This Folder contains : - script : the sources of the generator, - doc : the associated documentation. The generator is a script file called hxx2salome, written in bash, that manage : - the code generation - the compilation of generated module - the update of Salome environment file Install: After installing files, you may : - set the environment variable HXXTOSALOME_ROOT_DIR to the directory that contains the hxx2salome script. This is not an obligation - but allow you to launch the script anywhere (if not set, you have to launch it locally). - configure the hxx2salome script (also not mandatory, but facilitates usage). For configuring the script, you can set the 4 variables defined at the beginning : SALOME_SRC_DIR : directory where SALOME2 modules sources are stored. if present, generated module is created inside. SALOME_BUILD_DIR : directory where you want to put build & install directories. may be the same than SALOME_SRC_DIR ENVIRON_FILE : salome2 environment file (.bash or .sh). If present, hxx2salome will propose to compile new module (by sourcing ENVIRON_FILE file, and executing build_configure, configure, make & make install). It will also propose to update this file with the new environment variabe necessary to run new module. CONFIGURE_OPTION : options passed to configure (for example --disable-debug or --enable-production ) Usage: ${HXX2SALOME_ROOT_DIR}/hxx2salome cppComponent_root_dir cppComponent.hxx - cppComponent_root_dir : install directory (absolute path) of the c++ component - cppComponent.hxx : header of the component - :shared library of the component (cppComponent.hxx and have to be found in cppComponent_root_dir!) Examples: ${HXX2SALOME_ROOT_DIR}/hxx2salome /home/crouzet/SALOME2/Generateur/TestMedCPP TestMed.hxx ${HXX2SALOME_ROOT_DIR}/hxx2salome /export/home/EcoleEte2004/CODES_INSTALL string1D_Salome.hxx ${HXX2SALOME_ROOT_DIR}/hxx2salome /export/home/EcoleEte2004/CODES_INSTALL nsale_Salome.hxx ${HXX2SALOME_ROOT_DIR}/hxx2salome /export/home/EcoleEte2004/CODES_INSTALL fsi_Salome.hxx Remark : to compile the c++ examples present in CppExamples, it is necessary to first source the env_products.csh file furnished with Salome.