefixed with prefix_. Each variable will be filled # with the arguments that occur after the given arg_name is encountered # up to the next arg_name or the end of the arguments. All options are # removed from these lists. PARSE_ARGUMENTS also creates a # prefix_DEFAULT_ARGS variable containing the list of all arguments up # to the first arg_name encountered. # # options: IN: a list of options. # For each item in options, PARSE_ARGUMENTS will create a # variable with that name, prefixed with prefix_. So, for example, if prefix is # MY_MACRO and options is OPTION1;OPTION2, then PARSE_ARGUMENTS will # create the variables MY_MACRO_OPTION1 and MY_MACRO_OPTION2. These # variables will be set to true if the option exists in the command line # or false otherwise. # arg_names and options lists should be quoted. # # The rest of PARSE_ARGUMENTS are arguments from another macro to be parsed. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MACRO(PARSE_ARGUMENTS prefix arg_names option_names) SET(DEFAULT_ARGS) FOREACH(arg_name ${arg_names}) SET(${prefix}_${arg_name}) ENDFOREACH(arg_name) FOREACH(option ${option_names}) SET(${prefix}_${option} FALSE) ENDFOREACH(option) SET(current_arg_name DEFAULT_ARGS) SET(current_arg_list) FOREACH(arg ${ARGN}) LIST_CONTAINS(is_arg_name ${arg} ${arg_names}) IF (is_arg_name) SET(${prefix}_${current_arg_name} ${current_arg_list}) SET(current_arg_name ${arg}) SET(current_arg_list) ELSE (is_arg_name) LIST_CONTAINS(is_option ${arg} ${option_names}) IF (is_option) SET(${prefix}_${arg} TRUE) ELSE (is_option) SET(current_arg_list ${current_arg_list} ${arg}) ENDIF (is_option) ENDIF (is_arg_name) ENDFOREACH(arg) SET(${prefix}_${current_arg_name} ${current_arg_list}) ENDMACRO(PARSE_ARGUMENTS) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # SALOME_INSTALL_SCRIPTS is a macro useful for installing scripts. # # USAGE: SALOME_INSTALL_SCRIPTS(file_list path [WORKING_DIRECTORY dir] [DEF_PERMS] [TARGET_NAME name]) # # ARGUMENTS: # file_list: IN : list of files to be installed. This list should be quoted. # path: IN : full pathname for installing. # # By default files to be installed as executable scripts. # If DEF_PERMS option is provided, than permissions for installed files are # only OWNER_WRITE, OWNER_READ, GROUP_READ, and WORLD_READ. # WORKING_DIRECTORY option may be used to specify the relative or absolute # path to the directory containing source files listed in file_list argument. # If TARGET_NAME option is specified, the name of the target being created # with this macro is returned via the given variable. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MACRO(SALOME_INSTALL_SCRIPTS file_list path) PARSE_ARGUMENTS(SALOME_INSTALL_SCRIPTS "WORKING_DIRECTORY;TARGET_NAME;EXTRA_DPYS" "DEF_PERMS" ${ARGN}) SET(PERMS OWNER_READ OWNER_WRITE GROUP_READ WORLD_READ) IF(NOT SALOME_INSTALL_SCRIPTS_DEF_PERMS) SET(PERMS ${PERMS} OWNER_EXECUTE GROUP_EXECUTE WORLD_EXECUTE) ENDIF(NOT SALOME_INSTALL_SCRIPTS_DEF_PERMS) SET(_all_pyc) SET(_all_pyo) FOREACH(file ${file_list}) SET(PREFIX "") SET(_source_prefix "") GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(file_name ${file} NAME) IF(NOT IS_ABSOLUTE ${file}) SET(_source_prefix "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/") IF(SALOME_INSTALL_SCRIPTS_WORKING_DIRECTORY) SET(PREFIX "${SALOME_INSTALL_SCRIPTS_WORKING_DIRECTORY}/") SET(_source_prefix "${SALOME_INSTALL_SCRIPTS_WORKING_DIRECTORY}/") ENDIF(SALOME_INSTALL_SCRIPTS_WORKING_DIRECTORY) ENDIF(NOT IS_ABSOLUTE ${file}) INSTALL(FILES ${PREFIX}${file} DESTINATION ${path} PERMISSIONS ${PERMS}) GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(ext ${file} EXT) GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(we_ext ${file} NAME_WE) IF(ext STREQUAL .py) # Generate and install the pyc and pyo # [ABN] Important: we avoid references or usage of CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX which is not correctly set # when using CPack. SET(_pyc_file "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${we_ext}.cpython-${PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR}${PYTHON_VERSION_MINOR}.pyc") SET(_pyo_file "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${we_ext}.cpython-${PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR}${PYTHON_VERSION_MINOR}.opt-1.pyc") LIST(APPEND _all_pyc ${_pyc_file}) LIST(APPEND _all_pyo ${_pyo_file}) ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND( OUTPUT ${_pyc_file} ${_pyo_file} COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -c "from py_compile import compile; compile('${_source_prefix}${file}', '${_pyc_file}', doraise=True, optimize=0); compile('${_source_prefix}${file}', '${_pyo_file}', doraise=True, optimize=1)" DEPENDS ${PREFIX}${file} VERBATIM ) # Install the .pyo and the .pyc INSTALL(FILES ${_pyc_file} DESTINATION ${path}/__pycache__ PERMISSIONS ${PERMS}) INSTALL(FILES ${_pyo_file} DESTINATION ${path}/__pycache__ PERMISSIONS ${PERMS}) ENDIF(ext STREQUAL .py) # get relative path (from CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR to CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR) STRING(REGEX REPLACE ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} "" rel_dir ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) # convert "/" to "_" IF(rel_dir) STRING(REGEX REPLACE "/" "_" unique_name ${rel_dir}) ELSE(rel_dir) SET(unique_name _) ENDIF(rel_dir) ENDFOREACH(file ${file_list}) # Generate only one target for all requested Python script compilation. # Make sure that the target name is unique too. IF(_all_pyc) SET(_cnt 0) WHILE(TARGET "PYCOMPILE${unique_name}_${_cnt}") MATH(EXPR _cnt ${_cnt}+1) ENDWHILE() SET(_target_name "PYCOMPILE${unique_name}_${_cnt}") ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(${_target_name} ALL DEPENDS ${_all_pyc} ${_all_pyo}) IF(SALOME_INSTALL_SCRIPTS_TARGET_NAME) SET(${SALOME_INSTALL_SCRIPTS_TARGET_NAME} ${_target_name}) ENDIF(SALOME_INSTALL_SCRIPTS_TARGET_NAME) IF(SALOME_INSTALL_SCRIPTS_EXTRA_DPYS) ADD_DEPENDENCIES(${_target_name} ${SALOME_INSTALL_SCRIPTS_EXTRA_DPYS}) ENDIF(SALOME_INSTALL_SCRIPTS_EXTRA_DPYS) ENDIF() ENDMACRO(SALOME_INSTALL_SCRIPTS) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # SALOME_CONFIGURE_FILE is a macro useful for copying a file to another location # and modify its contents. # # USAGE: SALOME_CONFIGURE_FILE(in_file out_file [INSTALL dir [EXEC_PERMS]]) # # ARGUMENTS: # in_file: IN : input file (if relative path is given, full file path is computed from current source dir). # out_file: IN : output file (if relative path is given, full file path is computed from current build dir). # If INSTALL is specified, then 'out_file' will be installed to the 'dir' directory. # In this case, EXEC_PERMS can be used to set execution permission for installed file. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MACRO(SALOME_CONFIGURE_FILE IN_FILE OUT_FILE) IF(IS_ABSOLUTE ${IN_FILE}) SET(_in_file ${IN_FILE}) ELSE() SET(_in_file ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${IN_FILE}) ENDIF() IF(IS_ABSOLUTE ${OUT_FILE}) SET(_out_file ${OUT_FILE}) ELSE() SET(_out_file ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${OUT_FILE}) ENDIF() MESSAGE(STATUS "Creation of ${_out_file}") CONFIGURE_FILE(${_in_file} ${_out_file} @ONLY) PARSE_ARGUMENTS(SALOME_CONFIGURE_FILE "INSTALL" "EXEC_PERMS" ${ARGN}) IF(SALOME_CONFIGURE_FILE_INSTALL) SET(PERMS OWNER_READ OWNER_WRITE GROUP_READ WORLD_READ) IF(SALOME_CONFIGURE_FILE_EXEC_PERMS) SET(PERMS ${PERMS} OWNER_EXECUTE GROUP_EXECUTE WORLD_EXECUTE) ENDIF(SALOME_CONFIGURE_FILE_EXEC_PERMS) INSTALL(FILES ${_out_file} DESTINATION ${SALOME_CONFIGURE_FILE_INSTALL} PERMISSIONS ${PERMS}) ENDIF(SALOME_CONFIGURE_FILE_INSTALL) ENDMACRO(SALOME_CONFIGURE_FILE) ####################################################################################### # Useful macros for SALOME own package detection system # ### # SALOME_CHECK_EQUAL_PATHS(result path1 path2) # Check if two paths are identical, resolving links. If the paths do not exist a simple # text comparison is performed. # result is a boolean. ### MACRO(SALOME_CHECK_EQUAL_PATHS varRes path1 path2) SET("${varRes}" OFF) IF(EXISTS "${path1}") GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(_tmp1 "${path1}" REALPATH) ELSE() SET(_tmp1 "${path1}") ENDIF() IF(EXISTS "${path2}") GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(_tmp2 "${path2}" REALPATH) ELSE() SET(_tmp2 "${path2}") ENDIF() IF("${_tmp1}" STREQUAL "${_tmp2}") SET("${varRes}" ON) ENDIF() # MESSAGE(${${varRes}}) ENDMACRO() #### # SALOME_LOG_OPTIONAL_PACKAGE(pkg flag) # # Register in global variables the detection status (found or not) of the optional package 'pkg' # and the configuration flag that should be turned off to avoid detection of the package. # The global variables are read again by SALOME_PACKAGE_REPORT_AND_CHECK to produce # a summary report of the detection status and stops the process if necessary. MACRO(SALOME_LOG_OPTIONAL_PACKAGE pkg flag) # Was the package found STRING(TOUPPER ${pkg} _pkg_UC) IF(${pkg}_FOUND OR ${_pkg_UC}_FOUND) SET(_isFound TRUE) ELSE() SET(_isFound FALSE) ENDIF() # Is the package already in the list? Then update its status: LIST(FIND _SALOME_OPTIONAL_PACKAGES_names ${pkg} _result) IF(NOT ${_result} EQUAL -1) LIST(REMOVE_AT _SALOME_OPTIONAL_PACKAGES_found ${_result}) LIST(REMOVE_AT _SALOME_OPTIONAL_PACKAGES_flags ${_result}) LIST(INSERT _SALOME_OPTIONAL_PACKAGES_found ${_result} ${_isFound}) LIST(INSERT _SALOME_OPTIONAL_PACKAGES_flags ${_result} ${flag}) ELSE() # Otherwise insert it LIST(APPEND _SALOME_OPTIONAL_PACKAGES_names ${pkg}) LIST(APPEND _SALOME_OPTIONAL_PACKAGES_found ${_isFound}) LIST(APPEND _SALOME_OPTIONAL_PACKAGES_flags ${flag}) ENDIF() ENDMACRO(SALOME_LOG_OPTIONAL_PACKAGE) #### # SALOME_JUSTIFY_STRING() # # Justifies the string specified as an argument to the given length # adding required number of spaces to the end. Does noting if input # string is longer as required length. # Puts the result to the output variable. # # USAGE: SALOME_JUSTIFY_STRING(input length result) # # ARGUMENTS: # input [in] input string # length [in] required length of resulting string # result [out] name of variable where the result string is put to # MACRO(SALOME_JUSTIFY_STRING input length result) SET(${result} ${input}) STRING(LENGTH ${input} _input_length) MATH(EXPR _nb_spaces "${length}-${_input_length}-1") IF (_nb_spaces GREATER 0) FOREACH(_idx RANGE ${_nb_spaces}) SET(${result} "${${result}} ") ENDFOREACH() ENDIF() ENDMACRO(SALOME_JUSTIFY_STRING) #### # SALOME_PACKAGE_REPORT_AND_CHECK() # # Print a quick summary of the detection of optional prerequisites. # If a package was not found, the configuration is stopped. The summary also indicates # which flag should be turned off to skip the detection of the package. # # If optional JUSTIFY argument is specified, names of packages # are left-justified to the given length; default value is 10. # # USAGE: SALOME_PACKAGE_REPORT_AND_CHECK([JUSTIFY length]) # MACRO(SALOME_PACKAGE_REPORT_AND_CHECK) SET(_will_fail OFF) PARSE_ARGUMENTS(SALOME_PACKAGE_REPORT "JUSTIFY" "" ${ARGN}) IF(SALOME_PACKAGE_REPORT_JUSTIFY) SET(_length ${SALOME_PACKAGE_REPORT_JUSTIFY}) ELSE() SET(_length 23) ENDIF() IF(DEFINED _SALOME_OPTIONAL_PACKAGES_names) MESSAGE(STATUS "") MESSAGE(STATUS " Optional packages - Detection report ") MESSAGE(STATUS " ==================================== ") MESSAGE(STATUS "") LIST(LENGTH _SALOME_OPTIONAL_PACKAGES_names _list_len) # Another CMake stupidity - FOREACH(... RANGE r) generates r+1 numbers ... MATH(EXPR _range "${_list_len}-1") FOREACH(_idx RANGE ${_range}) LIST(GET _SALOME_OPTIONAL_PACKAGES_names ${_idx} _pkg_name) LIST(GET _SALOME_OPTIONAL_PACKAGES_found ${_idx} _pkg_found) LIST(GET _SALOME_OPTIONAL_PACKAGES_flags ${_idx} _pkg_flag) SALOME_JUSTIFY_STRING(${_pkg_name} ${_length} _pkg_name) IF(_pkg_found) SET(_found_msg "Found") SET(_flag_msg "") ELSE() SET(_will_fail ON) SET(_found_msg "NOT Found") SET(_flag_msg " - ${_pkg_flag} can be switched OFF to skip this prerequisite.") ENDIF() MESSAGE(STATUS " * ${_pkg_name} -> ${_found_msg}${_flag_msg}") ENDFOREACH() MESSAGE(STATUS "") MESSAGE(STATUS "") ENDIF(DEFINED _SALOME_OPTIONAL_PACKAGES_names) # Failure if some packages were missing: IF(_will_fail) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Some required prerequisites have NOT been found. Take a look at the report above to fix this.") ENDIF() ENDMACRO(SALOME_PACKAGE_REPORT_AND_CHECK) #### # SALOME_FIND_PACKAGE(englobingPackageName standardPackageName modus [onlyTryQuietly]) # # example: SALOME_FIND_PACKAGE(SalomeVTK VTK CONFIG) # # Encapsulate the call to the standard FIND_PACKAGE(standardPackageName) passing all the options # given when calling the command FIND_PACKAGE(SalomeXYZ). Those options are stored implicitly in # CMake variables: xyz__FIND_QUIETLY, xyz_FIND_REQUIRED, etc ... # # If a list of components was specified when invoking the initial FIND_PACKAGE(SalomeXyz ...) this is # also handled properly. # # Modus is either MODULE or CONFIG (cf standard FIND_PACKAGE() documentation). # The last argument is optional and if set to TRUE will force the search to be OPTIONAL and QUIET. # If the package is looked for in CONFIG mode, the standard system paths are skipped. If you still want a # system installation to be found in this mode, you have to set the ROOT_DIR variable explicitly to /usr (for # example). # # This macro is to be called from within the FindSalomeXXXX.cmake file. # #### MACRO(SALOME_FIND_PACKAGE englobPkg stdPkg mode) SET(_OPT_ARG ${ARGV3}) # Only bother if the package was not already found: # Some old packages use the lower case version - standard should be to always use # upper case: STRING(TOUPPER ${stdPkg} stdPkgUC) IF(NOT (${stdPkg}_FOUND OR ${stdPkgUC}_FOUND)) IF(${englobPkg}_FIND_QUIETLY OR _OPT_ARG) SET(_tmp_quiet "QUIET") ELSE() SET(_tmp_quiet) ENDIF() IF(${englobPkg}_FIND_REQUIRED AND NOT _OPT_ARG) SET(_tmp_req "REQUIRED") ELSE() SET(_tmp_req) ENDIF() IF(${englobPkg}_FIND_VERSION_EXACT) SET(_tmp_exact "EXACT") ELSE() SET(_tmp_exact) ENDIF() # Call the CMake FIND_PACKAGE() command: STRING(TOLOWER ${stdPkg} _pkg_lc) IF(("${mode}" STREQUAL "NO_MODULE") OR ("${mode}" STREQUAL "CONFIG")) # Hope to find direclty a CMake config file, indicating the SALOME CMake file # paths (the command already looks in places like "share/cmake", etc ... by default) # Note the options NO_CMAKE_BUILDS_PATH, NO_CMAKE_PACKAGE_REGISTRY to avoid (under Windows) # looking into a previous CMake build done via a GUI, or into the Win registry. # NO_CMAKE_SYSTEM_PATH and NO_SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT_PATH ensure any _system_ files like 'xyz-config.cmake' # don't get loaded (typically Boost). To force their loading, set the XYZ_ROOT_DIR variable to '/usr'. # See documentation of FIND_PACKAGE() for full details. # Do we need to call the signature using components? IF(${englobPkg}_FIND_COMPONENTS) FIND_PACKAGE(${stdPkg} ${${englobPkg}_FIND_VERSION} ${_tmp_exact} NO_MODULE ${_tmp_quiet} ${_tmp_req} COMPONENTS ${${englobPkg}_FIND_COMPONENTS} PATH_SUFFIXES "salome_adm/cmake_files" "adm_local/cmake_files" "adm/cmake" NO_CMAKE_BUILDS_PATH NO_CMAKE_PACKAGE_REGISTRY NO_CMAKE_SYSTEM_PACKAGE_REGISTRY NO_CMAKE_SYSTEM_PATH NO_SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT_PATH) ELSE() FIND_PACKAGE(${stdPkg} ${${englobPkg}_FIND_VERSION} ${_tmp_exact} NO_MODULE ${_tmp_quiet} ${_tmp_req} PATH_SUFFIXES "salome_adm/cmake_files" "adm_local/cmake_files" "adm/cmake" NO_CMAKE_BUILDS_PATH NO_CMAKE_PACKAGE_REGISTRY NO_CMAKE_SYSTEM_PACKAGE_REGISTRY NO_CMAKE_SYSTEM_PATH NO_SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT_PATH) ENDIF() MARK_AS_ADVANCED(${stdPkg}_DIR) ELSEIF("${mode}" STREQUAL "MODULE") # Do we need to call the signature using components? IF(${englobPkg}_FIND_COMPONENTS) FIND_PACKAGE(${stdPkg} ${${englobPkg}_FIND_VERSION} ${_tmp_exact} MODULE ${_tmp_quiet} ${_tmp_req} COMPONENTS ${${englobPkg}_FIND_COMPONENTS}) ELSE() FIND_PACKAGE(${stdPkg} ${${englobPkg}_FIND_VERSION} ${_tmp_exact} MODULE ${_tmp_quiet} ${_tmp_req}) ENDIF() ELSE() MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Invalid mode argument in the call to the macro SALOME_FIND_PACKAGE. Should be CONFIG or MODULE.") ENDIF() ENDIF() ENDMACRO() #################################################################### # SALOME_FIND_PACKAGE_AND_DETECT_CONFLICTS(pkg referenceVariable upCount) # pkg : name of the system package to be detected # referenceVariable: variable containing a path that can be browsed up to # retrieve the package root directory (xxx_ROOT_DIR) # upCount : number of times we have to go up from the path # to obtain the package root directory. # If this is a path to a file, going up one time gives the directory containing the file # going up 2 times gives the parent directory. # # For example: SALOME_FIND_PACKAGE_DETECT_CONFLICTS(SWIG SWIG_EXECUTABLE 2) # with SWIG_EXECUTABLE set to '/usr/bin/swig' # will produce '/usr' # # Generic detection (and conflict check) procedure for package XYZ: # 1. Load a potential env variable XYZ_ROOT_DIR as a default choice for the cache entry XYZ_ROOT_DIR # If empty, load a potential XYZ_ROOT_DIR_EXP as default value (path exposed by another package depending # directly on XYZ) # 2. Invoke FIND_PACKAGE() in this order: # * in CONFIG mode first (if possible): priority is given to a potential # "XYZ-config.cmake" file # * then switch to the standard MODULE mode, appending on CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH # the above XYZ_ROOT_DIR variable # 3. Extract the path actually found into a temp variable _XYZ_TMP_DIR # 4. Warn if XYZ_ROOT_DIR is set and doesn't match what was found (e.g. when CMake found the system installation # instead of what is pointed to by XYZ_ROOT_DIR - happens when a typo in the content of XYZ_ROOT_DIR). # 5. Conflict detection: # * check the temp variable against a potentially existing XYZ_ROOT_DIR_EXP # 6. Finally expose what was *actually* found in XYZ_ROOT_DIR. # 7. Specific stuff: for example exposing a prerequisite of XYZ to the rest of the world for future # conflict detection. This is added after the call to the macro by the callee. # MACRO(SALOME_FIND_PACKAGE_AND_DETECT_CONFLICTS pkg referenceVariable upCount) ## ## 0. Initialization ## PARSE_ARGUMENTS(SALOME_FIND_PACKAGE_AND_DETECT_CONFLICTS "ENVVAR" "" ${ARGN}) # Package name, upper case STRING(TOUPPER ${pkg} pkg_UC) ## ## 1. Load environment or any previously detected root dir for the package ## SET(_envvar ${pkg_UC}_ROOT_DIR) IF(SALOME_FIND_PACKAGE_AND_DETECT_CONFLICTS_ENVVAR) SET(_envvar "${SALOME_FIND_PACKAGE_AND_DETECT_CONFLICTS_ENVVAR}") ENDIF() IF(DEFINED ENV{${_envvar}}) FILE(TO_CMAKE_PATH "$ENV{${_envvar}}" _${pkg_UC}_ROOT_DIR_ENV) SET(_dflt_value "${_${pkg_UC}_ROOT_DIR_ENV}") ELSE() # will be blank if no package was previously loaded: SET(_dflt_value "${${pkg_UC}_ROOT_DIR_EXP}") ENDIF() # Detect if the variable has been set on the command line or elsewhere: IF(DEFINED ${_envvar}) SET(_var_already_there TRUE) ELSE() SET(_var_already_there FALSE) ENDIF() # Make cache entry SET(${_envvar} "${_dflt_value}" CACHE PATH "Path to ${pkg_UC} directory") ## ## 2. Find package - try CONFIG mode first (i.e. looking for XYZ-config.cmake) ## # Override the variable - don't append to it, as it would give precedence # to what was stored there before! IF(DEFINED ${_envvar}) SET(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH "${${_envvar}}") ENDIF() # Try find_package in config mode. This has the priority, but is # performed QUIET and not REQUIRED: SALOME_FIND_PACKAGE("Salome${pkg}" ${pkg} NO_MODULE TRUE) IF (${pkg_UC}_FOUND OR ${pkg}_FOUND) MESSAGE(STATUS "Found ${pkg} in CONFIG mode!") ENDIF() # Otherwise try the standard way (module mode, with the standard CMake Find*** macro): # We do it quietly to produce our own error message, except if we are in debug mode: IF(SALOME_CMAKE_DEBUG) SALOME_FIND_PACKAGE("Salome${pkg}" ${pkg} MODULE FALSE) ELSE() SALOME_FIND_PACKAGE("Salome${pkg}" ${pkg} MODULE TRUE) ENDIF() # Set the "FOUND" variable for the SALOME wrapper: IF(${pkg_UC}_FOUND OR ${pkg}_FOUND) SET(SALOME${pkg_UC}_FOUND TRUE) ELSE() SET(SALOME${pkg_UC}_FOUND FALSE) IF(NOT Salome${pkg}_FIND_QUIETLY) IF(Salome${pkg}_FIND_REQUIRED) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Package ${pkg} couldn't be found - did you set the corresponing root dir correctly? " "It currently contains ${_envvar}=${${_envvar}} " "Append -DSALOME_CMAKE_DEBUG=ON on the command line if you want to see the original CMake error.") ELSE() MESSAGE(WARNING "Package ${pkg} couldn't be found - did you set the corresponing root dir correctly? " "It currently contains ${_envvar}=${${_envvar}} " "Append -DSALOME_CMAKE_DEBUG=ON on the command line if you want to see the original CMake error.") ENDIF() ENDIF() ENDIF() IF (${pkg_UC}_FOUND OR ${pkg}_FOUND) ## 3. Set the root dir which was finally retained by going up "upDir" times ## from the given reference path. The variable "referenceVariable" may be a list. ## In this case we take its first element. # First test if the variable exists, warn otherwise: IF(NOT DEFINED ${referenceVariable}) MESSAGE(WARNING "${pkg}: the reference variable '${referenceVariable}' used when calling the macro " "SALOME_FIND_PACKAGE_AND_DETECT_CONFLICTS() is not defined.") ENDIF() LIST(LENGTH ${referenceVariable} _tmp_len) IF(_tmp_len) LIST(GET ${referenceVariable} 0 _tmp_ROOT_DIR) ELSE() # Note the double de-reference of "referenceVariable": SET(_tmp_ROOT_DIR "${${referenceVariable}}") ENDIF() # Up count can be reset by detection procedure SET(_upCount ${upCount}) IF(DEFINED ${pkg_UC}_UPCOUNT) SET(_upCount ${${pkg_UC}_UPCOUNT}) ENDIF() IF(${_upCount} GREATER 0) FOREACH(_unused RANGE 1 ${_upCount}) GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(_tmp_ROOT_DIR "${_tmp_ROOT_DIR}" PATH) ENDFOREACH() ENDIF() ## ## 4. Warn if CMake found something not located under ENV(XYZ_ROOT_DIR) ## IF(DEFINED ENV{${_envvar}}) SALOME_CHECK_EQUAL_PATHS(_res "${_tmp_ROOT_DIR}" "${_${pkg_UC}_ROOT_DIR_ENV}") IF(NOT _res) MESSAGE(WARNING "${pkg} was found, but not at the path given by the " "environment ${_envvar}! Is the variable correctly set? " "The two paths are: ${_tmp_ROOT_DIR} and: ${_${pkg_UC}_ROOT_DIR_ENV}") ELSE() MESSAGE(STATUS "${pkg} found directory matches what was specified in the ${_envvar} variable, all good!") ENDIF() ELSE() IF(NOT _var_already_there) MESSAGE(STATUS "Variable ${_envvar} was not explicitly defined. " "An installation was found anyway: ${_tmp_ROOT_DIR}") ENDIF() ENDIF() ## ## 5. Conflict detection ## From another prerequisite using the package: ## IF(${pkg_UC}_ROOT_DIR_EXP) SALOME_CHECK_EQUAL_PATHS(_res "${_tmp_ROOT_DIR}" "${${pkg_UC}_ROOT_DIR_EXP}") IF(NOT _res) MESSAGE(WARNING "Warning: ${pkg}: detected version conflicts with a previously found ${pkg}!" " The two paths are " ${_tmp_ROOT_DIR} " vs " ${${pkg_UC}_ROOT_DIR_EXP}) ELSE() MESSAGE(STATUS "${pkg} directory matches what was previously exposed by another prereq, all good!") ENDIF() ENDIF() ## ## 6. Save the detected installation ## SET(${_envvar} "${_tmp_ROOT_DIR}") ELSE() MESSAGE(STATUS "${pkg} was not found.") ENDIF() SET(Salome${pkg}_FOUND "${pkg}_FOUND") ENDMACRO(SALOME_FIND_PACKAGE_AND_DETECT_CONFLICTS) #################################################################### # SALOME_ADD_MPI_TO_HDF5() # # Overload the HDF5 flags so that they also contain MPI references. # This is to be used when HDF5 was compiled with MPI support; MACRO(SALOME_ADD_MPI_TO_HDF5) SET(HDF5_INCLUDE_DIRS ${HDF5_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${MPI_INCLUDE_DIRS}) SET(HDF5_DEFINITIONS "${HDF5_DEFINITIONS} ${MPI_DEFINITIONS}") SET(HDF5_LIBRARIES ${HDF5_LIBRARIES} ${MPI_LIBRARIES}) ENDMACRO(SALOME_ADD_MPI_TO_HDF5) #################################################################### # SALOME_TOHEXA() # Convert a number (smaller than 16) into hexadecimal representation # with a leading 0. MACRO(SALOME_TOHEXA num result) SET(_hexa_map a b c d e f) IF(${num} LESS 10) SET(${result} "0${num}") ELSE() MATH(EXPR _res "${num}-10" ) LIST(GET _hexa_map ${_res} _out) SET(${result} "0${_out}") ENDIF() ENDMACRO(SALOME_TOHEXA) #################################################################### # SALOME_XVERSION() # # Computes hexadecimal version of SALOME package # # USAGE: SALOME_XVERSION(package) # # ARGUMENTS: # # package: IN: SALOME package name # # The macro reads SALOME package version from PACKAGE_VERSION variable # (note package name in uppercase as assumed for SALOME modules); # hexadecimal version value in form 0xAABBCC (where AA, BB and CC are # major, minor and maintenance components of package version in # hexadecimal form) is put to the PACKAGE_XVERSION variable MACRO(SALOME_XVERSION pkg) STRING(TOUPPER ${pkg} _pkg_UC) IF(${_pkg_UC}_VERSION) SET(_major) SET(_minor) SET(_patch) SALOME_TOHEXA(${${_pkg_UC}_MAJOR_VERSION} _major) SALOME_TOHEXA(${${_pkg_UC}_MINOR_VERSION} _minor) SALOME_TOHEXA(${${_pkg_UC}_PATCH_VERSION} _patch) SET(${_pkg_UC}_XVERSION "0x${_major}${_minor}${_patch}") ENDIF() ENDMACRO(SALOME_XVERSION) ######################################################################### # SALOME_ACCUMULATE_HEADERS() # # This macro is called in the various FindSalomeXYZ.cmake modules to accumulate # internally the list of include headers to be saved for future export. # The full set of include is saved in a variable called # _${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRA_HEADERS # MACRO(SALOME_ACCUMULATE_HEADERS lst) FOREACH(l IN LISTS ${lst}) LIST(FIND _${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRA_HEADERS "${l}" _res) IF(_res EQUAL "-1") IF(NOT "${l}" STREQUAL "/usr/include") LIST(APPEND _${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRA_HEADERS "${l}") ENDIF() ENDIF() ENDFOREACH() ENDMACRO(SALOME_ACCUMULATE_HEADERS) ######################################################################### # SALOME_ACCUMULATE_ENVIRONMENT() # # USAGE: SALOME_ACCUMULATE_ENVIRONMENT(envvar value [value ...]) # # ARGUMENTS: # envvar [in] environment variable name, e.g. PATH # value [in] value(s) to be added to environment variable # # This macro is called in the various FindSalomeXYZ.cmake modules to # accumulate environment variables, to be used later to run some command # in proper environment. # # 1. Each envrironment variable is stored in specific CMake variable # _${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRA_ENV_, where is name of variable. # 2. Full list of environment variable names is stored in CMake variable # _${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRA_ENV. # # Notes: # - The arguments list can include optional CHECK or NOCHECK keywords: # * For all arguments following CHECK keyword the macro perform an # additional check (see below); this is the default mode, it is suitable # for path variables (PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, etc). # * For all arguments following NOCHECK keyword, no additional check is # performed. # Checking an argument means that we check: # - That the path actually exists # - That this is not a standard system path (starting with "/usr"); this avoids # polluting LD_LIBRARY_PATH or PATH with things like "/usr/lib64" ... # MACRO(SALOME_ACCUMULATE_ENVIRONMENT envvar) SET(_is_check ON) FOREACH(_item ${ARGN}) IF(${_item} STREQUAL "NOCHECK") SET(_is_check OFF) ELSEIF(${_item} STREQUAL "CHECK") SET(_is_check ON) ELSE() IF(_is_check) IF(NOT IS_DIRECTORY ${_item}) IF(TARGET ${_item}) GET_TARGET_PROPERTY(_target_type ${_item} TYPE) IF(NOT ${_target_type} STREQUAL "INTERFACE_LIBRARY") GET_TARGET_PROPERTY(_item ${_item} LOCATION) ENDIF() ENDIF() GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(_item ${_item} PATH) ENDIF() IF(EXISTS ${_item}) STRING(REGEX MATCH "^(/usr|/lib|/bin)" _usr_find ${_item}) LIST(FIND _${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRA_ENV_${envvar} ${_item} _res) IF(NOT _usr_find AND _res EQUAL -1) LIST(APPEND _${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRA_ENV_${envvar} ${_item}) ENDIF() ENDIF() ELSE(_is_check) LIST(FIND _${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRA_ENV_${envvar} ${_item} _res) IF( _res EQUAL -1) LIST(APPEND _${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRA_ENV_${envvar} ${_item}) ENDIF() ENDIF(_is_check) ENDIF() ENDFOREACH() LIST(FIND _${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRA_ENV ${envvar} _res) IF(_res EQUAL -1) LIST(APPEND _${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRA_ENV ${envvar}) ENDIF() SET(_${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRA_ENV_FULL "SET\(${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRA_ENV ${_${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRA_ENV}\)") FOREACH(_res ${_${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRA_ENV}) STRING(REPLACE "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}" "\${PACKAGE_PREFIX_DIR}" _res_path "${_${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRA_ENV_${_res}}") SET(_${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRA_ENV_FULL "${_${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRA_ENV_FULL}\nSET\(${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRA_ENV_${_res} ${_res_path}\)") ENDFOREACH() ENDMACRO(SALOME_ACCUMULATE_ENVIRONMENT) ######################################################################### # SALOME_GENERATE_ENVIRONMENT_SCRIPT() # # USAGE: SALOME_GENERATE_ENVIRONMENT_SCRIPT(output script cmd opts) # # ARGUMENTS: # output [out] output command, e.g. for creation of target. # script [in] output environement script name # cmd [in] input command, e.g. sphinx or python command. # opts [in] options for input command (cmd). # # This macro is called when it's necessary to use given environment to run some command. # Macro generates environement script using previously created variables # _${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRA_ENV_, where is name of variable and # _${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRA_ENV (see marco SALOME_ACCUMULATE_ENVIRONMENT); # and puts generated command in proper environment into argument. To ignore # _${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRA_ENV_ and _${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRA_ENV variables set # environment variable 'SALOME_HAS_GLOBAL_ENV=1' # # NAMED ARGUMENTS: # CONTEXT: is used under Windows platform only to generate command file. See explanations # below. # CONTEXT_NAME: is used under Windows platform only to generate command file. See # explanations below. # ADDITIONAL_VARIABLES: list of the additional variables to write into environment script. # Each item of this list should be in the 'Variable=Value' format. # # # Notes: # - If