]> SALOME platform Git repositories - tools/medcoupling.git/blob - src/INTERP_KERNEL/Makefile.am
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On the road of addition of optimized unstructured mesh with a single geometric type.
[tools/medcoupling.git] / src / INTERP_KERNEL / Makefile.am
1 # Copyright (C) 2007-2013  CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
2 #
3 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
4 # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
5 # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
6 # version 2.1 of the License.
7 #
8 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 # Lesser General Public License for more details.
12 #
13 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
14 # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
15 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA
16 #
17 # See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
18 #
20 #  MED files in memory
21 #  File   : Makefile.am
23 #  Module : MED
24 #
25 include $(top_srcdir)/adm_local/unix/make_common_starter.am
27 lib_LTLIBRARIES = libinterpkernel.la
29 salomeinclude_HEADERS =                 \
30 BBTree.txx                              \
31 BBTreePts.txx                           \
32 BBTreeDst.txx                           \
33 BoundingBox.hxx                         \
34 CellModel.hxx                           \
35 ConvexIntersector.hxx                   \
36 ConvexIntersector.txx                   \
37 Geometric2DIntersector.hxx              \
38 Geometric2DIntersector.txx              \
39 PointLocator2DIntersector.hxx           \
40 PointLocator2DIntersector.txx           \
41 INTERPKERNELDefines.hxx                 \
42 InterpKernelMatrix.hxx                  \
43 InterpKernelMatrixTools.hxx             \
44 InterpKernelMeshQuality.hxx             \
45 InterpKernelCellSimplify.hxx            \
46 Interpolation.hxx                       \
47 Interpolation.txx                       \
48 Interpolation2D.hxx                     \
49 Interpolation2D.txx                     \
50 Interpolation3D.hxx                     \
51 Interpolation3D.txx                     \
52 Interpolation2D1D.hxx                   \
53 Interpolation2D1D.txx                   \
54 Interpolation3D2D.hxx                   \
55 Interpolation3D2D.txx                   \
56 Interpolation3DSurf.hxx                 \
57 InterpolationOptions.hxx                \
58 InterpolationPlanar.hxx                 \
59 InterpolationPlanar.txx                 \
60 InterpolationCC.hxx                     \
61 InterpolationCC.txx                     \
62 InterpolationCU.hxx                     \
63 InterpolationCU.txx                     \
64 InterpolationUtils.hxx                  \
65 IntersectorCU.hxx                       \
66 IntersectorCU.txx                       \
67 IntersectorCU1D.hxx                     \
68 IntersectorCU1D.txx                     \
69 IntersectorCU2D.hxx                     \
70 IntersectorCU2D.txx                     \
71 IntersectorCU3D.hxx                     \
72 IntersectorCU3D.txx                     \
73 Intersector3D.hxx                       \
74 Intersector3D.txx                       \
75 Intersector3DP0P0.hxx                   \
76 Intersector3DP0P0.txx                   \
77 Intersector3DP0P1.hxx                   \
78 Intersector3DP0P1.txx                   \
79 Intersector3DP1P0.hxx                   \
80 Intersector3DP1P0.txx                   \
81 Intersector3DP1P0Bary.hxx               \
82 Intersector3DP1P0Bary.txx               \
83 Intersector3DP1P1.hxx                   \
84 Intersector3DP1P1.txx                   \
85 Log.hxx                                 \
86 MeshElement.hxx                         \
87 MeshElement.txx                         \
88 MeshRegion.hxx                          \
89 MeshRegion.txx                          \
90 MeshUtils.hxx                           \
91 PointLocatorAlgos.txx                   \
92 PlanarIntersector.hxx                   \
93 PlanarIntersector.txx                   \
94 Planar2D1DIntersectorP0P0.hxx           \
95 Planar2D1DIntersectorP0P0.txx           \
96 PlanarIntersectorP0P0.hxx               \
97 PlanarIntersectorP0P0.txx               \
98 PlanarIntersectorP0P1.hxx               \
99 PlanarIntersectorP0P1.txx               \
100 PlanarIntersectorP1P0.hxx               \
101 PlanarIntersectorP1P0.txx               \
102 PlanarIntersectorP1P0Bary.hxx           \
103 PlanarIntersectorP1P0Bary.txx           \
104 PlanarIntersectorP0P1PL.hxx             \
105 PlanarIntersectorP0P1PL.txx             \
106 PlanarIntersectorP1P0PL.hxx             \
107 PlanarIntersectorP1P0PL.txx             \
108 PlanarIntersectorP1P1PL.hxx             \
109 PlanarIntersectorP1P1PL.txx             \
110 PlanarIntersectorP1P1.hxx               \
111 PlanarIntersectorP1P1.txx               \
112 PolygonAlgorithms.hxx                   \
113 PolygonAlgorithms.txx                   \
114 Polyhedron3D2DIntersectorP0P0.hxx       \
115 Polyhedron3D2DIntersectorP0P0.txx       \
116 PolyhedronIntersectorP0P0.hxx           \
117 PolyhedronIntersectorP0P0.txx           \
118 PointLocator3DIntersectorP0P0.hxx       \
119 PointLocator3DIntersectorP0P0.txx       \
120 PolyhedronIntersectorP0P1.hxx           \
121 PolyhedronIntersectorP0P1.txx           \
122 PointLocator3DIntersectorP0P1.hxx       \
123 PointLocator3DIntersectorP0P1.txx       \
124 PolyhedronIntersectorP1P0.hxx           \
125 PolyhedronIntersectorP1P0.txx           \
126 PointLocator3DIntersectorP1P0.hxx       \
127 PointLocator3DIntersectorP1P0.txx       \
128 PolyhedronIntersectorP1P0Bary.hxx       \
129 PolyhedronIntersectorP1P0Bary.txx       \
130 PolyhedronIntersectorP1P1.hxx           \
131 PolyhedronIntersectorP1P1.txx           \
132 PointLocator3DIntersectorP1P1.hxx       \
133 PointLocator3DIntersectorP1P1.txx       \
134 RegionNode.hxx                          \
135 SplitterTetra.hxx                       \
136 SplitterTetra.txx                       \
137 TargetIntersector.hxx                   \
138 TetraAffineTransform.hxx                \
139 TransformedTriangle.hxx                 \
140 TransformedTriangleInline.hxx           \
141 TranslationRotationMatrix.hxx           \
142 TriangulationIntersector.hxx            \
143 TriangulationIntersector.txx            \
144 IntegralUniformIntersector.hxx          \
145 IntegralUniformIntersector.txx          \
146 UnitTetraIntersectionBary.hxx           \
147 VTKNormalizedUnstructuredMesh.hxx       \
148 VTKNormalizedUnstructuredMesh.txx       \
149 VectorUtils.hxx                         \
150 VolSurfFormulae.hxx                     \
151 GenMathFormulae.hxx                     \
152 VolSurfUser.hxx                         \
153 VolSurfUser.txx                         \
154 CurveIntersector.hxx                    \
155 CurveIntersector.txx                    \
156 CurveIntersectorP0P0.hxx                \
157 CurveIntersectorP0P0.txx                \
158 CurveIntersectorP0P1.hxx                \
159 CurveIntersectorP0P1.txx                \
160 CurveIntersectorP1P0.hxx                \
161 CurveIntersectorP1P0.txx                \
162 CurveIntersectorP1P1.hxx                \
163 CurveIntersectorP1P1.txx                \
164 Interpolation1D.hxx                     \
165 Interpolation1D.txx                     \
166 Interpolation2DCurve.hxx                \
167 InterpolationCurve.hxx                  \
168 InterpolationCurve.txx                  \
169 DirectedBoundingBox.hxx                 \
170 Bases/InterpKernelException.hxx         \
171 Bases/NormalizedUnstructuredMesh.hxx    \
172 Bases/InterpKernelStlExt.hxx            \
173 Bases/InterpKernelHashMap.hxx           \
174 Bases/InterpKernelHashTable.hxx         \
175 Bases/InterpKernelHashFun.hxx           \
176 Bases/InterpKernelAutoPtr.hxx           \
177 Geometric2D/InterpKernelGeo2DAbstractEdge.hxx      \
178 Geometric2D/InterpKernelGeo2DBounds.hxx            \
179 Geometric2D/InterpKernelGeo2DPrecision.hxx         \
180 Geometric2D/InterpKernelGeo2DComposedEdge.hxx      \
181 Geometric2D/InterpKernelGeo2DEdgeArcCircle.hxx     \
182 Geometric2D/InterpKernelGeo2DEdge.hxx              \
183 Geometric2D/InterpKernelGeo2DEdgeInfLin.hxx        \
184 Geometric2D/InterpKernelGeo2DEdgeLin.hxx           \
185 Geometric2D/InterpKernelGeo2DElementaryEdge.hxx    \
186 Geometric2D/InterpKernelGeo2DNode.hxx              \
187 Geometric2D/InterpKernelGeo2DQuadraticPolygon.hxx  \
188 Geometric2D/InterpKernelGeo2DEdge.txx              \
189 ExprEval/InterpKernelExprParser.hxx              \
190 ExprEval/InterpKernelFunction.hxx                \
191 ExprEval/InterpKernelUnit.hxx                    \
192 ExprEval/InterpKernelValue.hxx                   \
193 ExprEval/InterpKernelAsmX86.hxx                  \
194 GaussPoints/InterpKernelGaussCoords.hxx
197 EXTRA_DIST +=                   \
198 InterpKernelUtilities.hxx       \
199 Intersector3DP0P0.hxx           \
200 Intersector3DP0P0.txx           \
201 PlanarIntersectorP0P1.hxx       \
202 PlanarIntersectorP0P1.txx       \
203 PlanarIntersectorP1P0.hxx       \
204 PlanarIntersectorP1P0.txx       \
205 VolSurfFormulae.hxx             \
206 VolSurfUser.hxx                 \
207 VolSurfUser.txx                 \
208 ExprEval/InterpKernelExprParser.hxx              \
209 ExprEval/InterpKernelFunction.hxx                \
210 ExprEval/InterpKernelUnit.hxx                    \
211 ExprEval/InterpKernelValue.hxx
213 # Libraries targets
215 dist_libinterpkernel_la_SOURCES = \
216         TransformedTriangle.cxx \
217         TransformedTriangleIntersect.cxx \
218         TransformedTriangleMath.cxx \
219         BoundingBox.cxx \
220         TranslationRotationMatrix.cxx \
221         TetraAffineTransform.cxx \
222         CellModel.cxx \
223         VolSurfUser.cxx \
224         UnitTetraIntersectionBary.cxx \
225         InterpolationOptions.cxx \
226         DirectedBoundingBox.cxx \
227         Interpolation2DCurve.cxx \
228         Interpolation3DSurf.cxx \
229         Interpolation3D.cxx \
230         Interpolation3D2D.cxx \
231         MeshElement.cxx \
232         InterpKernelMeshQuality.cxx \
233         InterpKernelCellSimplify.cxx \
234         InterpKernelMatrixTools.cxx \
235         Bases/InterpKernelException.cxx \
236         Geometric2D/InterpKernelGeo2DAbstractEdge.cxx         \
237         Geometric2D/InterpKernelGeo2DBounds.cxx               \
238         Geometric2D/InterpKernelGeo2DPrecision.cxx            \
239         Geometric2D/InterpKernelGeo2DComposedEdge.cxx         \
240         Geometric2D/InterpKernelGeo2DEdgeArcCircle.cxx        \
241         Geometric2D/InterpKernelGeo2DEdge.cxx                 \
242         Geometric2D/InterpKernelGeo2DEdgeInfLin.cxx           \
243         Geometric2D/InterpKernelGeo2DEdgeLin.cxx              \
244         Geometric2D/InterpKernelGeo2DElementaryEdge.cxx       \
245         Geometric2D/InterpKernelGeo2DNode.cxx                 \
246         Geometric2D/InterpKernelGeo2DQuadraticPolygon.cxx     \
247         ExprEval/InterpKernelExprParser.cxx        \
248         ExprEval/InterpKernelFunction.cxx          \
249         ExprEval/InterpKernelUnit.cxx              \
250         ExprEval/InterpKernelValue.cxx             \
251         ExprEval/InterpKernelAsmX86.cxx            \
252         GaussPoints/InterpKernelGaussCoords.cxx
254 libinterpkernel_la_CPPFLAGS= -I$(srcdir)/Bases -I$(srcdir)/Geometric2D -I$(srcdir)/ExprEval -I$(srcdir)/GaussPoints
256 AM_CPPFLAGS += $(libinterpkernel_la_CPPFLAGS)