#!/usr/bin/env python #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- APPLICATION : { name : 'SALOME-6.6.0' workdir : $LOCAL.workdir + $VARS.sep + $APPLICATION.name + '-' + $VARS.dist tag : 'V6_6_0' get_method : 'git' base : 'no' environ : { } products : { # PREREQUISITES : Python: '2.6.6' Hexotic: '1.0' homard_bin : {section : 'version_6_6_0_to_8_5_0', tag : '10.5'} MeshGems: '1.0' setuptools: '0.6c11' Jinja2: '2.6' Pygments: '1.5' docutils: '0.8.1' Sphinx: '1.1.3' qt: '4.6.3' sip: '4.13.2' PyQt: '4.9.1' tcl: '8.5.9' tk: '8.5.9' Togl: '1.7' boost: '1.49.0' ParaViewData: '3.14.0' cmake: '2.8.7' gl2ps: '1.3.5' hdf5: '1.8.8' freeimage: '3.14.1' freetype: '2.3.7' ftgl: '2.1.3-rc5' CAS: '6.5.4' cppunit: '1.12.1' expat: '2.0.1' graphviz: '2.28.0' libxml2: '2.7.8' doxygen: '1.8.0' medfile: '3.0.6' swig: '2.0.4' qwt: '5.2.1' netgen: '4.9.13' scotch: '5.1.11' omniORB: '4.1.6' omniORBpy: '3.6' omniNotify: '2.1' numpy: '1.5.1' ParaView: '3.14.0' # QScintilla: '2.6.1' # metis: '4.0patched' LIBBATCH : 'V1_6_0' KERNEL GUI MED GEOM SMESH NETGENPLUGIN BLSURFPLUGIN GHS3DPLUGIN YACS YACSGEN VISU # Add SAMPLES module SAMPLES } virtual_app: { # The name of the application (overrides $PRODUCT.name) # This name will be used to generate packages. name : "salome660" # The name for the application directory (default is APPLI) application_name : "APPLI" } test_base : { name : "SALOME" tag : "SalomeV6" } } APPLI: { # The name of the application (overrides $PRODUCT.name) # This name will be used to generate packages. name : "salome660" # The name for the application directory (default is APPLI) application_name : "APPLI" #module_appli: "SALOME_APPLI" #module_appli_install_dir: $TOOLS.common.module_info.SALOME_APPLI.install_dir }