#!/usr/bin/env python #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- APPLICATION : { name : 'SALOME-9.3.0' workdir : $LOCAL.workdir + $VARS.sep + $APPLICATION.name + '-' + $VARS.dist tag : 'V9_3_0' debug : 'no' dev : 'no' base : 'no' python3 : 'yes' environ : { build : {CONFIGURATION_ROOT_DIR : $workdir + $VARS.sep + "SOURCES" + $VARS.sep + "CONFIGURATION"} #this policy is to be discussed in next cotech. alternative is to encode every accentued string with .encode('utf-8') launch : {PYTHONIOENCODING:"UTF_8", SALOME_MODULES_ORDER:"SHAPER:GEOM:SMESH"} } products : { # PREREQUISITES : alabaster : '0.7.6' Babel : '2.6.0' boost : '1.58.0' CAS : 'V7_3_0p3' certifi : '2018.8.24' cgns : '3.3.1' chardet : '3.0.4' click : '6.7' cmake : '3.12.1' cppunit : '1.13.2' cycler : '0.10.0' Cython : '0.25.2' dateutil : '2.4.2' docutils : '0.12' doxygen : '1.8.14' eigen : '3.3.4' freeimage : '3.16.0' freetype : '2.9.1' gl2ps : '1.4.0_4037312' gmsh : '4.1.4' graphviz : '2.38.0' hdf5 : '1.10.3' homard_bin : '11.12' idna : '2.7' imagesize : '1.0.0' Jinja2 : '2.7.3' kiwisolver : '1.0.1' lapack : '3.8.0' lata : '1.4-PV5.6.0p1_7bafc2b' libxml2 : '2.9.1' llvm : '3.9.1' markupsafe : '0.23' matplotlib : '2.2.2' medfile : '4.0.0' mesa : '13.0.6' MeshGems : '2.8-6' metis : '5.1.0' netgen : '5.3.1_with_CAS_7.2' numpy : '1.15.1' omniORB : '4.2.2' omniORBpy : '4.2.2' opencv : '' packaging : '17.1' ParaView : {tag : '5.6.0p1_7bafc2b'} planegcs : '0.18-3cb6890' pockets : '0.6.2' Pygments : '2.0.2' pyparsing : '2.0.3' PyQt : '5.9' pyreadline : '2.0' Python : '3.6.5' pytz : '2015.4' qt : '5.9.1' qwt : '6.1.2' requests : '2.19.1' scipy : '0.19.1' scotch : '6.0.4' setuptools : '38.4.0' sip : '4.19.3' six : '1.10.0' snowballstemmer : '1.2.1' Sphinx : '1.7.6' sphinxcontrib_napoleon : '0.6.1' sphinxcontrib_websupport : '1.1.0' sphinxintl: '0.9.10' swig : '3.0.12' tcl : '8.6.0' tk : '8.6.0' urllib3 : '1.23' # SALOME MODULES : 'CONFIGURATION' 'SALOME' 'SHAPER' 'LIBBATCH' : {tag:'V2_4_1'} 'KERNEL' 'MEDCOUPLING' 'GUI' 'GEOM' 'SMESH' 'NETGENPLUGIN' 'BLSURFPLUGIN' 'GHS3DPLUGIN' 'GHS3DPRLPLUGIN' 'HYBRIDPLUGIN' 'HexoticPLUGIN' 'GMSHPLUGIN' 'HEXABLOCK' 'HEXABLOCKPLUGIN' 'HOMARD' 'FIELDS' 'PARAVIS' 'JOBMANAGER' 'YACS' 'YACSGEN' 'DOCUMENTATION' 'SAMPLES' 'COMPONENT' 'PYCALCULATOR' 'CALCULATOR' 'HELLO' 'PYHELLO' 'CEATESTBASE' : {tag: 'SalomeV9'} } profile : { launcher_name : "salome" } virtual_app: { name : "salome" application_name : "APPLI" } test_base : { name : "SALOME" tag : "SalomeV9" } properties : { mesa_launcher_in_package : "yes" repo_dev : "yes" } } __overwrite__ : [ { } ]