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[modules/adao.git] / src / daComposant / daAlgorithms / Atoms /
1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 #
3 # Copyright (C) 2008-2024 EDF R&D
4 #
5 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6 # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
7 # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
8 # version 2.1 of the License.
9 #
10 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 # Lesser General Public License for more details.
14 #
15 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
16 # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
17 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA
18 #
19 # See or email :
20 #
21 # Author: Jean-Philippe Argaud,, EDF R&D
23 __doc__ = """
24     Unscented Kalman Filter
25 """
26 __author__ = "Jean-Philippe ARGAUD"
28 import numpy, scipy, copy
29 from daCore.NumericObjects import GenerateWeightsAndSigmaPoints
30 from daCore.PlatformInfo import PlatformInfo, vfloat
31 mpr = PlatformInfo().MachinePrecision()
33 # ==============================================================================
34 def ecwukf(selfA, Xb, Y, U, HO, EM, CM, R, B, Q, VariantM="UKF"):
35     """
36     Unscented Kalman Filter
37     """
38     if selfA._parameters["EstimationOf"] == "Parameters":
39         selfA._parameters["StoreInternalVariables"] = True
40     #
41     wsp = GenerateWeightsAndSigmaPoints(
42         Nn       = Xb.size,
43         EO       = selfA._parameters["EstimationOf"],
44         VariantM = VariantM,
45         Alpha    = selfA._parameters["Alpha"],
46         Beta     = selfA._parameters["Beta"],
47         Kappa    = selfA._parameters["Kappa"],
48     )
49     Wm, Wc, SC = wsp.get()
50     #
51     # Durée d'observation et tailles
52     if hasattr(Y, "stepnumber"):
53         duration = Y.stepnumber()
54         __p = numpy.cumprod(Y.shape())[-1]
55     else:
56         duration = 2
57         __p = numpy.size(Y)
58     #
59     # Précalcul des inversions de B et R
60     if selfA._parameters["StoreInternalVariables"] \
61             or selfA._toStore("CostFunctionJ") \
62             or selfA._toStore("CostFunctionJb") \
63             or selfA._toStore("CostFunctionJo") \
64             or selfA._toStore("CurrentOptimum") \
65             or selfA._toStore("APosterioriCovariance"):
66         BI = B.getI()
67         RI = R.getI()
68     #
69     __n = Xb.size
70     nbPreviousSteps  = len(selfA.StoredVariables["Analysis"])
71     #
72     if len(selfA.StoredVariables["Analysis"]) == 0 or not selfA._parameters["nextStep"]:
73         Xn = Xb
74         if hasattr(B, "asfullmatrix"):
75             Pn = B.asfullmatrix(__n)
76         else:
77             Pn = B
78         selfA.StoredVariables["CurrentIterationNumber"].store( len(selfA.StoredVariables["Analysis"]) )
79         selfA.StoredVariables["Analysis"].store( Xb )
80         if selfA._toStore("APosterioriCovariance"):
81             selfA.StoredVariables["APosterioriCovariance"].store( Pn )
82     elif selfA._parameters["nextStep"]:
83         Xn = selfA._getInternalState("Xn")
84         Pn = selfA._getInternalState("Pn")
85     #
86     if selfA._parameters["EstimationOf"] == "Parameters":
87         XaMin            = Xn
88         previousJMinimum = numpy.finfo(float).max
89     #
90     for step in range(duration - 1):
91         #
92         if U is not None:
93             if hasattr(U, "store") and len(U) > 1:
94                 Un = numpy.ravel( U[step] ).reshape((-1, 1))
95             elif hasattr(U, "store") and len(U) == 1:
96                 Un = numpy.ravel( U[0] ).reshape((-1, 1))
97             else:
98                 Un = numpy.ravel( U ).reshape((-1, 1))
99         else:
100             Un = None
101         #
102         if CM is not None and "Tangent" in CM and U is not None:
103             Cm = CM["Tangent"].asMatrix(Xn)
104         else:
105             Cm = None
106         #
107         Pndemi = numpy.real(scipy.linalg.sqrtm(Pn))
108         Xnmu = Xn + Pndemi @ SC
109         nbSpts = SC.shape[1]
110         #
111         if selfA._parameters["EstimationOf"] == "State":
112             Mm = EM["Direct"].appliedControledFormTo
113             XEnnmu = Mm( [(Xnmu[:, point].reshape((-1, 1)), Un) for point in range(nbSpts)],
114                          argsAsSerie = True,
115                          returnSerieAsArrayMatrix = True )
116             if Cm is not None and Un is not None:  # Attention : si Cm est aussi dans M, doublon !
117                 Cm = Cm.reshape(__n, Un.size)  # ADAO & check shape
118                 XEnnmu = XEnnmu + Cm @ Un
119         elif selfA._parameters["EstimationOf"] == "Parameters":
120             # --- > Par principe, M = Id, Q = 0
121             XEnnmu = numpy.array( Xnmu )
122         #
123         Xhmn = ( XEnnmu * Wm ).sum(axis=1)
124         #
125         if selfA._parameters["EstimationOf"] == "State":
126             Pmn = copy.copy(Q)
127         elif selfA._parameters["EstimationOf"] == "Parameters":
128             Pmn = 0.
129         for point in range(nbSpts):
130             dXEnnmuXhmn = XEnnmu[:, point].flat - Xhmn
131             Pmn += Wc[point] * numpy.outer(dXEnnmuXhmn, dXEnnmuXhmn)
132         #
133         Pmndemi = numpy.real(scipy.linalg.sqrtm(Pmn))
134         Xnnmu = Xhmn.reshape((-1, 1)) + Pmndemi @ SC
135         #
136         Hm = HO["Direct"].appliedControledFormTo
137         Ynnmu = Hm( [(Xnnmu[:, point], None) for point in range(nbSpts)],
138                     argsAsSerie = True,
139                     returnSerieAsArrayMatrix = True )
140         #
141         Yhmn = ( Ynnmu * Wm ).sum(axis=1)
142         #
143         Pyyn = copy.copy(R)
144         Pxyn = 0.
145         for point in range(nbSpts):
146             dYnnmuYhmn = Ynnmu[:, point].flat - Yhmn
147             dXnnmuXhmn = Xnnmu[:, point].flat - Xhmn
148             Pyyn += Wc[point] * numpy.outer(dYnnmuYhmn, dYnnmuYhmn)
149             Pxyn += Wc[point] * numpy.outer(dXnnmuXhmn, dYnnmuYhmn)
150         #
151         if hasattr(Y, "store"):
152             Ynpu = numpy.ravel( Y[step + 1] ).reshape((__p, 1))
153         else:
154             Ynpu = numpy.ravel( Y ).reshape((__p, 1))
155         _Innovation  = Ynpu - Yhmn.reshape((-1, 1))
156         if selfA._parameters["EstimationOf"] == "Parameters":
157             if Cm is not None and Un is not None:  # Attention : si Cm est aussi dans H, doublon !
158                 _Innovation = _Innovation - Cm @ Un
159         #
160         Kn = Pxyn @ scipy.linalg.inv(Pyyn)
161         Xn = Xhmn.reshape((-1, 1)) + Kn @ _Innovation
162         Pn = Pmn - Kn @ (Pyyn @ Kn.T)
163         #
164         Xa = Xn  # Pointeurs
165         # --------------------------
166         selfA._setInternalState("Xn", Xn)
167         selfA._setInternalState("Pn", Pn)
168         # --------------------------
169         #
170         selfA.StoredVariables["CurrentIterationNumber"].store( len(selfA.StoredVariables["Analysis"]) )
171         # ---> avec analysis
172         selfA.StoredVariables["Analysis"].store( Xa )
173         if selfA._toStore("SimulatedObservationAtCurrentAnalysis"):
174             selfA.StoredVariables["SimulatedObservationAtCurrentAnalysis"].store( Hm((Xa, None)) )
175         if selfA._toStore("InnovationAtCurrentAnalysis"):
176             selfA.StoredVariables["InnovationAtCurrentAnalysis"].store( _Innovation )
177         # ---> avec current state
178         if selfA._parameters["StoreInternalVariables"] \
179                 or selfA._toStore("CurrentState"):
180             selfA.StoredVariables["CurrentState"].store( Xn )
181         if selfA._toStore("ForecastState"):
182             selfA.StoredVariables["ForecastState"].store( Xhmn )
183         if selfA._toStore("ForecastCovariance"):
184             selfA.StoredVariables["ForecastCovariance"].store( Pmn )
185         if selfA._toStore("BMA"):
186             selfA.StoredVariables["BMA"].store( Xhmn - Xa )
187         if selfA._toStore("InnovationAtCurrentState"):
188             selfA.StoredVariables["InnovationAtCurrentState"].store( _Innovation )
189         if selfA._toStore("SimulatedObservationAtCurrentState") \
190                 or selfA._toStore("SimulatedObservationAtCurrentOptimum"):
191             selfA.StoredVariables["SimulatedObservationAtCurrentState"].store( Yhmn )
192         # ---> autres
193         if selfA._parameters["StoreInternalVariables"] \
194                 or selfA._toStore("CostFunctionJ") \
195                 or selfA._toStore("CostFunctionJb") \
196                 or selfA._toStore("CostFunctionJo") \
197                 or selfA._toStore("CurrentOptimum") \
198                 or selfA._toStore("APosterioriCovariance"):
199             Jb  = vfloat( 0.5 * (Xa - Xb).T * (BI * (Xa - Xb)) )
200             Jo  = vfloat( 0.5 * _Innovation.T * (RI * _Innovation) )
201             J   = Jb + Jo
202             selfA.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJb"].store( Jb )
203             selfA.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJo"].store( Jo )
204             selfA.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJ" ].store( J )
205             #
206             if selfA._toStore("IndexOfOptimum") \
207                     or selfA._toStore("CurrentOptimum") \
208                     or selfA._toStore("CostFunctionJAtCurrentOptimum") \
209                     or selfA._toStore("CostFunctionJbAtCurrentOptimum") \
210                     or selfA._toStore("CostFunctionJoAtCurrentOptimum") \
211                     or selfA._toStore("SimulatedObservationAtCurrentOptimum"):
212                 IndexMin = numpy.argmin( selfA.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJ"][nbPreviousSteps:] ) + nbPreviousSteps
213             if selfA._toStore("IndexOfOptimum"):
214                 selfA.StoredVariables["IndexOfOptimum"].store( IndexMin )
215             if selfA._toStore("CurrentOptimum"):
216                 selfA.StoredVariables["CurrentOptimum"].store( selfA.StoredVariables["Analysis"][IndexMin] )
217             if selfA._toStore("SimulatedObservationAtCurrentOptimum"):
218                 selfA.StoredVariables["SimulatedObservationAtCurrentOptimum"].store( selfA.StoredVariables["SimulatedObservationAtCurrentAnalysis"][IndexMin] )  # noqa: E501
219             if selfA._toStore("CostFunctionJbAtCurrentOptimum"):
220                 selfA.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJbAtCurrentOptimum"].store( selfA.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJb"][IndexMin] )  # noqa: E501
221             if selfA._toStore("CostFunctionJoAtCurrentOptimum"):
222                 selfA.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJoAtCurrentOptimum"].store( selfA.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJo"][IndexMin] )  # noqa: E501
223             if selfA._toStore("CostFunctionJAtCurrentOptimum"):
224                 selfA.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJAtCurrentOptimum" ].store( selfA.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJ" ][IndexMin] )  # noqa: E501
225         if selfA._toStore("APosterioriCovariance"):
226             selfA.StoredVariables["APosterioriCovariance"].store( Pn )
227         if selfA._parameters["EstimationOf"] == "Parameters" \
228                 and J < previousJMinimum:
229             previousJMinimum    = J
230             XaMin               = Xa
231             if selfA._toStore("APosterioriCovariance"):
232                 covarianceXaMin = selfA.StoredVariables["APosterioriCovariance"][-1]
233     #
234     # Stockage final supplémentaire de l'optimum en estimation de paramètres
235     # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
236     if selfA._parameters["EstimationOf"] == "Parameters":
237         selfA.StoredVariables["CurrentIterationNumber"].store( len(selfA.StoredVariables["Analysis"]) )
238         selfA.StoredVariables["Analysis"].store( XaMin )
239         if selfA._toStore("APosterioriCovariance"):
240             selfA.StoredVariables["APosterioriCovariance"].store( covarianceXaMin )
241         if selfA._toStore("BMA"):
242             selfA.StoredVariables["BMA"].store( numpy.ravel(Xb) - numpy.ravel(XaMin) )
243     #
244     return 0
246 # ==============================================================================
247 if __name__ == "__main__":
248     print('\n AUTODIAGNOSTIC\n')