C Copyright (C) 2009-2022 EDF R&D C C This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or C modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public C License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either C version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. C C This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, C but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of C MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU C Lesser General Public License for more details. C C You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public C License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software C Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA C C See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com C PROGRAM P CALL YACSINIT() END SUBROUTINE S1(compo,A,B,C,D,E,F) include 'calcium.hf' integer compo real*8 a,d(*),tt,tp,t0,t1,ss,zz integer b,e,dep,np character*(*) c,f character*8 tch(2) real yd real tcp(2) integer tlo(3) open(UNIT=22,FILE='SORTIES') write(6,*)a,b,c,compo call flush(6) t0=0. t1=1. iter=1 tt=1.5 tp=2.3 np=12 yd=4.3 tch(1)="coucou" tcp(1)=2. tcp(2)=4. tlo(1)=0 tlo(2)=1 tlo(3)=0 CALL cpeDB(compo,CP_TEMPS,t0,1,'ba',1,tt,info) CALL cpeDB(compo,CP_ITERATION,t0,1,'bb',1,tp,info) CALL cpeen(compo,CP_ITERATION,t0,1,'bc',1,np,info) CALL cpere(compo,CP_ITERATION,t0,1,'bd',1,yd,info) CALL cpech(compo,CP_ITERATION,t0,1,'be',1,tch,info) CALL cpecp(compo,CP_ITERATION,t0,1,'bf',1,tcp,info) CALL cpelo(compo,CP_ITERATION,t0,1,'bg',3,tlo,info) ss=0. CALL cpldb(compo,CP_TEMPS,t0,t1,iter,'a',1,n,ss,info) write(6,*)"apres cpldb(a) ",info,ss call flush(6) zz=0. CALL cpldb(compo,CP_ITERATION,t0,t1,iter,'b',1,n,zz,info) write(6,*)"apres cpldb(b) ",info,zz call flush(6) d(1)=4.5 e=3 f="zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" write(6,*)d(1),e,f call flush(6) write(22,*)d(1),e,f call flush(22) END SUBROUTINE S2(compo,A,B,C) integer compo real*8 a,b,c write(6,*)a,b call flush(6) c=a*b write(6,*)c call flush(6) END SUBROUTINE S3(compo) include 'calcium.hf' integer compo real*8 tt,tp,t0,t1,ss,zz integer iter,n,info,zn CHARACTER*8 tch(2) real tcp(2) integer tlo(3) t0=0. t1=1. tt=1.5 tp=2.3 CALL cpeDB(compo,CP_TEMPS,t0,1,'ba',1,tt,info) CALL cpeDB(compo,CP_ITERATION,t0,1,'bb',1,tp,info) call flush(6) t0=0. t1=1. iter=1 ss=0. CALL cpldb(compo,CP_TEMPS,t0,t1,iter,'aa',1,n,ss,info) write(6,*)"apres cpldb(aa) ",info,ss call flush(6) zz=0. CALL cpldb(compo,CP_ITERATION,t0,t1,iter,'ab',1,n,zz,info) write(6,*)"apres cpldb(ab) ",info,zz call flush(6) CALL cplen(compo,CP_ITERATION,t0,t1,iter,'ac',1,n,zn,info) write(6,*)"apres cplen(ac) ",info,zn call flush(6) CALL cplre(compo,CP_ITERATION,t0,t1,iter,'ad',1,n,yr,info) write(6,*)"apres cplre(ad) ",info,yr call flush(6) CALL cplch(compo,CP_ITERATION,t0,t1,iter,'ae',1,n,tch,info) write(6,*)"apres cplch(ae) ",info,tch(1) call flush(6) CALL cplcp(compo,CP_ITERATION,t0,t1,iter,'af',1,n,tcp,info) write(6,*)"apres cplcp(af) ",info,tcp(1),tcp(2) call flush(6) CALL cpllo(compo,CP_ITERATION,t0,t1,iter,'ag',3,n,tlo,info) write(6,*)"apres cpllo(ag) ",info,tlo(1),tlo(2),tlo(3) call flush(6) END