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refs #416: to store the open state of object browser items in the binary array
[modules/gui.git] / src / LogWindow / resources / LogWindow_msg_fr.ts
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
3 <TS version="2.0" language="fr_FR">
4 <context>
5     <name>LogWindow</name>
6     <message>
7         <location filename="../LogWindow.cxx" line="293"/>
8         <source>EDIT_COPY_CMD</source>
9         <translation>&amp;Copier</translation>
10     </message>
11     <message>
12         <location filename="../LogWindow.cxx" line="298"/>
13         <source>EDIT_CLEAR_CMD</source>
14         <translation>&amp;Effacer</translation>
15     </message>
16     <message>
17         <location filename="../LogWindow.cxx" line="303"/>
18         <source>EDIT_SELECTALL_CMD</source>
19         <translation>&amp;Tout sélectionner</translation>
20     </message>
21     <message>
22         <location filename="../LogWindow.cxx" line="308"/>
23         <source>EDIT_SAVETOFILE_CMD</source>
24         <translation>&amp;Sauvegarder le journal dans un fichier...</translation>
25     </message>
26     <message>
27         <location filename="../LogWindow.cxx" line="368"/>
28         <source>ERR_ERROR</source>
29         <translation>Erreur</translation>
30     </message>
31     <message>
32         <location filename="../LogWindow.cxx" line="368"/>
33         <source>ERR_CANT_SAVE_FILE</source>
34         <translation>Impossible de sauvegarder le fichier</translation>
35     </message>
36     <message>
37         <location filename="../LogWindow.cxx" line="368"/>
38         <source>BUT_OK</source>
39         <translation>&amp;OK</translation>
40     </message>
41 </context>
42 </TS>