#Lock service exception values LCK-000001=Lock reference already exists for user {0}. LCK-000002=Lock reference does not exists. LCK-000003=Lock reference protected and can be only deleted or updated by user {0}. LCK-000004=Lock reference is timeout and could have been modified by user {0}. STD-000001=Unable to re-index the study #{0}, reason: {1} STD-000002=The study #{0} is not found SCN-000001=Scenario doesn't contain the step number #{0} SCN-000002=Scenario doesn't contain the document #{0} SCN-000003=The existing file {0} has been deleted when check-in the scenario #{0} SCN-000004=Can not delete the existing destination file to move file from {0} to {1} when check-in the scenario #{2} SCN-000005=Can not move file from {0} to {1} when check-in the scenario #{2} SCN-000006=Scenario #{0} is not found SCN-000007=The user {0} does not participate in the scenario #{1} SCN-000008=The scenario #{0} is already checked out by the user {1} USR-000001=User {0} is not found in the database KNT-000001=Knowledge element type "{0}" already exists SCT-000001=Simulation context type "{0}" already exists SCT-000002=Simulation context type name could not be blank DCT-000001=Document type "{0}" already exists DCT-000002=Can not delete the document "{0}" because it is used by other documents. DCT-000003=Can not save a document in {0} state. Check the validation cycle. PRM-000001=Parameter {0} is invalid with value: {1} IDT-000001=Incompatible data: X-units or Y-units are not the same for all comparable studies.