There are several scripts for launching SALOME. First of all you have possibility to launch all servers simultaneously using any of following scripts: runSalome or runSalomeWithPort. The difference between them consist in using port number for running Naming Service. You should set port number in a omniORB.cfg in your home folder. This file contains following string: ORBInitRef NameService=corbaname::moulinex:2888 , where moulinex is a machine name and 2888 is a unique port number. The runSalome script doesn't contain any parameter related to using specific port number and in order to use it you must set port number as 2809. Otherwise you will not be able to run all servers. Also you can have problems at attempt to launch SALOME application on computer with existing instance of the same program launched by another user. In order to avoid this we recomment strongly to use runSalomeWithPort scripts. You must pass port number defined in your omniORB.cfg file as parameter. Also both scripts use special CORBA server Logger that is used in order to put all messages in one place. You can put all messages related to SALOME application you should pass absolute pathname of output file as parameter for both scripts. Otherwise all messages will be put into terminal. Example of using runSalome: runSalome ~/SALOME.log Example of using runSalomeWithPort: runSalomeWithPort 2888 ~/SALOME.log Another way to launch salome consists in using two interdependent scripts: runSalomeServers and runSalomeDesktop. This way is more elegant and also it can save your time you spend on successive running SALOME. At first it's necessary to load all servers with help of runSalomeServers scripts. It can take two parameters. First one is indispensable for launching and it should contains port number for Naming Service. Second parameter contains absolute pathname for special Logger server. In case you not pass second parameter all output messages will be put into terminal instead of file. You have to launch runSalomeServers before runSalomeDesktop only once time. Then you can launch runSalomeDesktop (without any parameters) that is in charge of loading GUI. Example of using: 1. runSalomeServers 2888 ~/SALOME.log 2. runSalomeDesktop 3. You can close application and run it again. Just type runSalomeDesktop again and enjoy.