================================================================================ README SALOME Installation Wizard ================================================================================ Contents of this file: 1. Running of the Installation Wizard 2. Running of SALOME 2.1. Setting of the environment for SALOME 2.2. Launching of SALOME 3. Installation notes 3.1. Time required for the installation 3.2. Log files 3.3. Testing of the installed SALOME platform 4. How to build SALOME modules from sources 4.1. General procedure 4.2. Automatic build procedure: build.csh script ================================================================================ 1. Running of the Installation Wizard The Installation Wizard can be launched in two modes: GUI and batch. The root directory of the Installation Wizard contains Python script runInstall. To run the Installation Wizard just type runInstall in the terminal window: [ python ] runInstall [] Without opstions this script will launch the SALOME Installation Wizard in the default mode (GUI). The default mode can be overriden by using command line options. Each option has short and long notations: -g / --gui Runs the Installation Wizard in the GUI mode (this is default mode). -b / --batch Runs the Installation Wizard in command-line mode. -f FILE / --file=FILE The XML configuration file to be used by the Installation Wizard. If this option is not used then the installation script tries to define the Linux version and use the corresponding XML file if it is present. For examle, for the Linux Mandrake 10.1 the config_Mandrake_10.1.xml file will be used by default. If the appropriate file is not found, the file config.xml will be used. This file refers to the basic target platform which is Linux Mandrake 10.1 for SALOME 3.0 and newer. If config.xml file is also not found, the warning message box is shown (in GUI mode) or printed to the console (in batch mode) and the Installation Wizard quits. -d DIR / --target=DIR The target directory SALOME platform to be installed to. If used, this option overrides the default target directory, given in the configuration XML file (usually ${HOME}/salome_, see here for more detail). -t DIR / --tmp=DIR The directory, which is used for temporary files. If used, this option overrides the default temporary directory, given in the configuration xml file (usually /tmp, see here for more detail). -h / --help Prints help information about available options. -v / --version Prints version information (Note: this is the Installation Wizard's version number, not of SALOME platform). For more detailed information about the Installation Wizard refer to the readme.html file in the doc directory. ================================================================================ 2. Running of SALOME This section describes how to run SALOME platform after its installation with the Installation Wizard. 2.1. Setting of the environment for SALOME Installation Wizard creates some environment files to simplify the procedure of launching of SALOME. These shell scripts set all necessary environment variables for all products you have installed. These files are: * env_products.csh + env_products.sh in the target directory; these files can be used for the launching of SALOME. * salome.csh + salome.sh in the KERNEL module's sources/binaries root directories; these files are the copies of the corresponding env_products.* files. * env_build.csh + env_build.sh in the target directory; these files contain minimal environment settings necessary to build SALOME packages from sources (see paragraph 4). To set SALOME environment just type in the terminal window: cd source salome.sh or cd source salome.csh where is KERNEL binaries directory, e.g. KERNEL_3.2.0 for the 3.2.0 version. 2.2. Launching of SALOME After you set environment you can start SALOME. Go to the KERNEL module's binaries directory (KERNEL_3.2.0/bin/salome for the version 3.2.0) by using of 'cd' command and then type: runSalome [] This will start SALOME according to the launching parameters which are described in the configuration files: SalomeApp.xml in the /share/salome/resources folder and .SalomeApprc. file, located in your home directory (where is number of SALOME version). If the latest file does not exist, it is automatically created during the first launch of SALOME. You can modify SALOME launching options by editing your ~/.SalomeApprc. file:
Some parameters described in configuration file can be overrided by using of corresponding command-line options for runSalome script: --gui Launch GUI desktop --logger Use logger server --xterm Start each server in its own xterm console window --portkill Kill SALOME, running on the current port --killall Kill SALOME, running on all ports --modules=,,..., Use module(s), possible values are GEOM,SMESH,VISU,MED,SUPERV,etc. --embedded=,,... Start specified server/container(s) embedded in SALOME Session server (i.e. running in the same process), possible values are registry, study, moduleCatalog, cppContainer, registry --standalone=,,... Start standalone server/container(s), possible values are registry, study, registry, moduleCatalog, cppContainer, pyContainer, supervContainer. Additional launch settings are given in other sections, which refer to certain modules. For example, SMESH plugins which should be used in the SALOME launch session can be mentioned in the section, e.g.:
================================================================================ 3. Installation notes 3.1. Time required for the installation Installation of all products which are necessary to build and start SALOME is a time-consuming process and needs from the user to be patient. The quickest way to install SALOME is installation from the binaries. In this mode the Installation Wizard just extracts all precompiled products from the corresponding archives (except those products which can be installed only by compiling from sources). The installation from sources requires much more time than from binaries because in this case the Installation Wizard extracts and then builds each product using the product's own compilation procedure. The installation time also depends on the computer and platform used. For example, to install SALOME on Pentium IV-2GHz, Linux Mandrake 10.1, time of the installation is: - from binaries: ~10 minutes; - from sources: more than 24 hours. Note, the most time-consuming process is compiling of CASCADE libraries from sources - it takes about 90% of time needed for compilation of all products. 3.2. Log files The Installation Wizard displays the installation progress in the corresponding windows (see readme.html). The Wizard uses a temporary directory to store and build the products. During the installation it produces some log files in this directory. If you suspect that program hangs you can check the log files. These files have names in capital letters like CONFIGURE.LOG, MAKE.LOG, MAKEINSTALL.LOG, etc. 3.3. Testing of installed SALOME platform There is a python script which allows to test shortly all SALOME modules. This script can help to check if SALOME has been installed successfully. To test SALOME platform, run SALOME desktop (see section 2), then create a new study window (menu command 'File/New') and then type in the study's embedded python console window: import salome_test When running, the script loads different modules (Geometry, Mesh, Med, Post-Pro and Supervisor) and tests different functionality of these modules. You can watch script running progress in the embedded python console window. ================================================================================ 4. How to build SALOME modules from sources This section describes the way how to build SALOME modules manually from sources distribution provided with Installation Wizard. 4.1. General procedure If you want to build SALOME modules from sources, install all prerequisite products, required for the platform and SALOME modules sources. Then follow the scenario described below. In this scenario it is supposed that you have installed SALOME modules sources in the /home/salome directory. The name of each module sources directory depends on the version of the platform, for example, KERNEL_SRC_3.2.0 for KERNEL module of SALOME version 3.2.0. The order of compilation and installation should be performed according to the dependancies between modules: Main SALOME modules: * KERNEL -> no dependancies * GUI -> KERNEL * GEOM -> KERNEL, GUI * MED -> KERNEL, GUI * SMESH -> KERNEL, GUI, GEOM, MED * VISU -> KERNEL, GUI, MED * SUPERV -> KERNEL, GUI SMESH plugins: * NETGENPLUGIN -> KERNEL, GUI, SMESH * GHS3DPLUGIN -> KERNEL, GUI, SMESH Sample modules: * COMPONENT -> KERNEL, MED * PYCALCULATOR -> KERNEL, MED * CALCULATOR -> KERNEL, MED * HELLO -> KERNEL, GUI * PYHELLO -> KERNEL * LIGHT -> KERNEL, GUI Note: SMESH plugins and sample modules are optional. You may skip compiling them if you do not plan to use NETGEN and/or GHS3D meshing algorithms and do not want to build samples. In general, each module (except KERNEL and GUI, of course) is optional for SALOME. If you do not need any module, just do not compile or install it. But remember that some modules require other ones to be built first (see dependancies table above). To build KERNEL module: - go to installation root directory (/home/salome in this example): cd /home/salome - to set environment variables use bash or csh script, depending on your shell: source ../env_products.csh or source ../env_products.sh - create build directory for the KERNEL module: mkdir KERNEL_build cd KERNEL_build - create a configuration script by typing ../KERNEL_SRC_3.2.0/build_configure - run configure script which will check the environment and create Makefile files: ../KERNEL_SRC_3.2.0/configure --prefix=/home/salome/KERNEL_install Note, that --prefix option defines the directory where you want to install KERNEL module after 'make install' procedure. configure script accepts also a lot of other parameters (for example, to build the module in the optimized mode use --disable-debug --enable-production keys). More about certain module's configure options you can learn by using --help (-h) parameter. - build and (optionally) install KERNEL module: make make install After you have completed this scenario, KERNEL module is built and installed into /home/salome/KERNEL_install directory. - modify your environment scripts: * for bash: export KERNEL_ROOT_DIR=/home/salome/KERNEL_install or export KERNEL_ROOT_DIR=/home/salome/KERNEL_build (if make install step was not performed). * for csh: setenv KERNEL_ROOT_DIR /home/salome/KERNEL_install or setenv KERNEL_ROOT_DIR /home/salome/KERNEL_build (if make install step was not performed). - then repeat this scenario for other modules you want to build taking into account the dependancies between modules (see dependancies table above). Note: if the compilation fails it may be caused by bad environment. In this case you should check that environment script you use (salome.csh or salome.sh) contains the following lines for each module MODULE: * for bash: export MODULE_ROOT_DIR=/home/salome/ * for csh: setenv MODULE_ROOT_DIR /home/salome/ where is a MODULE_build or MODULE_install (see above). 4.2. Automatic build procedure: build.csh script From version 2.2.0 SALOME Installation Wizard includes the script for automatic building of SALOME modules from sources packages: build.csh. It is installed into the top-level target directory (the same directory where env_products.[c]sh files are generated. To use this script just install SALOME sources packages with Installation Wizard, then cd to the SALOME installation directory and type: ./build.csh By default, build.csh only compiles the modules but does not install them, i.e. does not perform 'make install' step. To do this, use -i option or -p where is target directory. If you want to build only some SALOME modules, just pass them as parameters, e.g.: ./build.csh -i KERNEL MED GEOM The script also provides some other options which specify compiling and installation parameters. You can learn about options by using -h key: ./build.csh -h When you run build.csh at first time it is not necessary to pass -b, -c parameters. The script detects if build procedure has not yet been performed and runs build_configure, configure scripts in this case automatically. Note: for avoiding of collisions it is recommended not to install SALOME binaries packages with Installation Wizard if you plan to build SALOME modules from sources packages or to edit/comment all rows in env_products.csh file concerning binaries packages. Note: use -d option carefully because in this case the script removes existing (previously installed) SALOME modules. Note: please, take into account 'make install' step is obligatory for the KERNEL module. Build directory of KERNEL can not be pointed as KERNEL_ROOT_DIR. This is an exception for the SALOME modules. So you should use one of options -i or -p of build.sch script when building KERNEL module. ================================================================================