#!/bin/bash ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/bin/salome/envSalome.py python ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/bin/salome/runSalome.py $* # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # examples: # --------- # $: ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/bin/salome/runSalome # # - parameters for launching are taken from SalomeApp.xml; # - if the config file does not exist, it is created with default values. # # # $: ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/bin/salome/runSalome --modules=GEOM,SMESH,VISU,SUPERV,MED --embedded=registry,study,moduleCatalog,cppContainer --standalone=pyContainer,supervContainer --xterm --killall # # parameters from command line supersede those from SalomeApp.xml # # Some CORBA servers can be launched in the SALOME_Session_Server's process # (embedded = same process) or in a separate process (standalone): # --> registry,study,moduleCatalog,cppContainer # Other CORBA servers could only be launched in separate process (standalone): # --> pyContainer,supervContainer # # $: ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/bin/salome/runSalome -h # help # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # l'option -i permet de garder l'interpreteur python ouvert : # par defaut, les differents serveurs ouvrent des fenętres xterm # (cf. runSalome.py) # le serveur Logger n'est pas obligatoire (commenté dans runSalome.py) # # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------