name.module = Study Manager size.format = #,##0 Kb date.format = MM.dd.yyyy MM.dd.yyyy = mm.dd.yyyy menu.step.1 = Specify the study menu.step.2 = Design the scenario menu.step.3 = Create the geometry menu.step.4 = Generate the analysis model menu.step.5 = Execute MECA menu.step.6 = Execute SYRTHES menu.step.7 = Analyze the results menu.step.8 = Define the calculation schema menu.step.9 = Capitalize this use-case menu.step.10 = Finalize the study folder.step.1 = Specification of the study folder.step.2 = Description of the scenario folder.step.3 = Geometry folder.step.4 = Analysis model folder.step.5 = MECA calculation execution folder.step.6 = SYRTHES calculation execution folder.step.7 = Calculation results folder.step.8 = Calculation schema folder.step.9 = Knowledge elements folder.step.10 = Final report type.document.requirements = Customer requirements type.document.specification = Specification document = Design document type.document.geometry = Geometry type.document.model = Analysis model type.document.loads = Boundary conditions type.document.script = Execution script type.document.log = Execution log type.document.results = Calculation results type.document.resultsMeca = MECA calculation results type.document.resultsSyrthes = Syrthes calculation results = Final report type.document.memorandum = Technical report type.document.minutes = Minute meeting type.document.coparisonResult= Study comparison result type.document.schema = Calculation schema type.document.visualisation = Visualisation of the results type.context.customer = Customer type.context.product = Product type.context.phase = Product phase type.context.need = Customer needs type.context.purpose = Purpose of study type.context.physic = Physics type.context.object = Studied object type.context.part = Modeled object type.context.geometry = Geometry type type.context.model = Type of analysis model type.context.element = Element type type.context.shape = Geometry of elements type.context.order = Order of elements type.context.analysis = Analysis type type.context.platform = Software platform type.context.module = Solver type.context.component = Software component type.knowledge.usecase = Use case type.knowledge.bestpractice = Best practice type.knowledge.limitation = Limitation type.knowledge.inconsistency = Inconsistency type.knowledge.metrics = Metrics type.knowledge.improvement = Improvement history.creation = Document created by