]> SALOME platform Git repositories - modules/paravis.git/blob - src/Plugins/StaticMesh/plugin/sources.xml
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[EDF24911] : StaticMesh option in Ensight Reader + Force Static Mesh Plugin. Synchron...
[modules/paravis.git] / src / Plugins / StaticMesh / plugin / sources.xml
1 <ServerManagerConfiguration>
2   <ProxyGroup name="sources">
4     <SourceProxy class="vtkTemporalUGWavelet"
5                  label="Temporal Unstructured Grid Wavelet"
6                  name="TemporalUGWavelet">
7       <Documentation long_help="Create a wavelet ug."
8                      short_help="Create a wavelet ug."></Documentation>
9       <Documentation long_help="Create a unstructured grid in up to three dimensions with values varying according to a periodic function as well as temporal varying point and cell data."
10                      short_help="Create a temporal unstructured grid containing a wavelet">
11                      See Wavelet documentation.
12                      The output is a wavelet converted into an unstructured grid.
13                      It contains timesteps yet the mesh is static over time.
14                      It also contains "tPoint" and "tCell", wich are scalar arrays varying over time.
15       </Documentation>
16       <DoubleVectorProperty information_only="1"
17                             name="TimestepValues"
18                             repeatable="1">
19         <TimeStepsInformationHelper />
20       </DoubleVectorProperty>
21       <IntVectorProperty command="SetNumberOfTimeSteps"
22                          default_values="10"
23                          name="NumberOfTimeSteps"
24                          number_of_elements="1"
25                          panel_visibility="default">
26         <IntRangeDomain min="0"
27                         name="range" />
28         <Documentation>This property specifies the number of time steps
29         </Documentation>
30       </IntVectorProperty>
31       <IntVectorProperty command="SetWholeExtent"
32                          default_values="-10 10 -10 10 -10 10"
33                          label="Whole Extent"
34                          name="WholeExtent"
35                          number_of_elements="6"
36                          panel_visibility="default">
37         <IntRangeDomain name="range" />
38         <Documentation>The six values in this property indicate the X, Y, and Z
39         extent of the output data. The first two values represent the minimum
40         and maximum X indices, the next two are the minimum and maximum Y
41         indices, and the last two are the minimum and maximum Z
42         indices.</Documentation>
43       </IntVectorProperty>
44       <DoubleVectorProperty animateable="1"
45                             command="SetCenter"
46                             default_values="0.0 0.0 0.0"
47                             name="Center"
48                             number_of_elements="3"
49                             panel_visibility="default">
50         <DoubleRangeDomain name="range" />
51         <Documentation>This property specifies the 3D coordinates of the center of
52         the periodic function (x, y and z in the equation).</Documentation>
53       </DoubleVectorProperty>
54       <DoubleVectorProperty command="SetMaximum"
55                             default_values="255.0"
56                             name="Maximum"
57                             number_of_elements="1"
58                             panel_visibility="advanced">
59         <DoubleRangeDomain name="range" />
60         <Documentation>This parameter specifies the maximum value (M) of the
61         function.</Documentation>
62       </DoubleVectorProperty>
63       <DoubleVectorProperty animateable="1"
64                             command="SetXFreq"
65                             default_values="60.0"
66                             name="XFreq"
67                             number_of_elements="1"
68                             panel_visibility="advanced">
69         <DoubleRangeDomain name="range" />
70         <Documentation>This property specifies the natural frequency in X (XF
71         in the equation).</Documentation>
72       </DoubleVectorProperty>
73       <DoubleVectorProperty animateable="1"
74                             command="SetYFreq"
75                             default_values="30.0"
76                             name="YFreq"
77                             number_of_elements="1"
78                             panel_visibility="advanced">
79         <DoubleRangeDomain name="range" />
80         <Documentation>This property specifies the natural frequency in Y (YF
81         in the equation).</Documentation>
82       </DoubleVectorProperty>
83       <DoubleVectorProperty animateable="1"
84                             command="SetZFreq"
85                             default_values="40.0"
86                             name="ZFreq"
87                             number_of_elements="1"
88                             panel_visibility="advanced">
89         <DoubleRangeDomain name="range" />
90         <Documentation>This property specifies the natural frequency in Z (ZF
91         in the equation).</Documentation>
92       </DoubleVectorProperty>
93       <DoubleVectorProperty command="SetXMag"
94                             default_values="10.0"
95                             name="XMag"
96                             number_of_elements="1"
97                             panel_visibility="advanced">
98         <DoubleRangeDomain name="range" />
99         <Documentation>This property specifies the wave amplitude in X (XM in
100         the equation).</Documentation>
101       </DoubleVectorProperty>
102       <DoubleVectorProperty command="SetYMag"
103                             default_values="18.0"
104                             name="YMag"
105                             number_of_elements="1"
106                             panel_visibility="advanced">
107         <DoubleRangeDomain name="range" />
108         <Documentation>This property specifies the wave amplitude in Y (YM in
109         the equation).</Documentation>
110       </DoubleVectorProperty>
111       <DoubleVectorProperty command="SetZMag"
112                             default_values="5.0"
113                             name="ZMag"
114                             number_of_elements="1"
115                             panel_visibility="advanced">
116         <DoubleRangeDomain name="range" />
117         <Documentation>This property specifies the wave amplitude in Z (ZM in
118         the equation).</Documentation>
119       </DoubleVectorProperty>
120       <DoubleVectorProperty command="SetStandardDeviation"
121                             default_values="0.5"
122                             name="StandardDeviation"
123                             number_of_elements="1"
124                             panel_visibility="advanced">
125         <DoubleRangeDomain name="range" />
126         <Documentation>This property specifies the standard deviation of the
127         Gaussian used in computing this function.</Documentation>
128       </DoubleVectorProperty>
129       <IntVectorProperty command="SetSubsampleRate"
130                          default_values="1"
131                          name="SubsampleRate"
132                          number_of_elements="1"
133                          panel_visibility="advanced">
134         <IntRangeDomain min="1"
135                         name="range" />
136         <Documentation>This property specifies the rate at which to subsample
137         the volume. The extent of the dataset in each dimension will be divided
138         by this value. (See the Whole Extent property.)</Documentation>
139       </IntVectorProperty>
141       <!-- Define property groups for better readability of panels -->
142       <PropertyGroup label="Frequency">
143         <Property name="XFreq" />
144         <Property name="YFreq" />
145         <Property name="ZFreq" />
146       </PropertyGroup>
148       <PropertyGroup label="Amplitude">
149         <Property name="XMag" />
150         <Property name="YMag" />
151         <Property name="ZMag" />
152       </PropertyGroup>
153       <!-- End TemporalUGWavelet -->
154     </SourceProxy>
155   </ProxyGroup>
156 </ServerManagerConfiguration>