# Copyright (C) 2007-2008 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE # # Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN, # CEDRAT, EDF R&D, LEG, PRINCIPIA R&D, BUREAU VERITAS # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com # -------------------------------- Quick install -------------------------------- This library is based on CMake build system (http://www.cmake.org/), which means that you must have CMake installed on your system (minimum version 2.4) in order to build and install libBatch. You can then go to the directory where you extracted libBatch package and type: $ cmake $ make $ make install That's all! --------------------- Detailed installation instructions ---------------------- 1. Prerequisites First of all, you have to check (or install if needed) the dependant software programs on your system. These programs are: - CMake build system version 2.4 or newer (http://www.cmake.org/) - C++ compiler with standard libraries - pthread library Other products are optional and used to build libBatch interfaces to various batch systems and to generate wrappings and documentation: - LSF headers and libraries (to build the interface to LSF batch system) - OpenPBS headers and libraries (to build the interface to OpenPBS) - Several Unix remote control commands like ssh and scp (for local submission) - Python and SWIG (to build Python wrappings) - makeinfo (to generate the documentation) 2. Building and installing the library To build the library, you will have to extract the source package in a directory where you have write permissions (probably done since you're reading this file). You can then build the library directly in the source tree, but it is strongly advised to use an independant build tree. For that, just go to the directory where you extracted libBatch and type for instance: $ mkdir ../libBatch-build $ cd ../libBatch-build After that, you will just need to run cmake to generate the Makefiles and to run make and make install: $ cmake ../libBatch-X.X.X (X's are version numbers) $ make $ make install Note that CMake will look for the prerequisites and optional products in the standard directories and environment variables. To change this behavior, you can either preset the environment variables CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH and CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH (see CMake documentation for more details) or use CMake graphical interface. For this, run cmake one time to populate the cache and then run ccmake: $ cmake ../libBatch-X.X.X (X's are version numbers) $ ccmake ../libBatch-X.X.X (X's are version numbers) You will then be able to change several variables to control the way libBatch is built (i.e. install path, products path, components to install, ...). Then run make and make install like before to build and install the library. Also note that you won't be able to install libBatch in the default directory if you don't have administrators rights on your machine (and anyway, it's not advised to install anything manually in the /usr directory). To specify the installation directory, you can either use the graphical interface or directly type on cmake command line: $ cmake ../libBatch-X.X.X -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX= 3. Testing The build system creates a test target that can be used to automatically test some features of the library. The test coverage for this library is currently quite poor. Remember that since the tests use connections to remote batch systems, the first causes of failure are network and authentication errors. To run the tests, you will first have to set several variables in the cache (execution host, ...), with ccmake for instance. Then to execute those tests, just go to your build directory and type: $ make test The tests will be run successively and a summary will show you how many of them passed without error. Note that several tests need passwordless SSH authentication to succeed. You can configure this authentication with ssh-agent for instance. If one or several tests failed, you can find more detailed results in the file /Testing/Temporary/LastTest.log 4. Building source and binary packages (for developers) You can directly build source or binary tgz packages for libBatch with CPack (included with CMake) packaging process. For this, just go to your build directory and type: $ cmake ../libBatch-X.X.X (X's are version numbers) $ make package (for binary package) $ make package_source (for source package) 5. Note for the users of Microsoft Windows operating system The support for this library on Windows operating system is still partial and experimental. Some features are not and will not be implemented for this system. Nevertheless it is possible to compile the library and launch some batch jobs from a computer running Windows. This section only gives some guidelines, without any warranty, to install libBatch on Windows. First you will need to install a library providing pthread implementation. For this we tested Pthreads-win32 (http://sourceware.org/pthreads-win32/) but other implementations may exist. You will also need a compiler for Win32 platform. We tested MinGW and MSYS utilities (http://www.mingw.org/) but another compiler might also work. Then you will have to install and run CMake, and you should be able to compile libBatch and run some basic examples. If you need to use SSH protocol to submit jobs to your cluster, you will need a SSH implementation for Windows operating system. PuTTY is a good choice for that (http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html). Once installed, add the path to your PuTTY installation in the PATH environment variable and run CMake. The build system will detect it and the libBatch will use it for SSH-based transfers with the server.