User's Roles


Each user of SIMAN application can have one or more assigned roles. There are two types of roles: within the entire application and corresponding to a certain study.



The following roles define which functionality of the SIMAN application are are available to a certain user:


System administrator

 sets up and maintains the database


Knowledge administrator

designs the workflow of a given study domain in the xml-configuration file  and validates the knowledge entered by end-users


can create a study, can contribute to a study


can read only the public studies. All not logged-in users have Anonymous role.


The following roles can be assigned to a user for a particular study. They define which functionality is available for a user within this study and are used in the validation cycle of study documents.



can read and write his own public and private studies,

can assign users as reviewers, approvers, contributors and readers for the created study



can download, read and modify documents of the study to which he is assigned as a contributor



can download, read, review and validate documents of the study to which he is assigned as a reviewer




can download, read, approve documents of the study to which he is assigned as an approver



can download and read documents of the study to which he is assigned as a reader



The users with general role Anonymous can’t have roles in studies.


To enter the application under a certain user account, click Connection in the top-right cornet of the application window and input the Username and the Password.