/*! \page StationaryDiffusionEqPage The diffusion equation [TOC] \f[ -\lambda\triangle T = \Phi+\lambda_{sf}(T_f-T) \f] where - \f$T\f$ the main unknown is the solid temperature field - \f$\lambda\f$ is the solid thermal conductivity possibly set by the user (default value is 1) - \f$\lambda_{sf}\f$ is the fluid-solid heat transfer coefficient set by the user (default value is 0) - \f$\Phi\f$ is the heat source term set by the user (default value is zero) - \f$T_f\f$ is the fluid temperature field set by the user * The class \ref StationaryDiffusionEquation implements a scalar stationary diffusion equation for the temperature in a solid. * \subpage ExampleStationaryDiffusionEqPage "Here are C and Python example scripts" */