================================================================================ README SALOME Professional Installation Wizard ================================================================================ Contents of this file: 1. Running of the Installation Wizard 2. Running of SALOME 2.1. Setting of the environment for SALOME 2.2. Launching of SALOME 3. Installation notes 3.1. Time required for the installation 3.2. Log files 3.3. Testing of the installed SALOME platform 4. How to build SALOME from sources ================================================================================ 1. Running of the Installation Wizard You can run the Installation Wizard in two modes: batch and gui. It's root directory contains python script runInstall.py: [python] runInstall [-g|b] [-f ] [-t ] [-tmp ] -g Runs the Installation Wizard in the GUI mode. In this case only key is taken into account. This option is used by default. -b Runs the Installation Wizard in the batch mode. -f The configuration file to be used by the Installation Wizard. If this parameter is missed then the script tries to define the Red Hat version and use corresponding xml file. For example, for the Red Hat 8.0 config_RedHat8_0.xml file is supposed to be used by default. If the appropriate file is not found, config.xml is used by default. -t The target directory, SALOME products to be installed to. If used, overloads target directory, described in the configuration file. -tmp The directory, which is used to contain temporary files. If used, overloads temporary directory, described in the configuration file. -h Prints help information. For more detailed information about the Installation Wizard refer to the readme.html file in the doc directory. ================================================================================ 2. Running of SALOME This section describes how to run SALOME platform after its installation with the Installation Wizard. 2.1. Setting of the environment for SALOME Installation Wizard creates some environment files to simplify the procedure of launching of SALOME. These shell scripts set all necessary environment variables for all products you have installed. These files are: salome.csh + salome.sh in the SALOME PRO sources and SALOME PRO binaries root directories and env_products.csh + env_products.sh in the target directory. To set SALOME environment just type in the terminal window: cd source salome.sh or cd source salome.csh where is SALOME binaries directory, e.g. SalomePro-1.2d for the 1.2d version. 2.2. Launching of SALOME After you set environment you can start SALOME. Go to the SALOME binaries directory (SalomePro-1.2d for the version 1.2d) by using of cd command and then type: salome --gui This will start SALOME servers and launch GUI desktop. If you want to launch SALOME in the batch mode, use --batch option: salome --batch If you want to launch SALOME using specific port, use --port key: salome --gui --port XXXX where XXXX is a port number. Note, that in this case you have to write the same port number into your ORB configuration file, which should be referenced by the $(OMNIORB_CONFIG) environment variable (usually it is an omniORB.cfg file), e.g.: ORBInitRef NameService=corbaname::: is a name of host where Naming Service should be run and is a number of port to be used. The default port number is 2809. The using of non-default port is useful when it is necessary for several users to launch SALOME on the same host. Use --help key to display additional information to learn other salome script options. Note: salome script is included into SALOME package only from 1.2d version. In order to run salome for the previous versions you should use runSalome script from the bin sub-directory of SALOME: cd bin runSalome ================================================================================ 3. Installation notes 3.1. Time required for the installation Installation of all products which are necessary to build and start SALOME is a time-consuming process and needs from the user to be patient. The quickest way to install SALOME is installation from the binaries. In this mode the Installation Wizard just extracts all precompiled products from the corresponding archives. The installation from sources requires much more time than from binaries because in this case the Installation Wizard extracts and then builds each product using the product's own installation procedure. The installation time also depends on the computer and platform used. For example, to install SALOME on Pentium III-800, Linux Red Hat 8.0, time of the installation is: - from binaries: ~10 minutes; - from sources: up to 7 hours. 3.2. Log files The Installation Wizard displays the installation progress in the corresponding windows (see readme.html). The Wizard uses a temporary directory to store and build the products. During the installation it produces some log files in this directory. If you suspect that program hangs you can check the log files. These files have names in capital letters like CONFIGURE.LOG, MAKE.LOG or MAKEINSTALL.LOG. 3.3. Testing of installed SALOME platform There is a python script which allows to test shortly all SALOME modules. This script can help to check if SALOME has been installed successfully. To test SALOME platform, run SALOME desktop (see section 2), then create a new study window (menu command 'File/New') and then type in the study's python console window: import salome_test When running, the script loads diferent modules (Geometry, SMESH, Med, Visu and Supervision) and tests different functionalty of these modules. You can watch script running progress in the python console window. ================================================================================ 4. How to build SALOME from sources If you want to build SALOME from sources, please install all products necessary for the platform and then follow the scenario described below. In the sample scenario it is supposed that you have installed SALOME in the /home/salome directory. The name of the SALOME sources directory depends on the version of the platform, in the scenario it is SALOME_ROOT_1.2d (for the version 1.2d). - go to SALOME sources directory: cd /home/salome/SALOME_ROOT_1.2d - set environment variables (use bash or csh script, depending on your shell): sources salome.c[s]h - create a configuration script by typing ./build_configure - go to the parent directory and create a build directory: cd .. mkdir build - configure the sources and create Makefile files: cd build ../SALOME_ROOT_1.2d/configure --prefix=/home/salome/SALOME --prefix option defines the directory where you want to install SALOME after make install procedure. - build and install SALOME: make make install - build and install SALOME documentation if necessary: cd doc make doc make install The last step is not necessary for the SALOME of version 1.2d, because it is included into main make (and make install) step. After you have completed this scenario, SALOME is built and installed into /home/salome/SALOME directory. ================================================================================