SALOME 2.2.5 Release Announcement (15 September 2005)

Common information

The version 2.2.5 is a minor SALOME maintenance bug fix release.

The SALOME 2.2.5 version is targeting the Redhat 8.0 platform as a reference. Please see the README file (on the installation CD) for SALOME installation and execution.

For the full list of modifications since SALOME 2.2.0, see the change log file.


  • The SALOME 2.2.5 for Mandrake 10.1 is released with the new OCT 5.2.4a pre-requisite that has many bugfixes.

BUG fixes

SALOME  2.2.5 contains the following fixes:

  • Fixed bug PAL8337 - Inversion of elements in Catalog generator.
  • Fixed bug PAL8919 - usage of sendMessage
  • Fixed bug PAL9267 - SetScaleFactor functionality in GUI mode
  • Fixed bug PAL9022 - Bag Mesh Group based of a holed solid.
  • Fixed bug PAL9074 - GEOM MakeSolid don't work like CasCade MakeSolid
  • Fixed bug PAL9199 - Wrong mesh icon when creating a mesh by the TUI
  • Fixed bug PAL9355 - When a geometric object is explosed: the names in the study are not good
  • Fixed bug PAL9520 - Application crashes or hangs up after dataflow execution.
  • Fixed bug PAL9522 - Mesh put in study although wrong hypotheses
  • Fixed bug PAL9873 - Bad time animation on mandrake 10.1
  • Fixed bug PAL7356 - 2.1.0_beta1: dataflow execution is aborted.
  • Fixed bug PAL9478 - With Salome 3.0.0 on Mandrake 10.1 the attached srcipt don't work
  • Fixed bug PAL7155 - Translation without copy : several objects displayed in VTK view
  • Fixed bug PAL9169 - Salome crashes when using createAndDisplayGO
  • Fixed bug PAL9279 - The study tree folds up itself when a father is set as a reference
  • Fixed bug PAL9354 - Can't edit a python line
  • Fixed bug PAL9505 - CRASH after trying to add output port of "string" type.
  • Fixed bug PAL9506 - CRASH at attempt to import/modify of XMLs from PAL8912
  • Fixed bug PAL9507 - Can't save a study with a computed mesh in hdf5-1.6.2
  • Fixed bug PAL9508 - CRASH after trying to run inline node with in/out ports of "string" type.
  • Fixed bug PAL9510 - SIGSEGV appears after trying to add an empty InLine node.
  • Fixed bug PAL9511 - SIGSEGV appears after closing "Edit Ports" dlg.
  • Fixed bug PAL9512 - Incorrect default view of the "Add Node" dlg.
  • Fixed bug PAL9523 - Crash at attempt to run XMLs from PAL8912.
  • Fixed bug PAL9524 - The mesh remains the same although an hypothesis has been deleted
  • Fixed bug PAL9590 - SIGSEV when creating a SMESH group on Debian Sarge
  • Fixed bug PAL9874 - Propagation hypothesis don't work
  • Fixed bug PAL9941 - Impossible to build KERNEL 2.2.4 on mandrake 10.1
  • Fixed bug PAL8341 - REGR: Application hangs up after trying to save a study with Supervisor object
  • Fixed bug PAL9555 - In Post-Pro change representation mode displayed the mesh in 3D Viewer:
  • Fixed bug PAL9568 - Maintainance Mandrake porting: Crash of
  • Fixed bug PAL8924 - SMesh: wire discretization and quadrangle mapping algorithms work wrong
  • Fixed bug PAL9553 - Maintainance Mandrake porting: Zero time values in animation

Known limitations

SALOME 2.2.5 has the following known limitations:

  • IMPORTANT: Very recently eventual malfunctioning was noted in the SUPERV module on Mandrake 10.1 when passing object references among nodes. This malfunctioning will be investigated and corrected in the next maintenance release. Please use the SUPERV on Redhat 8 instead.
  • There may be slight difference in behaviour among Redhat 8.0 and Mandrake 10.1 installations of SALOME. Please contact maintenance in case if you have any problems with it
  • Installation from source codes is not assured on RedHat 9.0 systems. Third party products compilation (like Python) was not overally tested and can fail due to differnces in some RPM packages between Redhat 8.0 and 9.0 versions.
  • Rarely SALOME does not start from first time (bug PAL8142). The fix will be in next maintenance releases.
  • The Sauv2Med converter has still regressions in the MED module. See PAL7558   and PAL9754 for details. These regressions will be addressed in the future maintenance releases.

Maintenance contact

In order to report a bug or propose an improvement, please use your account in the bug tracker ( Please report bugs and improvements mentioning exactly your SALOME release.
Please address all other questions (including bug tracker account requests) to

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