2 .. |rotate.icon| image:: images/rotate.png
7 Angular copy operation creates one or multiple copies of the sketch entities by rotation relative to a specified center point.
9 To create an Angular copy in the active Sketch:
11 #. select in the Main Menu *Sketch - > Angular copy* item or
12 #. click |rotate.icon| **Angular copy** button in Sketch toolbar:
16 .. figure:: images/Rotation_panel.png
21 .. |full_angle| image:: images/angle_up_full_32x32.png
22 .. |single_angle| image:: images/angle_up_32x32.png
26 - **Segments** is the list of segments (lines, circles, arcs) selected in the view;
27 - **Center of rotation** is the center point selected in the view;
28 - **Full angle/Single angle** option:
29 | |full_angle| **Full angle**: angle step of rotation is equal to the defined angle divided by the number of copies (total number minus one).
30 | |single_angle| **Single angle**: angle step of rotation is equal to the defined angle.
31 - **Angle** is the angle of rotation.
32 - **Reversed** defines rotation direction. If checked - in a clockwise direction, otherwise - in a counterclockwise direction.
33 - **Total number of objects** is the total number of objects including the original one.
38 .. py:function:: Sketch_1.addRotation(Objects, CenterPoint, Angle, NumberOfObjects, FullValue, Reversed)
40 :param list: A list of objects.
41 :param object: Center point.
43 :param integer: Number of objects.
44 :param boolean: Full value flag.
45 :param boolean: Reversed flag.
46 :return: Result object.
51 Created Angular copy appears in the view.
53 | The original and an angular copy objects are marked with a special sign.
54 | Copy objects are drawn with a thinner line.
56 .. figure:: images/Rotation_res.png
61 **See Also** a sample TUI Script of :ref:`tui_create_rotation` operation.