SALOME 2 Change Log (29 March 2005)

Version 2.2.2 (maintenance release)


  • This version is compatible with gcc 3.3 and Python 2.3
  • The SALOME non-regression test base was corrected. Internal links were removed.
  • Compatibility with CCRT (OSF Alfa ) of KERNEL and MED modules
  • Sauv2Med (CASTEM - MED) converter with debugs is integrated now into the MED component
  • Fixed bug PAL8471 (New SMESH Python API)
  • Fixed bug PAL8269 (One can't select a pointer on geometry in mesh filters)
  • Fixed bug PAL8232 (UseCase browser breaks multi-selection and general Salome popup)
  • Fixed bug PAL8376 (createAndDisplayGO only works with a VTK view in Study1)
  • Fixed bug PAL8395 (RemoveExtraEdges not remove some degenerate edges)
  • Fixed bug PAL8380 (Can't create a Group of Nodes from a group on geometry)
  • Fixed bug PAL8267 (Extrusion of a mesh by the TUI)
  • Fixed bug PAL8418 (Installation procedure 2.2.1 CD - no symbolic link on CD)
  • Fixed bug PAL8331 (REGRESSION import mesh in "MED 2.2" format)
  • Fixed bug PAL8336 (Problems related to use of MedClient)
  • Fixed bug PAL8187 (Problem with namespace MED_EN in file MEDMEM_Field.hxx)
  • Fixed bug PAL8490 (Support omniORB 4.0 compilation for KERNEL)
  • Fixed bug PAL8491 (Allways force an absolute path with naming service when possible)
  • Fixed bug PAL8492 (Suppress French accents in python comments : warnings)
  • Fixed bug PAL8493 (New versions of PyQt,Qt,qwt,sip)
  • Fixed bug PAL8494 (Include order to avoid compilation problems with gcc3.3, Python2.3, qt...)
  • Fixed bug PAL8495 (Control Python lock on embedded interpreter initialization)
  • Fixed bug PAL8496 (Correction of incomplete module imports in Python)
  • Fixed bug PAL8497 (Activate commented traces)
There is a separate announcement available for this release.

Version 2.2.1 (maintenance release)


  • Fixed bug PAL7158 (Multi rotation - translation was not possible with a shape obtained by explode).
  • Fixed bug PAL7764 (Salome aborts when running 2 of the 3 graphs (same services but different links into graphs).
  • Fixed bug PAL8065 (Abort on Superv with TestVisu20.xml).
  • Fixed bug PAL8247 (Improvement of installation procedure to ensure RH9 compatibility).
  • Fixed bug PAL8256 (Problem with installation procedure with *.la files for hdf and med).
  • Fixed bug PAL8263 (Validity of the files exported by SMESH in MED2.2 format).
  • Fixed bug PAL8297 (REGRESSION: Reading several time stamps on a field of a med2.1 file).
  • Fixed bug PAL8309 (Problem with creation point and zoom in GEOM).
  • Fixed bug PAL8310 (Problem when delete a group on mesh and export to med)
  • The documenation is checked and updated
There is a separate announcement available for this release

This document is maintained as a difference with SALOME 2.2.0 (Major release of 21-Feb-2005)
Copyright © 2001-2005 All rights reserved.