Communication with Salome

Check out


It is possible to initialize a new SALOME session with data stored in SIMAN using Import functionality of SALOME modules. Only data corresponding to the selected Scenario are checked-out.

To access to Salome, select the scenario or a certain activity and click Check out button.


The data collected by SIMAN come from the files attached to result documents of activities involving SALOME. For each result document, the data includes:


Once all files are processed, a dialog box is opened informing about the location of a temporary directory with the  downloaded files.



When SALOME is started by SIMAN Check-out, the Python path visible from the SALOME Python console is automatically expanded to the temporary directory in which Python scripts are downloaded. In the SALOME Load Python script dialog box, the Quick path is set by default to this temporary download directory.





It is also possible to manually regenerate the result data file by importing source files from SALOME. It can be requited if, for example, a Python script was changed,  a wrong brep file has been uploaded, a SALOME module has been versioned, etc.


Check in


It is possible to save all changes introduced in a Salome session by a Check-in operation, which can be activated by Check In command from Salome File menu.


It is also possible to carry out the check-in only for the currently active module by Check In for module command.



Check-in operation creates a new version of the result document produced by the corresponding SALOME module or updates the existing document version for each activity.




The new document version is created only if the source file has been changed. In all other cases created or modified files are attached to the existing document without creation of the new version.



Unlock a checked-out scenario


It can be necessary to access a checked-out scenario without its check-in in Salome.


For this, select the scenario and click Configure the scenario  button in the left toolbar.



Click Forget the on-going modifications to unlock the scenario.