SALOME 2.2.2 Release Announcement (29 March 2005)

Common information

The version 2.2.2 is a minor SALOME maintenance release that contains bug fixes and minor improvements.

The SALOME 2.2.2 version is targeting the Redhat 8.0 platform as a reference. It is also compatible with Redhat 9.0. Please see the README file (on the installation CD) for SALOME installation and execution.

For the full list of modifications since SALOME 2.2.0, see the change log file.


SALOME  2.2.2 has the following  major improvements and enhancements:

  • The version is compatible with gcc 3.3 and Python 2.3
  • The non-regression test base was corrected - it has no more extenral links
  • The version is compatible with the CCRT machine (OSF Alfa)
  • New SMESH high level Python API ( is integrated into this version, example files are updated to use it
  • Sauv2Med (CASTEM - MED) converter with last debugs is integrated into the MED module
  • KERNEL is compatible now with omniOrb 4, Qt 3.3.3 and PyQt 3.14
  • Many KERNEL and MED improvements and debugs (see the bug list below for details)
  • Limitations of SALOME 2.2.1 for working with Redhat 9.0 were corrected

BUG fixes

SALOME  2.2.2 contains the following fixes:

  • Fixed bug PAL8471 (New SMESH Python API)
  • Fixed bug PAL8269 (One can't select a pointer on geometry in mesh filters)
  • Fixed bug PAL8232 (UseCase browser breaks multi-selection and general Salome popup)
  • Fixed bug PAL8376 (createAndDisplayGO only works with a VTK view in Study1)
  • Fixed bug PAL8395 (RemoveExtraEdges not remove some degenerate edges)
  • Fixed bug PAL8380 (Can't create a Group of Nodes from a group on geometry)
  • Fixed bug PAL8267 (Extrusion of a mesh by the TUI)
  • Fixed bug PAL8418 (Installation procedure 2.2.1 CD - no symbolic link on CD)
  • Fixed bug PAL8331 (REGRESSION import mesh in "MED 2.2" format)
  • Fixed bug PAL8336 (Problems related to use of MedClient)
  • Fixed bug PAL8187 (Problem with namespace MED_EN in file MEDMEM_Field.hxx)
  • Fixed bug PAL8490 (Support omniORB 4.0 compilation for KERNEL)
  • Fixed bug PAL8491 (Allways force an absolute path with naming service when possible)
  • Fixed bug PAL8492 (Suppress French accents in python comments : warnings)
  • Fixed bug PAL8493 (New versions of PyQt,Qt,qwt,sip)
  • Fixed bug PAL8494 (Include order to avoid compilation problems with gcc3.3, Python2.3, qt...)
  • Fixed bug PAL8495 (Control Python lock on embedded interpreter initialization)
  • Fixed bug PAL8496 (Correction of incomplete module imports in Python)
  • Fixed bug PAL8497 (Activate commented traces)

Known limitations

SALOME 2.2.2 has the following known limitations:

  • The addition of Gibi driver has involved some modification in DriverTool class, that causes that the Porflow driver doesn't work correctly as in V2.2.2 version of MED
  • Sometime SALOME does not start from first time (bug PAL8142). The fix will be in next maintenance release.

Maintenance contact

In order to report a bug or propose an improvement, please use your account in the bug tracker ( Please report bugs and improvements mentioning exactly your SALOME release.
Please address all other questions (including bug tracker account requests) to

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