# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT OF EDF VERSION # ====================================================================== # COPYRIGHT (C) 1991 - 2002 EDF R&D WWW.CODE-ASTER.ORG # THIS PROGRAM IS FREE SOFTWARE; YOU CAN REDISTRIBUTE IT AND/OR MODIFY # IT UNDER THE TERMS OF THE GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE AS PUBLISHED BY # THE FREE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION; EITHER VERSION 2 OF THE LICENSE, OR # (AT YOUR OPTION) ANY LATER VERSION. # # THIS PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED IN THE HOPE THAT IT WILL BE USEFUL, BUT # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; WITHOUT EVEN THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF # MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. SEE THE GNU # GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE FOR MORE DETAILS. # # YOU SHOULD HAVE RECEIVED A COPY OF THE GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE # ALONG WITH THIS PROGRAM; IF NOT, WRITE TO EDF R&D CODE_ASTER, # 1 AVENUE DU GENERAL DE GAULLE, 92141 CLAMART CEDEX, FRANCE. # # # ====================================================================== cmake_minimum_required ( VERSION 2.8 ) project ( Eficas CXX C ) # Definition du chemin d'acces aux modules additionnels set ( CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/CMakeModules" ) # Detection de Python find_package ( PythonInterp 2.4 REQUIRED ) if (PYTHONINTERP_FOUND) string ( RANDOM tmpPyScript ) set ( tmpPyScript "${tmpPyScript}.py" ) file ( WRITE ${tmpPyScript} "# Automaticaly generated by CMake. Do NOT edit. Changes will be lost import sys print '%d.%d' % ( sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1] ) " ) get_source_file_property ( PYSCRIPT_LOC ${tmpPyScript} LOCATION ) execute_process ( COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} ${PYSCRIPT_LOC} OUTPUT_VARIABLE PYTHON_VERSION #ERROR_QUIET OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) file ( REMOVE ${tmpPyScript} ) endif (PYTHONINTERP_FOUND) message ( STATUS "Using Python version ${PYTHON_VERSION}" ) # Detection de QT4 find_package ( Qt4 COMPONENTS QtCore QtGui REQUIRED ) include( ${QT_USE_FILE} ) # Detection de PyQt4 if (NOT PYQT4_FOUND) execute_process ( COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -c "\"import PyQt4\"" RESULT_VARIABLE _res OUTPUT_VARIABLE _trashout ERROR_VARIABLE _trasherr ) if (NOT _res) message ( STATUS "Looking for Python package PyQt4 - found" ) set ( PYQT4_FOUND 1 CACHE INTERNAL "True if Python package PyQt4 is here" ) else (NOT _res) message ( STATUS "Looking for Python package PyQt4 - not found" ) set ( PYQT4_FOUND 0 CACHE INTERNAL "True if Python package PyQt4 is here" ) endif (NOT _res) endif (NOT PYQT4_FOUND) if (NOT PYQT4_FOUND) message ( FATAL_ERROR "Python package PyQt4 is REQUIRED" ) endif (NOT PYQT4_FOUND) # Detection de pyuic4 find_program ( PYUIC4 NAMES pyuic4 DOC "Path to the pyuic4 compilation tool" ) if (NOT PYUIC4) message ( FATAL_ERROR "pyuic4 tool is REQUIRED" ) endif (NOT PYUIC4) # Definition des options de CMake option ( WITH_ALL_PACKAGES "Install all package files" OFF ) option ( WITH_SALOME_MECA "Install OT, Aster and SEP files" OFF ) option ( WITH_OPENTURNS "Install Open TURNS files" OFF ) option ( WITH_ASTER "Install Aster files" OFF ) option ( WITH_MAP "Install MAP files" OFF ) option ( WITH_CARMEL "Install CARMEL files" OFF ) option ( WITH_SEP "Install SEP files" OFF ) option ( WITH_ZCRACKS "Install ZCRACKS files" OFF ) option ( IN_SALOME_CONTEXT "Configure Eficas for use in Salome" OFF ) set ( _OPTIONLIST WITH_OPENTURNS WITH_ASTER WITH_MAP WITH_CARMEL WITH_SALOME_MECA ) set ( _SALOME_MECA_LIST WITH_OPENTURNS WITH_ASTER WITH_SEP WITH_ZCRACKS IN_SALOME_CONTEXT ) if (WITH_ALL_PACKAGES) foreach ( _opt ${_OPTIONLIST} ) set ( ${_opt} ON ) endforeach ( _opt ) endif (WITH_ALL_PACKAGES) if (WITH_SALOME_MECA) foreach ( _opt ${_SALOME_MECA_LIST} ) set ( ${_opt} ON ) endforeach ( _opt ) endif (WITH_SALOME_MECA) # Verification: au moins une option doit etre selectionnee set ( _VALIDOPT FALSE ) foreach ( _opt ${_OPTIONLIST} ) if ( ${_opt} ) set ( _VALIDOPT TRUE ) string ( REPLACE WITH_ "" _opt2 ${_opt} ) message ( STATUS "Will install package ${_opt2}" ) endif ( ${_opt} ) endforeach ( _opt ) if ( NOT ${_VALIDOPT} ) message ( FATAL_ERROR "At least one option within ${_OPTIONLIST} must be selected" ) endif ( NOT ${_VALIDOPT} ) # Detection des prerequis lies aux options if (WITH_OPENTURNS) if (IN_SALOME_CONTEXT) SET(OpenTURNS_PYTHON_MODULE_DIR "") else (IN_SALOME_CONTEXT) find_package ( OpenTURNS REQUIRED ) endif (IN_SALOME_CONTEXT) endif (WITH_OPENTURNS) #if (WITH_ASTER) # find_package ( Aster REQUIRED ) #endif (WITH_ASTER) #if (WITH_MAP) # find_package ( MAP REQUIRED ) #endif (WITH_MAP) # Parcours recursif des sous-repertoires add_subdirectory ( Accas ) add_subdirectory ( Aide ) add_subdirectory ( Editeur ) add_subdirectory ( Extensions ) add_subdirectory ( Ihm ) add_subdirectory ( InterfaceQT4 ) add_subdirectory ( Noyau ) add_subdirectory ( UiQT4 ) add_subdirectory ( Validation ) add_subdirectory ( convert ) add_subdirectory ( generator ) # Installation des fichiers : Open TURNS if (WITH_OPENTURNS) add_subdirectory ( Openturns_Study ) add_subdirectory ( Openturns_Wrapper ) endif (WITH_OPENTURNS) # Installation des fichiers : Aster if (WITH_ASTER) add_subdirectory ( Aster ) add_subdirectory ( Traducteur ) endif (WITH_ASTER) if (WITH_TK) add_subdirectory ( InterfaceTK ) add_subdirectory ( Pmw ) add_subdirectory ( Tools ) add_subdirectory ( Misc ) add_subdirectory ( AIDE ) endif (WITH_TK) # Installation des fichiers : MAP if (WITH_MAP) add_subdirectory ( MAP ) endif (WITH_MAP) # Installation des fichiers : CARMEL if (WITH_CARMEL) add_subdirectory ( Carmel3D ) add_subdirectory ( CarmelCND ) add_subdirectory ( CarmelCS ) endif (WITH_CARMEL) # Installation des fichiers : Sep if (WITH_SEP) add_subdirectory ( Sep ) endif (WITH_SEP) # Installation des fichiers : ZCracks if (WITH_ZCRACKS) add_subdirectory ( ZCracks ) endif (WITH_ZCRACKS) ### Local Variables: ### mode: cmake ### End: