menu.step.1 = Specify the study menu.step.2 = Design the scenario menu.step.3 = Create the geometry menu.step.4 = Generate the analysis model menu.step.5 = Execute MECA menu.step.6 = Execute SYRTHES menu.step.7 = Analyze the results menu.step.8 = Define the calculation schema menu.step.9 = Capitalize this use-case menu.step.10 = Finalize the study folder.step.1 = Specification of the study folder.step.2 = Description of the scenario folder.step.3 = Geometry folder.step.4 = Analysis model folder.step.5 = MECA calculation execution folder.step.6 = SYRTHES calculation execution folder.step.7 = Calculation results folder.step.8 = Calculation schema folder.step.9 = Knowledge elements folder.step.10 = Final report