Salome HOME
No more macro mode. Replaced by SimpleMode plugin.
[modules/paravis.git] / src / Plugins / SimpleMode / ParaViewPlugin / Resources / SimpleModeServer.xml
1 <ServerManagerConfiguration>
2   <ProxyGroup name="filters">
3     <SourceProxy name="SimpleMode" class="vtkSimpleMode" label="Simple Mode">
4      <InputProperty name="Input" command="SetInputConnection">
5        <ProxyGroupDomain name="groups">
6          <Group name="sources"/>
7          <Group name="filters"/>
8        </ProxyGroupDomain>
9        <DataTypeDomain name="input_type">
10          <DataType value="vtkDataSet"/>
11        </DataTypeDomain>
12        <Documentation>
13          This property specifies the input to the Level Scalars filter.
14        </Documentation>
15      <InputArrayDomain name="input_array2"
16                        number_of_components="3,6"
17                        optional="1" />
18      </InputProperty>
20      <StringVectorProperty command="SetInputArrayToProcess"
21                             default_values="0;0;0;3"
22                             default_values_delimiter=";"
23                             element_types="0 0 0 0 2"
24                             name="Real"
25                             number_of_elements="5">
26         <!-- default value=1 so normals go to the right place -->
27         <ArrayListDomain attribute_type="Vectors"
28                          input_domain_name="input_array2"
29                          name="array_list">
30           <RequiredProperties>
31             <Property function="Input"
32                       name="Input" />
33           </RequiredProperties>
34         </ArrayListDomain>
35         <FieldDataDomain name="field_list">
36           <RequiredProperties>
37             <Property function="Input"
38                       name="Input" />
39           </RequiredProperties>
40         </FieldDataDomain>
41         <Documentation>
42 Select the array that represent the real part of the complex mode.
43         </Documentation>
44       </StringVectorProperty>
46       <DoubleVectorProperty animateable="1"
47                             command="SetFactor"
48                             default_values="1"
49                             name="Factor"
50                             number_of_elements="1">
51         <BoundsDomain name="range" mode="array_scaled_extent">
52           <RequiredProperties>
53             <Property function="Input" name="Input" />
54             <Property function="ArraySelection" name="Real" />
55           </RequiredProperties>
56         </BoundsDomain>
57         <Documentation>The value of this property sets the scale factor applied for all nodes displacement.</Documentation>
58       </DoubleVectorProperty>
60       <DoubleVectorProperty animateable="1"
61                             command="SetAnimationTime"
62                             default_values="0"
63                             name="AnimationTime"
64                             panel_visibility="advanced"
65                             number_of_elements="1">
66         <DoubleRangeDomain max="1" min="0" name="range" />
67         <Documentation>The value of this property sets the scale factor applied for all nodes displacement.</Documentation>
68       </DoubleVectorProperty>
70     </SourceProxy>
71   </ProxyGroup>
72 </ServerManagerConfiguration>