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[tools/medcoupling.git] / src / MEDLoader / Swig / CaseWriter.py
1 #  -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
2 # Copyright (C) 2007-2020  CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
3 #
4 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5 # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
6 # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
7 # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
8 #
9 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 # Lesser General Public License for more details.
13 #
14 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
15 # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
16 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA
17 #
18 # See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
19 #
20 # Author : Anthony GEAY (CEA/DEN/DM2S/STMF/LGLS)
22 import numpy as np
23 from CaseIO import CaseIO
24 from MEDLoader import *
25 import sys,re,os,mmap
27 ### www-vis.lbl.gov/NERSC/Software/ensight/doc/OnlineHelp/UM-C11.pdf
29 class CaseWriter(CaseIO):
30     """ Converting MED file format in memory to a the Case file format (Ensight).
31     A new file with the same base name and the .case extension is created with its dependencies (.geo ...).
32     """
34     header="""FORMAT
35 type: ensight gold
37 model: %(geofilewithoutpath)s
38 """
39     header_varpart="""VARIABLE"""
40     header_timepart="""TIME
41 time set:               1
42 number of steps:        %(NbTimeSteps)i
43 filename start number:  0
44 filename increment:     1
45 time values:
46 %(TimeValues)s
47 """
49     @classmethod
50     def New(cls):
51         """ Static constructor. """
52         return CaseWriter()
53         pass
55     def __init__(self):
56         """ Constructor """
57         self.__export_groups=False
58         pass
60     def setMEDFileDS(self,medData):
61         """ Input should be MEDFileData instance  """
62         self._med_data=medData
63         pass
65     def isExportingGroups(self):
66         """ return the status of exporting groups policy """
67         return self.__export_groups
69     def setExportingGroups(self,status):
70         assert(isinstance(status,bool))
71         self.__export_groups=status
72         pass
75     def write(self,fileName):
76         """ Write into the specified fileName series the result """
77         self._file_name=fileName
78         self._base_name_without_dir=os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self._file_name))[0]
79         self._l=self._file_name.split(os.path.sep) ; self._l[-1]=os.path.splitext(self._l[-1])[0]
80         self._base_name_with_dir=os.path.sep.join(self._l)
81         self._real_written_file_name=[]
82         self._dico={}
83         for mesh in self._med_data.getMeshes():
84             additionnalFileNamePart=""
85             if len(self._med_data.getMeshes())!=1:
86                 additionnalFileNamePart="_%s"%(mesh.getName())
87                 pass
88             self._dico["geofilewithoutpath"]="%s%s.geo"%(self._base_name_without_dir,additionnalFileNamePart)
89             h0=self.header%self._dico
90             self.__writeMeshesPart(mesh,"%s%s.geo"%(self._base_name_with_dir,additionnalFileNamePart))
91             #
92             h2=self.__writeFieldsPart(self._med_data.getFields().partOfThisLyingOnSpecifiedMeshName(mesh.getName()))
93             realWrittenCaseFileNameForCurMesh="%s%s.case"%(self._base_name_with_dir,additionnalFileNamePart)
94             fheader=open(realWrittenCaseFileNameForCurMesh,"w") ; fheader.write((h0+h2)%self._dico)
95             self._real_written_file_name.append(realWrittenCaseFileNameForCurMesh)
96             pass
97         return self._real_written_file_name
99     def __writeMeshesPart(self,mdm,meshfn):
100         try:
101             os.remove(meshfn)
102         except:
103             pass
104         f=open(meshfn,"w+b")
105         sz=5*80
106         #
107         assert(isinstance(mdm,MEDFileUMesh))
108         ms2=[[mdm.getMeshAtLevel(lev) for lev in mdm.getNonEmptyLevels()[:1]]]
109         if self.__export_groups:
110             for grpnm in mdm.getGroupsNames():
111                 ms3=[]
112                 for lev in mdm.getGrpNonEmptyLevels(grpnm)[:1]:
113                     m=mdm.getGroup(lev,grpnm) ; m.zipCoords()
114                     ms3.append(m)
115                     pass
116                 ms2.append(ms3)
117                 pass
118             pass
119         for ms in ms2:
120             nn=ms[0].getNumberOfNodes()
121             sz+=self.__computeSizeOfGeoFile(ms,nn)
122             pass
123         pass
124         a=np.memmap(f,dtype='byte',mode='w+',offset=0,shape=(sz,)) ; a.flush() # truncate to set the size of the file
125         mm=mmap.mmap(f.fileno(),offset=0,length=0)
126         mm.write(self.__str80("C Binary"))
127         mm.write(self.__str80("Exported from MEDCoupling/MEDLoader version %s"%(MEDCouplingVersionStr())))
128         mm.write(self.__str80("Conversion using CaseWriter class"))
129         mm.write(self.__str80("node id off"))
130         mm.write(self.__str80("element id off"))
131         for iii,ms in enumerate(ms2):
132             nn=ms[0].getNumberOfNodes()
133             mm.write(self.__str80("part"))
134             a=np.memmap(f,dtype='int32',mode='w+',offset=mm.tell(),shape=(1,))
135             a[0]=iii+1 ; a.flush() ; mm.seek(mm.tell()+4) # part number maybe to change ?
136             name=ms[0].getName()
137             if iii>0:
138                 name="%s_%s"%(ms2[0][0].getName(),name)
139                 pass
140             mm.write(self.__str80(name))
141             mm.write(self.__str80("coordinates"))
142             a=np.memmap(f,dtype='int32',mode='w+',offset=mm.tell(),shape=(1,))
143             a[0]=nn ; a.flush() # number of nodes
144             mm.seek(mm.tell()+4)
145             coo=ms[0].getCoords()
146             spaceDim=coo.getNumberOfComponents()
147             if spaceDim!=3:
148                 coo=coo.changeNbOfComponents(3,0.)
149                 pass
150             a=np.memmap(f,dtype='float32',mode='w+',offset=mm.tell(),shape=(3,nn))
151             c=coo.toNoInterlace() ; c.rearrange(1) ; cnp=c.toNumPyArray() ; cnp=cnp.reshape(3,nn)
152             a[:]=cnp ; a.flush() ; mm.seek(mm.tell()+3*nn*4)
153             for m in ms:
154                 i=0
155                 for typ2,nbelem,dummy in m.getDistributionOfTypes():
156                     typ=typ2
157                     if typ not in self.dictMCTyp:
158                         typ=MEDCouplingMesh.GetCorrespondingPolyType(typ)
159                         pass
160                     mp=m[i:i+nbelem]
161                     mm.write(self.__str80(self.dictMCTyp_str[typ]))
162                     a=np.memmap(f,dtype='int32',mode='w+',offset=mm.tell(),shape=(1,))
163                     a[0]=nbelem ; a.flush() ; mm.seek(mm.tell()+4)
164                     if typ!=NORM_POLYHED and typ!=NORM_POLYGON:
165                         nbNodesPerElem=MEDCouplingMesh.GetNumberOfNodesOfGeometricType(typ)
166                         c=mp.getNodalConnectivity() ; c.rearrange(nbNodesPerElem+1) ; c=c[:,1:] ; c.rearrange(1) ; c+=1
167                         a=np.memmap(f,dtype='int32',mode='w+',offset=mm.tell(),shape=(nbNodesPerElem*nbelem,))
168                         a[:]=c.toNumPyArray() ; a.flush() ; mm.seek(mm.tell()+nbNodesPerElem*nbelem*4)
169                         pass
170                     elif typ==NORM_POLYHED:
171                         mp.orientCorrectlyPolyhedrons()
172                         c=mp.computeNbOfFacesPerCell()
173                         a=np.memmap(f,dtype='int32',mode='w+',offset=mm.tell(),shape=(nbelem,))
174                         a[:]=c.toNumPyArray(); a.flush() ; mm.seek(mm.tell()+nbelem*4)
175                         c=mp.getNodalConnectivity()[:] ; c.pushBackSilent(-1) ; c[mp.getNodalConnectivityIndex()[:-1]]=-1 ; ids=c.findIdsEqual(-1) ; nbOfNodesPerFace=ids.deltaShiftIndex()-1
176                         a=np.memmap(f,dtype='int32',mode='w+',offset=mm.tell(),shape=(len(nbOfNodesPerFace),))
177                         a[:]=nbOfNodesPerFace.toNumPyArray() ; a.flush() ; mm.seek(mm.tell()+len(nbOfNodesPerFace)*4)
178                         ids2=ids.buildComplement(ids.back()+1)
179                         c2=mp.getNodalConnectivity()[ids2]+1
180                         a=np.memmap(f,dtype='int32',mode='w+',offset=mm.tell(),shape=(len(c2),))
181                         a[:]=c2.toNumPyArray() ; a.flush() ; mm.seek(mm.tell()+len(c2)*4)
182                         pass
183                     else:
184                         nbOfNodesPerCell=mp.getNodalConnectivityIndex().deltaShiftIndex()-1
185                         a=np.memmap(f,dtype='int32',mode='w+',offset=mm.tell(),shape=(len(nbOfNodesPerCell),))
186                         a[:]=nbOfNodesPerCell.toNumPyArray() ; a.flush() ; mm.seek(mm.tell()+len(nbOfNodesPerCell)*4)
187                         ids2=mp.getNodalConnectivityIndex().buildComplement(mp.getNodalConnectivityIndex().back()+1)
188                         c2=mp.getNodalConnectivity()[ids2]+1
189                         a=np.memmap(f,dtype='int32',mode='w+',offset=mm.tell(),shape=(len(c2),))
190                         a[:]=c2.toNumPyArray() ; a.flush() ; mm.seek(mm.tell()+len(c2)*4)
191                         pass
192                     i+=nbelem
193                     pass
194                 pass
195             pass
196         pass
198     def __writeFieldsPart(self,mdfs):
199         if not mdfs:
200             return ""
201         self._ze_top_dict={}
202         its,areForgottenTS=mdfs.getCommonIterations()
203         if areForgottenTS:
204             print(("WARNING : some iterations are NOT present in all fields ! Kept iterations are : %s !"%(str(its))))
205             pass
206         TimeValues=""
207         for it in its:
208             TimeValues+="%s\n"%(str(mdfs[0][it].getTime()[-1]))
209             pass
210         dictVars={}
211         for mdf in mdfs:
212             nbCompo=mdf.getNumberOfComponents()
213             if nbCompo not in self.dictCompo:
214                 l = [x for x in self.dictCompo if x - nbCompo > 0]
215                 if len(l)==0:
216                     print(("Field \"%s\" will be ignored because number of components (%i) is too big to be %s supported by case files !"%(mdf.getName(),nbCompo,str(list(self.dictCompo.keys())))))
217                     continue
218                     pass
219                 print(("WARNING : Field \"%s\" will have its number of components (%i) set to %i, in order to be supported by case files (must be in %s) !"%(mdf.getName(),nbCompo,l[0],str(list(self.dictCompo.keys())))))
220                 nbCompo=l[0]
221                 pass
222             if nbCompo in dictVars:
223                 dictVars[nbCompo].append(mdf)
224                 pass
225             else:
226                 dictVars[nbCompo]=[mdf]
227                 pass
228             pass
229         for mdf in mdfs:
230             nbCompo=mdf.getNumberOfComponents()
231             if nbCompo not in self.dictCompo:
232                 l = [x for x in self.dictCompo if x - nbCompo > 0]
233                 if len(l)==0:
234                     continue;
235                 nbCompo=l[0]
236                 pass
237             for iii,it in enumerate(its):
238                 ff=mdf[it]
239                 isMultiDisc=len(ff.getTypesOfFieldAvailable())>1
240                 for typ in ff.getTypesOfFieldAvailable():
241                     l=self._l[:] ; l[-1]="%s%s.%s"%(self._base_name_without_dir,str(iii).rjust(4,"0"),ff.getName())
242                     if isMultiDisc:
243                         l[-1]="%s_%s"(l[-1],MEDCouplingFieldDiscretization.New(typ).getStringRepr())
244                         pass
245                     fffn=l[-1]
246                     try:
247                         os.remove(os.path.sep.join(l))
248                     except:
249                         pass
250                     f=open(os.path.sep.join(l),"w+b")
251                     summ=0
252                     for geo,[(curTyp,(bg,end),pfl,loc)] in ff.getFieldSplitedByType():
253                         if typ==curTyp:
254                             summ+=4*nbCompo*(end-bg)+80
255                             pass
256                         pass
257                     a=np.memmap(f,dtype='byte',mode='w+',offset=0,shape=(2*80+4+summ,)) ; a.flush() # truncate to set the size of the file
258                     mm=mmap.mmap(f.fileno(),offset=0,length=0)
259                     k1=ff.getName()
260                     if isMultiDisc:
261                         k1="%s_%s"%(k1,MEDCouplingFieldDiscretization.New(typ).getStringRepr())
262                         pass
263                     mm.write(self.__str80(k1))
264                     mm.write(self.__str80("part"))
265                     a=np.memmap(f,dtype='int32',mode='w+',offset=mm.tell(),shape=(1,))
266                     a[0]=1 ; a.flush() ; mm.seek(mm.tell()+4) # part number maybe to change ?
267                     for geo,[(curTyp,(bg,end),pfl,loc)] in ff.getFieldSplitedByType():
268                         if pfl!="":
269                             raise Exception("Field \"%s\" contains profiles ! Profiles are not supported yet !"%(mdf.getName()))
270                         if typ==curTyp:
271                             arr=ff.getUndergroundDataArray()[bg:end].changeNbOfComponents(nbCompo,0.) ; arr=arr.toNoInterlace()
272                             if typ==ON_CELLS:
273                                 mm.write(self.__str80(self.dictMCTyp_str[geo]))
274                                 pass
275                             elif typ==ON_NODES:
276                                 mm.write(self.__str80("coordinates"))
277                                 pass
278                             else:
279                                 print(("UnManaged type of field for field \"%s\" !"%(mdf.getName())))
280                                 pass
281                             a=np.memmap(f,dtype='float32',mode='w+',offset=mm.tell(),shape=(nbCompo,end-bg))
282                             b=arr.toNumPyArray() ; b=b.reshape(nbCompo,end-bg)
283                             a[:]=b
284                             a.flush() ; mm.seek(mm.tell()+nbCompo*(end-bg)*4)
285                             pass
286                         pass
287                     k="%s per %s"%(self.dictCompo[nbCompo],self.discSpatial[typ])
288                     if k in self._ze_top_dict:
289                         if k1 in self._ze_top_dict[k]:
290                             self._ze_top_dict[k][k1].append(fffn)
291                             pass
292                         else:
293                             self._ze_top_dict[k][k1]=[fffn]
294                             pass
295                     else:
296                         self._ze_top_dict[k]={k1:[fffn]}
297                         pass
298                     pass
299                 pass
300             pass
301         headerPart=""
302         if len(self._ze_top_dict)!=0:
303             hvp=self.header_varpart[:]
304             for k in self._ze_top_dict:
305                 for k1 in self._ze_top_dict[k]:
306                     hvp+="\n%s: %s %s"%(k,k1,re.sub("([\d]{4})",4*"*",self._ze_top_dict[k][k1][0]))
307                     pass
308                 pass
309             hvp+="\n"
310             headerPart+=hvp
311             #
312             ddd={"NbTimeSteps":len(its),"TimeValues":TimeValues}
313             htp=self.header_timepart%ddd
314             headerPart+=htp
315             pass
316         return headerPart
318     @classmethod
319     def __str80(cls,st):
320         if len(st)>79:
321             raise Exception("String \"%s\" is too long (>79) !"%(st))
322         return bytes(str(st).ljust(79)+"\n", "ascii")
324     def __computeSizeOfGeoFile(self,listOfMeshes,nn):
325         sz=0
326         for m in listOfMeshes:
327             distribTypes=m.getDistributionOfTypes()
328             sz+=80+4+2*80+4+nn*3*4
329             i=0
330             for typ2,nbelem,dummy in distribTypes:
331                 typ=typ2
332                 if typ not in self.dictMCTyp:
333                     typ=MEDCouplingMesh.GetCorrespondingPolyType()
334                     pass
335                 if typ!=NORM_POLYHED and typ!=NORM_POLYGON:
336                     sz+=80+4+MEDCouplingMesh.GetNumberOfNodesOfGeometricType(typ)*nbelem*4
337                     pass
338                 elif typ==NORM_POLYHED:
339                     mplh=m[i:i+nbelem] ; delta=len(mplh.getNodalConnectivity())+nbelem
340                     sz+=80+4+delta*4
341                     pass
342                 else:
343                     mplh=m[i:i+nbelem] ; delta=len(mplh.getNodalConnectivity())
344                     sz+=80+4+delta*4
345                     pass
346                 i+=nbelem
347                 pass
348             pass
349         return sz