How to build SIMAN java libraries and web archives (siman.war and Siman-WS.war) 1. Download and Install ant as described here for example, Make sure you have a Java environment installed (jdk 1.6.0) 2. Take from SIMAN Java source codes from SIMAN CVS repository like this cvs -d checkout SIMAN_SRC 3. Build SIMAN java libraries and web archive siman.war - go to the directory SIMAN - adjust JDBC properties to required RDBMS (MySQL or PostgreSQL) in the file conf\ - adjust paths to ANT bin folder and JAVA_HOME in the file build-war.bat - run script build-war.bat - the result web archive siman.war is created in sub-directory dist The examples of "# Connection properties" of for PostgreSQL and MySQL are provided correspondingly in the files and 4. Build SIMAN java libraries and web archive Siman-WS.war - go to the directory SIMAN-WS - adjust JDBC properties to required RDBMS (MySQL or PostgreSQL) in the file conf\ - adjust paths to ANT bin folder and JAVA_HOME in the file build-war.bat - run script build-war.bat - the result web archive SIMAN-WS.war is created in sub-directory dist 5. To build war files on Linux please create appropriate shell script file according to content of the file build-war.bat