2 <toolbox id="CreationMethod">
3 <box id="SphereByPointRadius" title="By point and radius" icon="icons/Primitives/sphere_32x32.png">
4 <shape_selector id="center_point"
6 icon="icons/Primitives/point.png"
7 tooltip="Select a center point"
10 <doublevalue id="radius"
12 icon="icons/Primitives/radius.png"
13 tooltip="Enter a radius"
18 <box id="SphereByDimensions" title="By dimensions" icon="icons/Primitives/sphere_part_32x32.png">
19 <groupbox title="Dimensions">
20 <doublevalue id="rmin"
24 tooltip="Enter the inner radius">
26 <doublevalue id="rmax"
30 tooltip="Enter the outer radius">
34 <groupbox title="Phi/theta range">
35 <doublevalue id="phimin"
39 tooltip="Enter the azimuthal starting angle">
41 <doublevalue id="phimax"
46 tooltip="Enter the azimuthal revolution angle">
48 <doublevalue id="thetamin"
53 tooltip="Enter the polar starting angle">
55 <doublevalue id="thetamax"
60 tooltip="Enter the polar revolution angle">