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[tools/medcoupling.git] / src / INTERP_KERNEL / Geometric2D / InterpKernelGeo2DQuadraticPolygon.cxx
1 // Copyright (C) 2007-2012  CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
2 //
3 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
4 // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
5 // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
6 // version 2.1 of the License.
7 //
8 // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 // Lesser General Public License for more details.
12 //
13 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
14 // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
15 // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA
16 //
17 // See or email :
18 //
20 #include "InterpKernelGeo2DQuadraticPolygon.hxx"
21 #include "InterpKernelGeo2DElementaryEdge.hxx"
22 #include "InterpKernelGeo2DEdgeArcCircle.hxx"
23 #include "InterpKernelGeo2DAbstractEdge.hxx"
24 #include "InterpKernelGeo2DEdgeLin.hxx"
25 #include "InterpKernelGeo2DBounds.hxx"
26 #include "InterpKernelGeo2DEdge.txx"
28 #include "NormalizedUnstructuredMesh.hxx"
30 #include <fstream>
31 #include <iomanip>
32 #include <cstring>
33 #include <limits>
35 using namespace INTERP_KERNEL;
37 namespace INTERP_KERNEL
38 {
39   const unsigned MAX_SIZE_OF_LINE_XFIG_FILE=1024;
40 }
42 QuadraticPolygon::QuadraticPolygon(const char *file)
43 {
44   char currentLine[MAX_SIZE_OF_LINE_XFIG_FILE];
45   std::ifstream stream(file);
46   stream.exceptions(std::ios_base::eofbit);
47   try
48     {
49       do
50         stream.getline(currentLine,MAX_SIZE_OF_LINE_XFIG_FILE);
51       while(strcmp(currentLine,"1200 2")!=0);
52       do
53         {
54           Edge *newEdge=Edge::BuildFromXfigLine(stream);
55           if(!empty())
56             newEdge->changeStartNodeWith(back()->getEndNode());
57           pushBack(newEdge);
58         }
59       while(1);
60     }
61   catch(std::ifstream::failure&)
62     {
63     }
64   front()->changeStartNodeWith(back()->getEndNode());
65 }
67 QuadraticPolygon::~QuadraticPolygon()
68 {
69 }
71 QuadraticPolygon *QuadraticPolygon::BuildLinearPolygon(std::vector<Node *>& nodes)
72 {
73   QuadraticPolygon *ret=new QuadraticPolygon;
74   std::size_t size=nodes.size();
75   for(std::size_t i=0;i<size;i++)
76     {
77       ret->pushBack(new EdgeLin(nodes[i],nodes[(i+1)%size]));
78       nodes[i]->decrRef();
79     }
80   return ret;
81 }
83 QuadraticPolygon *QuadraticPolygon::BuildArcCirclePolygon(std::vector<Node *>& nodes)
84 {
85   QuadraticPolygon *ret=new QuadraticPolygon;
86   std::size_t size=nodes.size();
87   for(std::size_t i=0;i<size/2;i++)
88     {
89       EdgeLin *e1,*e2;
90       e1=new EdgeLin(nodes[i],nodes[i+size/2]);
91       e2=new EdgeLin(nodes[i+size/2],nodes[(i+1)%(size/2)]);
92       SegSegIntersector inters(*e1,*e2);
93       bool colinearity=inters.areColinears();
94       delete e1; delete e2;
95       if(colinearity)
96         ret->pushBack(new EdgeLin(nodes[i],nodes[(i+1)%(size/2)]));
97       else
98         ret->pushBack(new EdgeArcCircle(nodes[i],nodes[i+size/2],nodes[(i+1)%(size/2)]));
99       nodes[i]->decrRef(); nodes[i+size/2]->decrRef();
100     }
101   return ret;
102 }
104 void QuadraticPolygon::BuildDbgFile(const std::vector<Node *>& nodes, const char *fileName)
105 {
106   std::ofstream file(fileName);
107   file << std::setprecision(16);
108   file << "  double coords[]=" << std::endl << "    { ";
109   for(std::vector<Node *>::const_iterator iter=nodes.begin();iter!=nodes.end();iter++)
110     {
111       if(iter!=nodes.begin())
112         file << "," << std::endl << "      ";
113       file << (*(*iter))[0] << ", " << (*(*iter))[1];
114     }
115   file << "};" << std::endl;
116 }
118 void QuadraticPolygon::closeMe() const
119 {
120   if(!front()->changeStartNodeWith(back()->getEndNode()))
121     throw(Exception("big error: not closed polygon..."));
122 }
124 void QuadraticPolygon::circularPermute()
125 {
126   if(_sub_edges.size()>1)
127     {
128       ElementaryEdge *first=_sub_edges.front();
129       _sub_edges.pop_front();
130       _sub_edges.push_back(first);
131     }
132 }
134 bool QuadraticPolygon::isButterflyAbs()
135 {
136   INTERP_KERNEL::Bounds b;
137   double xBary,yBary;
138   b.prepareForAggregation();
139   fillBounds(b); 
140   double dimChar=b.getCaracteristicDim();
141   b.getBarycenter(xBary,yBary);
142   applyGlobalSimilarity(xBary,yBary,dimChar);
143   //
144   return isButterfly();
145 }
147 bool QuadraticPolygon::isButterfly() const
148 {
149   for(std::list<ElementaryEdge *>::const_iterator it=_sub_edges.begin();it!=_sub_edges.end();it++)
150     {
151       Edge *e1=(*it)->getPtr();
152       std::list<ElementaryEdge *>::const_iterator it2=it;
153       it2++;
154       for(;it2!=_sub_edges.end();it2++)
155         {
156           MergePoints commonNode;
157           ComposedEdge *outVal1=new ComposedEdge;
158           ComposedEdge *outVal2=new ComposedEdge;
159           Edge *e2=(*it2)->getPtr();
160           if(e1->intersectWith(e2,commonNode,*outVal1,*outVal2))
161             {
162               Delete(outVal1);
163               Delete(outVal2);
164               return true;
165             }
166           Delete(outVal1);
167           Delete(outVal2);
168         }
169     }
170   return false;
171 }
173 void QuadraticPolygon::dumpInXfigFileWithOther(const ComposedEdge& other, const char *fileName) const
174 {
175   std::ofstream file(fileName);
176   const int resolution=1200;
177   Bounds box;
178   box.prepareForAggregation();
179   fillBounds(box);
180   other.fillBounds(box);
181   dumpInXfigFile(file,resolution,box);
182   other.ComposedEdge::dumpInXfigFile(file,resolution,box);
183 }
185 void QuadraticPolygon::dumpInXfigFile(const char *fileName) const
186 {
187   std::ofstream file(fileName);
188   const int resolution=1200;
189   Bounds box;
190   box.prepareForAggregation();
191   fillBounds(box);
192   dumpInXfigFile(file,resolution,box);
193 }
195 void QuadraticPolygon::dumpInXfigFile(std::ostream& stream, int resolution, const Bounds& box) const
196 {
197   stream << "#FIG 3.2  Produced by xfig version 3.2.5-alpha5" << std::endl;
198   stream << "Landscape" << std::endl;
199   stream << "Center" << std::endl;
200   stream << "Metric" << std::endl;
201   stream << "Letter" << std::endl;
202   stream << "100.00" << std::endl;
203   stream << "Single" << std::endl;
204   stream << "-2" << std::endl;
205   stream << resolution << " 2" << std::endl;
206   ComposedEdge::dumpInXfigFile(stream,resolution,box);
207 }
209 /*!
210  * Warning contrary to intersectWith method this method is \b NOT const. 'this' and 'other' are modified after call of this method.
211  */
212 double QuadraticPolygon::intersectWithAbs(QuadraticPolygon& other)
213 {
214   double ret=0.,xBaryBB,yBaryBB;
215   double fact=normalize(&other,xBaryBB,yBaryBB);
216   std::vector<QuadraticPolygon *> polygs=intersectMySelfWith(other);
217   for(std::vector<QuadraticPolygon *>::iterator iter=polygs.begin();iter!=polygs.end();iter++)
218     {
219       ret+=fabs((*iter)->getArea());
220       delete *iter;
221     }
222   return ret*fact*fact;
223 }
225 /*!
226  * This method splits 'this' with 'other' into smaller pieces localizable. 'mapThis' is a map that gives the correspondance between nodes contained in 'this' and node ids in a global mesh.
227  * In the same way, 'mapOther' gives the correspondance between nodes contained in 'other' and node ids in a global mesh from wich 'other' is extracted.
228  * This method has 1 out paramater : 'edgesThis', After the call of this method contains nodal connectivity (including type) of 'this' into globlal "this mesh".
229  * This method has 2 in/out parameters : 'subDivOther' and 'addCoo'.'otherEdgeIds' is useful to put values in 'edgesThis', 'subDivOther' and 'addCoo'.
230  * Size of 'otherEdgeIds' has to be equal to number of ElementaryEdges in 'other'. No check of that will be done.
231  * @param offset1 is the number of nodes contained in global mesh from which 'this' is extracted.
232  * @param offset2 is the sum of nodes contained in global mesh from which 'this' is extracted and 'other' is extracted.
233  * @param edgesInOtherColinearWithThis will be appended at the end of the vector with colinear edge ids of other (if any)
234  * @otherEdgeIds is a vector with the same size than other before calling this method. It gives in the same order the cell id in global other mesh.
235  */
236 void QuadraticPolygon::splitAbs(QuadraticPolygon& other, const std::map<INTERP_KERNEL::Node *,int>& mapThis, const std::map<INTERP_KERNEL::Node *,int>& mapOther, int offset1, int offset2 , const std::vector<int>& otherEdgeIds,
237                                 std::vector<int>& edgesThis, int cellIdThis, std::vector< std::vector<int> >& edgesInOtherColinearWithThis, std::vector< std::vector<int> >& subDivOther, std::vector<double>& addCoo)
238 {
239   double xBaryBB, yBaryBB;
240   double fact=normalizeExt(&other, xBaryBB, yBaryBB);
241   //
242   IteratorOnComposedEdge it1(this),it3(&other);
243   MergePoints merge;
244   ComposedEdge *c1=new ComposedEdge;
245   ComposedEdge *c2=new ComposedEdge;
246   int i=0;
247   std::map<INTERP_KERNEL::Node *,int> mapAddCoo;
248   for(it3.first();!it3.finished();,i++)//iteration over 'other' _sub_edges
249     {
250       QuadraticPolygon otherTmp;
251       ElementaryEdge* curE3=it3.current();
252       otherTmp.pushBack(new ElementaryEdge(curE3->getPtr(),curE3->getDirection())); curE3->getPtr()->incrRef();
253       IteratorOnComposedEdge it2(&otherTmp);
254       for(it2.first();!it2.finished(); on subedges of 'other->_sub_edge'
255         {
256           ElementaryEdge* curE2=it2.current();
257           if(!curE2->isThereStartPoint())
258             it1.first();
259           else
260             it1=curE2->getIterator();
261           for(;!it1.finished();)//iteration over 'this' _sub_edges
262             {
263               ElementaryEdge* curE1=it1.current();
264               merge.clear();
265               if(curE1->getPtr()->intersectWith(curE2->getPtr(),merge,*c1,*c2))
266                 {
267                   if(!curE1->getDirection()) c1->reverse();
268                   if(!curE2->getDirection()) c2->reverse();
269                   UpdateNeighbours(merge,it1,it2,c1,c2);
270                   //Substitution of simple edge by sub-edges.
271                   delete curE1; // <-- destroying simple edge coming from pol1
272                   delete curE2; // <-- destroying simple edge coming from pol2
273                   it1.insertElemEdges(c1,true);// <-- 2nd param is true to go next.
274                   it2.insertElemEdges(c2,false);// <-- 2nd param is false to avoid to go next.
275                   curE2=it2.current();
276                   //
277                   it1.assignMySelfToAllElems(c2);//To avoid that others
278                   SoftDelete(c1);
279                   SoftDelete(c2);
280                   c1=new ComposedEdge;
281                   c2=new ComposedEdge;
282                 }
283               else
284                 {
285                   UpdateNeighbours(merge,it1,it2,curE1,curE2);
286         ;
287                 }
288             }
289         }
290       if(otherTmp.presenceOfOn())
291         edgesInOtherColinearWithThis[otherEdgeIds[i]].push_back(cellIdThis);
292       if(otherTmp._sub_edges.size()>1)
293         {
294           for(std::list<ElementaryEdge *>::const_iterator it=otherTmp._sub_edges.begin();it!=otherTmp._sub_edges.end();it++)
295             (*it)->fillGlobalInfoAbs2(mapThis,mapOther,offset1,offset2,/**/fact,xBaryBB,yBaryBB,/**/subDivOther[otherEdgeIds[i]],addCoo,mapAddCoo);
296         }
297     }
298   Delete(c1);
299   Delete(c2);
300   //
301   for(std::list<ElementaryEdge *>::const_iterator it=_sub_edges.begin();it!=_sub_edges.end();it++)
302     (*it)->fillGlobalInfoAbs(mapThis,mapOther,offset1,offset2,/**/fact,xBaryBB,yBaryBB,/**/edgesThis,addCoo,mapAddCoo);
303   //
304 }
306 /*!
307  * This method builds from descending conn of a quadratic polygon stored in crude mode (MEDCoupling). Descending conn is in FORTRAN relative mode in order to give the
308  * orientation of edge.
309  */
310 void QuadraticPolygon::buildFromCrudeDataArray(const std::map<int,INTERP_KERNEL::Node *>& mapp, bool isQuad, const int *nodalBg, const double *coords,
311                                                const int *descBg, const int *descEnd, const std::vector<std::vector<int> >& intersectEdges)
312 {
313   std::size_t nbOfSeg=std::distance(descBg,descEnd);
314   for(std::size_t i=0;i<nbOfSeg;i++)
315     {
316       appendEdgeFromCrudeDataArray(i,mapp,isQuad,nodalBg,coords,descBg,descEnd,intersectEdges);
317     }
318 }
320 void QuadraticPolygon::appendEdgeFromCrudeDataArray(std::size_t edgePos, const std::map<int,INTERP_KERNEL::Node *>& mapp, bool isQuad, const int *nodalBg, const double *coords,
321                                                     const int *descBg, const int *descEnd, const std::vector<std::vector<int> >& intersectEdges)
322 {
323   if(!isQuad)
324     {
325       bool direct=descBg[edgePos]>0;
326       int edgeId=abs(descBg[edgePos])-1;
327       const std::vector<int>& subEdge=intersectEdges[edgeId];
328       std::size_t nbOfSubEdges=subEdge.size()/2;
329       for(std::size_t j=0;j<nbOfSubEdges;j++)
330         appendSubEdgeFromCrudeDataArray(0,j,direct,edgeId,subEdge,mapp);
331     }
332   else
333     {
334       std::size_t nbOfSeg=std::distance(descBg,descEnd);
335       const double *st=coords+2*(nodalBg[edgePos]); 
336       INTERP_KERNEL::Node *st0=new INTERP_KERNEL::Node(st[0],st[1]);
337       const double *endd=coords+2*(nodalBg[(edgePos+1)%nbOfSeg]);
338       INTERP_KERNEL::Node *endd0=new INTERP_KERNEL::Node(endd[0],endd[1]);
339       const double *middle=coords+2*(nodalBg[edgePos+nbOfSeg]);
340       INTERP_KERNEL::Node *middle0=new INTERP_KERNEL::Node(middle[0],middle[1]);
341       EdgeLin *e1,*e2;
342       e1=new EdgeLin(st0,middle0);
343       e2=new EdgeLin(middle0,endd0);
344       SegSegIntersector inters(*e1,*e2);
345       bool colinearity=inters.areColinears();
346       delete e1; delete e2;
347       //
348       bool direct=descBg[edgePos]>0;
349       int edgeId=abs(descBg[edgePos])-1;
350       const std::vector<int>& subEdge=intersectEdges[edgeId];
351       std::size_t nbOfSubEdges=subEdge.size()/2;
352       if(colinearity)
353         {   
354           for(std::size_t j=0;j<nbOfSubEdges;j++)
355             appendSubEdgeFromCrudeDataArray(0,j,direct,edgeId,subEdge,mapp);
356         }
357       else
358         {
359           Edge *e=new EdgeArcCircle(st0,middle0,endd0,true);
360           for(std::size_t j=0;j<nbOfSubEdges;j++)
361             appendSubEdgeFromCrudeDataArray(e,j,direct,edgeId,subEdge,mapp);
362           e->decrRef();
363         }
364       st0->decrRef(); endd0->decrRef(); middle0->decrRef();
365     }
366 }
368 void QuadraticPolygon::appendSubEdgeFromCrudeDataArray(Edge *baseEdge, std::size_t j, bool direct, int edgeId, const std::vector<int>& subEdge, const std::map<int,INTERP_KERNEL::Node *>& mapp)
369 {
370   std::size_t nbOfSubEdges=subEdge.size()/2;
371   if(!baseEdge)
372     {//it is not a quadratic subedge
373       Node *start=(*mapp.find(direct?subEdge[2*j]:subEdge[2*nbOfSubEdges-2*j-1])).second;
374       Node *end=(*mapp.find(direct?subEdge[2*j+1]:subEdge[2*nbOfSubEdges-2*j-2])).second;
375       ElementaryEdge *e=ElementaryEdge::BuildEdgeFromCrudeDataArray(true,start,end);
376       pushBack(e);
377     }
378   else
379     {//it is a quadratic subedge
380       Node *start=(*mapp.find(direct?subEdge[2*j]:subEdge[2*nbOfSubEdges-2*j-1])).second;
381       Node *end=(*mapp.find(direct?subEdge[2*j+1]:subEdge[2*nbOfSubEdges-2*j-2])).second;
382       Edge *ee=baseEdge->buildEdgeLyingOnMe(start,end);
383       ElementaryEdge *eee=new ElementaryEdge(ee,true);
384       pushBack(eee);
385     }
386 }
388 /*!
389  * This method builds from descending conn of a quadratic polygon stored in crude mode (MEDCoupling). Descending conn is in FORTRAN relative mode in order to give the
390  * orientation of edge.
391  */
392 void QuadraticPolygon::buildFromCrudeDataArray2(const std::map<int,INTERP_KERNEL::Node *>& mapp, bool isQuad, const int *nodalBg, const double *coords, const int *descBg, const int *descEnd, const std::vector<std::vector<int> >& intersectEdges,
393                                                 const INTERP_KERNEL::QuadraticPolygon& pol1, const int *descBg1, const int *descEnd1, const std::vector<std::vector<int> >& intersectEdges1,
394                                                 const std::vector< std::vector<int> >& colinear1)
395 {
396   std::size_t nbOfSeg=std::distance(descBg,descEnd);
397   for(std::size_t i=0;i<nbOfSeg;i++)//loop over all edges of pol2
398     {
399       bool direct=descBg[i]>0;
400       int edgeId=abs(descBg[i])-1;//current edge id of pol2
401       bool directos=colinear1[edgeId].empty();
402       std::vector<std::pair<int,std::pair<bool,int> > > idIns1;
403       int offset1=0;
404       if(!directos)
405         {// if the current edge of pol2 has one or more colinear edges part into pol1
406           const std::vector<int>& c=colinear1[edgeId];
407           std::size_t nbOfEdgesIn1=std::distance(descBg1,descEnd1);
408           for(std::size_t j=0;j<nbOfEdgesIn1;j++)
409             {
410               int edgeId1=abs(descBg1[j])-1;
411               if(std::find(c.begin(),c.end(),edgeId1)!=c.end())
412                 {
413                   idIns1.push_back(std::pair<int,std::pair<bool,int> >(edgeId1,std::pair<bool,int>(descBg1[j]>0,offset1)));// it exists an edge into pol1 given by tuple (idIn1,direct1) that is colinear at edge 'edgeId' in pol2
414                   //std::pair<edgeId1); direct1=descBg1[j]>0;
415                 }
416               offset1+=intersectEdges1[edgeId1].size()/2;//offset1 is used to find the INTERP_KERNEL::Edge * instance into pol1 that will be part of edge into pol2
417             }
418           directos=idIns1.empty();
419         }
420       if(directos)
421         {//no subpart of edge 'edgeId' of pol2 is in pol1 so let's operate the same thing that QuadraticPolygon::buildFromCrudeDataArray method
422           appendEdgeFromCrudeDataArray(i,mapp,isQuad,nodalBg,coords,descBg,descEnd,intersectEdges);
423         }
424       else
425         {//there is subpart of edge 'edgeId' of pol2 inside pol1
426           const std::vector<int>& subEdge=intersectEdges[edgeId];
427           std::size_t nbOfSubEdges=subEdge.size()/2;
428           for(std::size_t j=0;j<nbOfSubEdges;j++)
429             {
430               int idBg=direct?subEdge[2*j]:subEdge[2*nbOfSubEdges-2*j-1];
431               int idEnd=direct?subEdge[2*j+1]:subEdge[2*nbOfSubEdges-2*j-2];
432               bool direction11,found=false;
433               bool direct1;//store if needed the direction in 1
434               int offset2;
435               std::size_t nbOfSubEdges1;
436               for(std::vector<std::pair<int,std::pair<bool,int> > >::const_iterator it=idIns1.begin();it!=idIns1.end();it++)
437                 {
438                   int idIn1=(*it).first;//store if needed the cell id in 1
439                   direct1=(*it).second.first;
440                   offset1=(*it).second.second;
441                   const std::vector<int>& subEdge1PossiblyAlreadyIn1=intersectEdges1[idIn1];
442                   nbOfSubEdges1=subEdge1PossiblyAlreadyIn1.size()/2;
443                   offset2=0;
444                   for(std::size_t k=0;k<nbOfSubEdges1 && !found;k++)
445                     {//perform a loop on all subedges of pol1 that includes edge 'edgeId' of pol2. For the moment we iterate only on subedges of ['idIn1']... To improve
446                       if(subEdge1PossiblyAlreadyIn1[2*k]==idBg && subEdge1PossiblyAlreadyIn1[2*k+1]==idEnd)
447                         { direction11=true; found=true; }
448                       else if(subEdge1PossiblyAlreadyIn1[2*k]==idEnd && subEdge1PossiblyAlreadyIn1[2*k+1]==idBg)
449                         { direction11=false; found=true; }
450                       else
451                         offset2++;
452                     }
453                 }
454               if(!found)
455                 {//the current subedge of edge 'edgeId' of pol2 is not a part of the colinear edge 'idIn1' of pol1 -> build new Edge instance
456                   //appendEdgeFromCrudeDataArray(j,mapp,isQuad,nodalBg,coords,descBg,descEnd,intersectEdges);
457                   Node *start=(*mapp.find(idBg)).second;
458                   Node *end=(*mapp.find(idEnd)).second;
459                   ElementaryEdge *e=ElementaryEdge::BuildEdgeFromCrudeDataArray(true,start,end);
460                   pushBack(e);
461                 }
462               else
463                 {//the current subedge of edge 'edgeId' of pol2 is part of the colinear edge 'idIn1' of pol1 -> reuse Edge instance of pol1
464                   ElementaryEdge *e=pol1[offset1+(direct1?offset2:nbOfSubEdges1-offset2-1)];
465                   Edge *ee=e->getPtr();
466                   ee->incrRef(); ee->declareOn();
467                   pushBack(new ElementaryEdge(ee,!(direct1^direction11)));
468                 }
469             }
470         }
471     }
472 }
474 void QuadraticPolygon::appendCrudeData(const std::map<INTERP_KERNEL::Node *,int>& mapp, double xBary, double yBary, double fact, int offset, std::vector<double>& addCoordsQuadratic, std::vector<int>& conn, std::vector<int>& connI) const
475 {
476   int nbOfNodesInPg=0;
477   bool presenceOfQuadratic=presenceOfQuadraticEdge();
478   conn.push_back(presenceOfQuadratic?NORM_QPOLYG:NORM_POLYGON);
479   for(std::list<ElementaryEdge *>::const_iterator it=_sub_edges.begin();it!=_sub_edges.end();it++)
480     {
481       Node *tmp=0;
482       tmp=(*it)->getStartNode();
483       std::map<INTERP_KERNEL::Node *,int>::const_iterator it1=mapp.find(tmp);
484       conn.push_back((*it1).second);
485       nbOfNodesInPg++;
486     }
487   if(presenceOfQuadratic)
488     {
489       int j=0;
490       int off=offset+((int)addCoordsQuadratic.size())/2;
491       for(std::list<ElementaryEdge *>::const_iterator it=_sub_edges.begin();it!=_sub_edges.end();it++,j++,nbOfNodesInPg++)
492         {
493           INTERP_KERNEL::Node *node=(*it)->getPtr()->buildRepresentantOfMySelf();
494           node->unApplySimilarity(xBary,yBary,fact);
495           addCoordsQuadratic.push_back((*node)[0]);
496           addCoordsQuadratic.push_back((*node)[1]);
497           conn.push_back(off+j);
498           node->decrRef();
499         }
500     }
501   connI.push_back(connI.back()+nbOfNodesInPg+1);
502 }
504 /*!
505  * This method make the hypothesis that 'this' and 'other' are splited at the minimum into edges that are fully IN, OUT or ON.
506  * This method returns newly created polygons in 'conn' and 'connI' and the corresponding ids ('idThis','idOther') are stored respectively into 'nbThis' and 'nbOther'.
507  */
508 void QuadraticPolygon::buildPartitionsAbs(QuadraticPolygon& other, const std::map<INTERP_KERNEL::Node *,int>& mapp, int idThis, int idOther, int offset, std::vector<double>& addCoordsQuadratic, std::vector<int>& conn, std::vector<int>& connI, std::vector<int>& nbThis, std::vector<int>& nbOther)
509 {
510   double xBaryBB, yBaryBB;
511   double fact=normalizeExt(&other, xBaryBB, yBaryBB);
512   //Locate 'this' relative to 'other'
513   other.performLocatingOperation(*this);
514   std::vector<QuadraticPolygon *> res=buildIntersectionPolygons(other,*this);
515   for(std::vector<QuadraticPolygon *>::iterator it=res.begin();it!=res.end();it++)
516     {
517       (*it)->appendCrudeData(mapp,xBaryBB,yBaryBB,fact,offset,addCoordsQuadratic,conn,connI);
518       nbThis.push_back(idThis);
519       nbOther.push_back(idOther);
520       delete *it;
521     }
522   unApplyGlobalSimilarityExt(other,xBaryBB,yBaryBB,fact);
523 }
525 /*!
526  * Warning This method is \b NOT const. 'this' and 'other' are modified after call of this method.
527  * 'other' is a QuadraticPolygon of \b non closed edges.
528  */
529 double QuadraticPolygon::intersectWithAbs1D(QuadraticPolygon& other, bool& isColinear)
530 {
531   double ret = 0., xBaryBB, yBaryBB;
532   double fact = normalize(&other, xBaryBB, yBaryBB);
534   QuadraticPolygon cpyOfThis(*this);
535   QuadraticPolygon cpyOfOther(other);
536   int nbOfSplits = 0;
537   SplitPolygonsEachOther(cpyOfThis, cpyOfOther, nbOfSplits);
538   //At this point cpyOfThis and cpyOfOther have been splited at maximum edge so that in/out can been done.
539   performLocatingOperation(cpyOfOther);
540   isColinear = false;
541   for(std::list<ElementaryEdge *>::const_iterator it=cpyOfOther._sub_edges.begin();it!=cpyOfOther._sub_edges.end();it++)
542     {
543       switch((*it)->getLoc())
544         {
545         case FULL_IN_1:
546           {
547             ret += fabs((*it)->getPtr()->getCurveLength());
548             break;
549           }
550         case FULL_ON_1:
551           {
552             isColinear=true;
553             ret += fabs((*it)->getPtr()->getCurveLength());
554             break;
555           }
556         default:
557           {
558           }
559         }
560     }
561   return ret * fact;
562 }
564 /*!
565  * Warning contrary to intersectWith method this method is \b NOT const. 'this' and 'other' are modified after call of this method.
566  */
567 double QuadraticPolygon::intersectWithAbs(QuadraticPolygon& other, double* barycenter)
568 {
569   double ret=0.,bary[2],area,xBaryBB,yBaryBB;
570   barycenter[0] = barycenter[1] = 0.;
571   double fact=normalize(&other,xBaryBB,yBaryBB);
572   std::vector<QuadraticPolygon *> polygs=intersectMySelfWith(other);
573   for(std::vector<QuadraticPolygon *>::iterator iter=polygs.begin();iter!=polygs.end();iter++)
574     {
575       area=fabs((*iter)->getArea());
576       (*iter)->getBarycenter(bary);
577       delete *iter;
578       ret+=area;
579       barycenter[0] += bary[0]*area;
580       barycenter[1] += bary[1]*area;
581     }
582   if ( ret > std::numeric_limits<double>::min() )
583     {
584       barycenter[0]=barycenter[0]/ret*fact+xBaryBB;
585       barycenter[1]=barycenter[1]/ret*fact+yBaryBB;
587     }
588   return ret*fact*fact;
589 }
591 /*!
592  * \b WARNING this method is const and other is const too. \b BUT location of Edges in 'this' and 'other' are nevertheless modified.
593  * This is possible because loc attribute in Edge class is mutable.
594  * This implies that if 'this' or/and 'other' are reused for intersect* method initLocations has to be called on each of this/them.
595  */
596 double QuadraticPolygon::intersectWith(const QuadraticPolygon& other) const
597 {
598   double ret=0.;
599   std::vector<QuadraticPolygon *> polygs=intersectMySelfWith(other);
600   for(std::vector<QuadraticPolygon *>::iterator iter=polygs.begin();iter!=polygs.end();iter++)
601     {
602       ret+=fabs((*iter)->getArea());
603       delete *iter;
604     }
605   return ret;
606 }
608 /*!
609  * \b WARNING this method is const and other is const too. \b BUT location of Edges in 'this' and 'other' are nevertheless modified.
610  * This is possible because loc attribute in Edge class is mutable.
611  * This implies that if 'this' or/and 'other' are reused for intersect* method initLocations has to be called on each of this/them.
612  */
613 double QuadraticPolygon::intersectWith(const QuadraticPolygon& other, double* barycenter) const
614 {
615   double ret=0., bary[2];
616   barycenter[0] = barycenter[1] = 0.;
617   std::vector<QuadraticPolygon *> polygs=intersectMySelfWith(other);
618   for(std::vector<QuadraticPolygon *>::iterator iter=polygs.begin();iter!=polygs.end();iter++)
619     {
620       double area = fabs((*iter)->getArea());
621       (*iter)->getBarycenter(bary);
622       delete *iter;
623       ret+=area;
624       barycenter[0] += bary[0]*area;
625       barycenter[1] += bary[1]*area;
626     }
627   if ( ret > std::numeric_limits<double>::min() )
628     {
629       barycenter[0] /= ret;
630       barycenter[1] /= ret;
631     }
632   return ret;
633 }
635 /*!
636  * \b WARNING this method is const and other is const too. \b BUT location of Edges in 'this' and 'other' are nevertheless modified.
637  * This is possible because loc attribute in Edge class is mutable.
638  * This implies that if 'this' or/and 'other' are reused for intersect* method initLocations has to be called on each of this/them.
639  */
640 void QuadraticPolygon::intersectForPerimeter(const QuadraticPolygon& other, double& perimeterThisPart, double& perimeterOtherPart, double& perimeterCommonPart) const
641 {
642   perimeterThisPart=0.; perimeterOtherPart=0.; perimeterCommonPart=0.;
643   QuadraticPolygon cpyOfThis(*this);
644   QuadraticPolygon cpyOfOther(other); int nbOfSplits=0;
645   SplitPolygonsEachOther(cpyOfThis,cpyOfOther,nbOfSplits);
646   performLocatingOperation(cpyOfOther);
647   other.performLocatingOperation(cpyOfThis);
648   cpyOfThis.dispatchPerimeterExcl(perimeterThisPart,perimeterCommonPart);
649   cpyOfOther.dispatchPerimeterExcl(perimeterOtherPart,perimeterCommonPart);
650   perimeterCommonPart/=2.;
651 }
653 /*!
654  * \b WARNING this method is const and other is const too. \b BUT location of Edges in 'this' and 'other' are nevertheless modified.
655  * This is possible because loc attribute in Edge class is mutable.
656  * This implies that if 'this' or/and 'other' are reused for intersect* method initLocations has to be called on each of this/them.
657  *
658  * polThis.size()==this->size() and polOther.size()==other.size().
659  * For each ElementaryEdge of 'this', the corresponding contribution in resulting polygon is in 'polThis'.
660  * For each ElementaryEdge of 'other', the corresponding contribution in resulting polygon is in 'polOther'.
661  * As consequence common part are counted twice (in polThis \b and in polOther).
662  */
663 void QuadraticPolygon::intersectForPerimeterAdvanced(const QuadraticPolygon& other, std::vector< double >& polThis, std::vector< double >& polOther) const
664 {
665   polThis.resize(size());
666   polOther.resize(other.size());
667   IteratorOnComposedEdge it1(const_cast<QuadraticPolygon *>(this));
668   int edgeId=0;
669   for(it1.first();!it1.finished();,edgeId++)
670     {
671       ElementaryEdge* curE1=it1.current();
672       QuadraticPolygon cpyOfOther(other);
673       QuadraticPolygon tmp;
674       tmp.pushBack(curE1->clone());
675       int tmp2;
676       SplitPolygonsEachOther(tmp,cpyOfOther,tmp2);
677       other.performLocatingOperation(tmp);
678       tmp.dispatchPerimeter(polThis[edgeId]);
679     }
680   //
681   IteratorOnComposedEdge it2(const_cast<QuadraticPolygon *>(&other));
682   edgeId=0;
683   for(it2.first();!it2.finished();,edgeId++)
684     {
685       ElementaryEdge* curE2=it2.current();
686       QuadraticPolygon cpyOfThis(*this);
687       QuadraticPolygon tmp;
688       tmp.pushBack(curE2->clone());
689       int tmp2;
690       SplitPolygonsEachOther(tmp,cpyOfThis,tmp2);
691       performLocatingOperation(tmp);
692       tmp.dispatchPerimeter(polOther[edgeId]);
693     }
694 }
697 /*!
698  * numberOfCreatedPointsPerEdge is resized to the number of edges of 'this'.
699  * This method returns in ordered maner the number of newly created points per edge.
700  * This method performs a split process between 'this' and 'other' that gives the result PThis.
701  * Then for each edges of 'this' this method counts how many edges in Pthis have the same id.
702  */
703 void QuadraticPolygon::intersectForPoint(const QuadraticPolygon& other, std::vector< int >& numberOfCreatedPointsPerEdge) const
704 {
705   numberOfCreatedPointsPerEdge.resize(size());
706   IteratorOnComposedEdge it1(const_cast<QuadraticPolygon *>(this));
707   int edgeId=0;
708   for(it1.first();!it1.finished();,edgeId++)
709     {
710       ElementaryEdge* curE1=it1.current();
711       QuadraticPolygon cpyOfOther(other);
712       QuadraticPolygon tmp;
713       tmp.pushBack(curE1->clone());
714       int tmp2;
715       SplitPolygonsEachOther(tmp,cpyOfOther,tmp2);
716       numberOfCreatedPointsPerEdge[edgeId]=tmp.recursiveSize()-1;
717     }
718 }
720 /*!
721  * \b WARNING this method is const and other is const too. \b BUT location of Edges in 'this' and 'other' are nevertheless modified.
722  * This is possible because loc attribute in Edge class is mutable.
723  * This implies that if 'this' or/and 'other' are reused for intersect* method initLocations has to be called on each of this/them.
724  */
725 std::vector<QuadraticPolygon *> QuadraticPolygon::intersectMySelfWith(const QuadraticPolygon& other) const
726 {
727   QuadraticPolygon cpyOfThis(*this);
728   QuadraticPolygon cpyOfOther(other); int nbOfSplits=0;
729   SplitPolygonsEachOther(cpyOfThis,cpyOfOther,nbOfSplits);
730   //At this point cpyOfThis and cpyOfOther have been splited at maximum edge so that in/out can been done.
731   performLocatingOperation(cpyOfOther);
732   return other.buildIntersectionPolygons(cpyOfThis,cpyOfOther);
733 }
735 /*!
736  * This method is typically the first step of boolean operations between pol1 and pol2.
737  * This method perform the minimal splitting so that at the end each edges constituting pol1 are fully either IN or OUT or ON.
738  * @param pol1 IN/OUT param that is equal to 'this' when called.
739  */
740 void QuadraticPolygon::SplitPolygonsEachOther(QuadraticPolygon& pol1, QuadraticPolygon& pol2, int& nbOfSplits)
741 {
742   IteratorOnComposedEdge it1(&pol1),it2(&pol2);
743   MergePoints merge;
744   ComposedEdge *c1=new ComposedEdge;
745   ComposedEdge *c2=new ComposedEdge;
746   for(it2.first();!it2.finished();
747     {
748       ElementaryEdge* curE2=it2.current();
749       if(!curE2->isThereStartPoint())
750         it1.first();
751       else
752         it1=curE2->getIterator();
753       for(;!it1.finished();)
754         {
756           ElementaryEdge* curE1=it1.current();
757           merge.clear(); nbOfSplits++;
758           if(curE1->getPtr()->intersectWith(curE2->getPtr(),merge,*c1,*c2))
759             {
760               if(!curE1->getDirection()) c1->reverse();
761               if(!curE2->getDirection()) c2->reverse();
762               UpdateNeighbours(merge,it1,it2,c1,c2);
763               //Substitution of simple edge by sub-edges.
764               delete curE1; // <-- destroying simple edge coming from pol1
765               delete curE2; // <-- destroying simple edge coming from pol2
766               it1.insertElemEdges(c1,true);// <-- 2nd param is true to go next.
767               it2.insertElemEdges(c2,false);// <-- 2nd param is false to avoid to go next.
768               curE2=it2.current();
769               //
770               it1.assignMySelfToAllElems(c2);//To avoid that others
771               SoftDelete(c1);
772               SoftDelete(c2);
773               c1=new ComposedEdge;
774               c2=new ComposedEdge;
775             }
776           else
777             {
778               UpdateNeighbours(merge,it1,it2,curE1,curE2);
779     ;
780             }
781         }
782     }
783   Delete(c1);
784   Delete(c2);
785 }
787 void QuadraticPolygon::performLocatingOperation(QuadraticPolygon& pol2) const
788 {
789   IteratorOnComposedEdge it(&pol2);
790   TypeOfEdgeLocInPolygon loc=FULL_ON_1;
791   for(it.first();!it.finished();
792     {
793       ElementaryEdge *cur=it.current();
794       loc=cur->locateFullyMySelf(*this,loc);
795     }
796 }
798 /*!
799  * Given 2 polygons 'pol1' and 'pol2' (localized) the resulting polygons are returned.
800  *
801  * this : pol2 simplified.
802  * @param pol1 pol1 split.
803  * @param pol2 pol2 split.
804  */
805 std::vector<QuadraticPolygon *> QuadraticPolygon::buildIntersectionPolygons(const QuadraticPolygon& pol1, const QuadraticPolygon& pol2) const
806 {
807   std::vector<QuadraticPolygon *> ret;
808   std::list<QuadraticPolygon *> pol2Zip=pol2.zipConsecutiveInSegments();
809   if(!pol2Zip.empty())
810     closePolygons(pol2Zip,pol1,ret);
811   else
812     {//borders of pol2 do not cross pol1,and pol2 borders are outside of pol1. That is to say, either pol2 and pol1
813       //do not overlap or  pol1 is fully inside pol2. So in the first case no intersection, in the other case
814       //the intersection is pol1.
815       ElementaryEdge *e1FromPol1=pol1[0];
816       TypeOfEdgeLocInPolygon loc=FULL_ON_1;
817       loc=e1FromPol1->locateFullyMySelf(*this,loc);
818       if(loc==FULL_IN_1)
819         ret.push_back(new QuadraticPolygon(pol1));
820     }
821   return ret;
822 }
824 /*!
825  * Returns parts of potentially non closed-polygons. Each returned polygons are not mergeable.
826  * this : pol2 split and locallized.
827  */
828 std::list<QuadraticPolygon *> QuadraticPolygon::zipConsecutiveInSegments() const
829 {
830   std::list<QuadraticPolygon *> ret;
831   IteratorOnComposedEdge it((ComposedEdge *)this);
832   int nbOfTurns=recursiveSize();
833   int i=0;
834   if(!it.goToNextInOn(false,i,nbOfTurns))
835     return ret;
836   i=0;
837   //
838   while(i<nbOfTurns)
839     {
840       QuadraticPolygon *tmp1=new QuadraticPolygon;
841       TypeOfEdgeLocInPolygon loc=it.current()->getLoc();
842       while(loc!=FULL_OUT_1 && i<nbOfTurns)
843         {
844           ElementaryEdge *tmp3=it.current()->clone();
845           tmp1->pushBack(tmp3);
846           it.nextLoop(); i++;
847           loc=it.current()->getLoc();
848         }
849       if(tmp1->empty())
850         {
851           delete tmp1;
852           continue;
853         }
854       ret.push_back(tmp1);
855       it.goToNextInOn(true,i,nbOfTurns);
856     }
857   return ret;
858 }
860 /*!
861  * 'this' should be considered as pol2Simplified.
862  * @param pol2zip is a list of set of edges (openned polygon) coming from split polygon 2.
863  * @param pol1 is split pol1.
864  * @param results the resulting \b CLOSED polygons.
865  */
866 void QuadraticPolygon::closePolygons(std::list<QuadraticPolygon *>& pol2Zip, const QuadraticPolygon& pol1,
867                                      std::vector<QuadraticPolygon *>& results) const
868 {
869   bool directionKnownInPol1=false;
870   bool directionInPol1;
871   for(std::list<QuadraticPolygon *>::iterator iter=pol2Zip.begin();iter!=pol2Zip.end();)
872     {
873       if((*iter)->completed())
874         {
875           results.push_back(*iter);
876           directionKnownInPol1=false;
877           iter=pol2Zip.erase(iter);
878           continue;
879         }
880       if(!directionKnownInPol1)
881         {
882           if(!(*iter)->amIAChanceToBeCompletedBy(pol1,*this,directionInPol1))
883             { delete *iter; iter=pol2Zip.erase(iter); continue; }
884           else
885             directionKnownInPol1=true;
886         }
887       std::list<QuadraticPolygon *>::iterator iter2=iter; iter2++;
888       std::list<QuadraticPolygon *>::iterator iter3=(*iter)->fillAsMuchAsPossibleWith(pol1,iter2,pol2Zip.end(),directionInPol1);
889       if(iter3!=pol2Zip.end())
890         {
891           (*iter)->pushBack(*iter3);
892           SoftDelete(*iter3);
893           pol2Zip.erase(iter3);
894         }
895     }
896 }
898 /*!
899  * 'this' is expected to be set of edges (not closed) of pol2 split.
900  */
901 bool QuadraticPolygon::amIAChanceToBeCompletedBy(const QuadraticPolygon& pol1Splitted,const QuadraticPolygon& pol2NotSplitted, bool& direction)
902 {
903   IteratorOnComposedEdge it(const_cast<QuadraticPolygon *>(&pol1Splitted));
904   bool found=false;
905   Node *n=getEndNode();
906   ElementaryEdge *cur=it.current();
907   for(it.first();!it.finished() && !found;)
908     {
909       cur=it.current();
910       found=(cur->getStartNode()==n);
911       if(!found)
913     }
914   if(!found)
915     throw Exception("Internal error : polygons uncompatible each others. Should never happend");
916   //Ok we found correspondance between this and pol1. Searching for right direction to close polygon.
917   ElementaryEdge *e=_sub_edges.back();
918   if(e->getLoc()==FULL_ON_1)
919     {
920       if(e->getPtr()==cur->getPtr())
921         {
922           direction=false;
923           it.previousLoop();
924           cur=it.current();
925           Node *repr=cur->getPtr()->buildRepresentantOfMySelf();
926           bool ret=pol2NotSplitted.isInOrOut(repr);
927           repr->decrRef();
928           return ret;
929         }
930       else
931         {
932           direction=true;
933           Node *repr=cur->getPtr()->buildRepresentantOfMySelf();
934           bool ret=pol2NotSplitted.isInOrOut(repr);
935           repr->decrRef();
936           return ret;
937         }
938     }
939   else
940     direction=cur->locateFullyMySelfAbsolute(pol2NotSplitted)==FULL_IN_1;
941   return true;
942 }
944 /*!
945  * This method fills as much as possible 'this' (part of pol2 split) with edges of 'pol1Splitted'.
946  */
947 std::list<QuadraticPolygon *>::iterator QuadraticPolygon::fillAsMuchAsPossibleWith(const QuadraticPolygon& pol1Splitted,
948                                                                                    std::list<QuadraticPolygon *>::iterator iStart,
949                                                                                    std::list<QuadraticPolygon *>::iterator iEnd,
950                                                                                    bool direction)
951 {
952   IteratorOnComposedEdge it(const_cast<QuadraticPolygon *>(&pol1Splitted));
953   bool found=false;
954   Node *n=getEndNode();
955   ElementaryEdge *cur;
956   for(it.first();!it.finished() && !found;)
957     {
958       cur=it.current();
959       found=(cur->getStartNode()==n);
960       if(!found)
962     }
963   if(!direction)
964     it.previousLoop();
965   Node *nodeToTest;
966   std::list<QuadraticPolygon *>::iterator ret;
967   do
968     {
969       cur=it.current();
970       ElementaryEdge *tmp=cur->clone();
971       if(!direction)
972         tmp->reverse();
973       pushBack(tmp);
974       nodeToTest=tmp->getEndNode();
975       direction?it.nextLoop():it.previousLoop();
976       ret=CheckInList(nodeToTest,iStart,iEnd);
977       if(completed())
978         return iEnd;
979     }
980   while(ret==iEnd);
981   return ret;
982 }
984 std::list<QuadraticPolygon *>::iterator QuadraticPolygon::CheckInList(Node *n, std::list<QuadraticPolygon *>::iterator iStart,
985                                                                       std::list<QuadraticPolygon *>::iterator iEnd)
986 {
987   for(std::list<QuadraticPolygon *>::iterator iter=iStart;iter!=iEnd;iter++)
988     if((*iter)->isNodeIn(n))
989       return iter;
990   return iEnd;
991 }