1 // Copyright (C) 2013-2016 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
3 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
4 // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
5 // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
6 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
8 // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 // Lesser General Public License for more details.
13 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
14 // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
15 // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
17 // See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
20 #include "GEOMUtils_XmlHandler.hxx"
22 #include <libxml/parser.h>
35 const char* env_var = "GEOM_PluginsList";
37 const xmlChar* root_tag = (xmlChar*)"geom-plugins";
38 const xmlChar* plugin_tag = (xmlChar*)"geom-plugin";
39 const xmlChar* name_tag = (xmlChar*)"name";
40 const xmlChar* server_tag = (xmlChar*)"server-lib";
41 const xmlChar* gui_tag = (xmlChar*)"gui-lib";
42 const xmlChar* actions_tag = (xmlChar*)"actions";
43 const xmlChar* action_tag = (xmlChar*)"action";
44 const xmlChar* label_tag = (xmlChar*)"label";
45 const xmlChar* icon_tag = (xmlChar*)"icon";
46 const xmlChar* menu_tag = (xmlChar*)"menu";
47 const xmlChar* tooltip_tag = (xmlChar*)"tooltip";
48 const xmlChar* status_tag = (xmlChar*)"status-bar";
49 const xmlChar* accel_tag = (xmlChar*)"accel";
51 std::string toUpper( const std::string& s )
54 std::transform( r.begin(), r.end(), r.begin(), toupper );
58 std::string toLower( const std::string& s )
61 std::transform( r.begin(), r.end(), r.begin(), tolower );
65 std::string readXmlAttribute(xmlNodePtr node, const xmlChar* attribute)
67 std::string result = "";
68 xmlChar* strAttr = xmlGetProp(node, attribute);
69 if (strAttr != NULL) {
70 result = (char*)strAttr;
76 std::list<std::string> getPluginXMLFiles()
78 std::list<std::string> xmlPaths;
81 std::string sep = "\\";
83 std::string sep = "/";
86 if ( const char* var = getenv( env_var ) )
88 std::string plugins = var;
90 std::string::size_type from = 0, pos;
91 while ( from < plugins.size() )
93 pos = plugins.find( ':', from );
95 if ( pos != std::string::npos )
96 plugin = plugins.substr( from, pos-from );
98 plugin = plugins.substr( from ), pos = plugins.size();
101 if ( plugin.size() == 0 ) continue;
103 std::string pluginRoot = toUpper( plugin+"_ROOT_DIR" );
105 const char* rootDirGeom = getenv( "GEOM_ROOT_DIR" );
106 const char* rootDirPlugin = getenv( pluginRoot.c_str() );
110 std::string xmlPath = rootDirGeom;
111 if ( xmlPath[ xmlPath.size()-1 ] != sep[0] )
113 xmlPath += "share" + sep + "salome" + sep + "resources" + sep + "geom" + sep + plugin + ".xml";
115 fileOK = (GetFileAttributes(xmlPath.c_str()) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES);
117 fileOK = (access(xmlPath.c_str(), F_OK) == 0);
120 xmlPaths.push_back( xmlPath );
122 if ( !fileOK && rootDirPlugin ) {
123 std::string xmlPath = rootDirPlugin;
124 if ( xmlPath[ xmlPath.size()-1 ] != sep[0] )
126 xmlPath += "share" + sep + "salome" + sep + "resources" + sep + toLower(plugin) + sep + plugin + ".xml";
128 fileOK = (GetFileAttributes(xmlPath.c_str()) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES);
130 fileOK = (access(xmlPath.c_str(), F_OK) == 0);
133 xmlPaths.push_back( xmlPath );
141 void dumpinfo(const GEOMUtils::PluginInfo& info)
143 printf("DUMPING PLUGIN INFO\n");
144 GEOMUtils::PluginInfo::const_iterator it;
145 for (it = info.begin(); it != info.end(); ++it) {
146 GEOMUtils::PluginData pdata = *it;
147 printf("Plugin: %s\n", pdata.name.c_str());
148 printf(" serverLib = %s\n", pdata.serverLib.c_str());
149 printf(" clientLib = %s\n", pdata.clientLib.c_str());
150 printf(" actions:\n");
151 std::list<GEOMUtils::ActionData>::const_iterator ait;
152 for (ait = pdata.actions.begin(); ait != pdata.actions.end(); ++ait) {
153 GEOMUtils::ActionData adata = *ait;
154 printf(" label = %s\n", adata.label.c_str());
155 printf(" icon = %s\n", adata.icon.c_str());
156 printf(" menuText = %s\n", adata.menuText.c_str());
157 printf(" toolTip = %s\n", adata.toolTip.c_str());
158 printf(" statusText = %s\n", adata.statusText.c_str());
169 PluginInfo ReadPluginInfo()
173 std::list<std::string> xmlPaths = getPluginXMLFiles();
175 std::list<std::string>::const_iterator fit;
177 for ( fit = xmlPaths.begin(); fit != xmlPaths.end(); ++fit )
179 std::string fileName = *fit;
182 xmlDocPtr doc = xmlReadFile( fileName.c_str(), NULL, options );
187 xmlNodePtr root = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc);
189 // check if it is plugins container node
190 if (xmlStrcmp(root->name, root_tag) == 0)
192 // iterate through children, to get plugins data
193 for (xmlNodePtr node = root->children; node; node = node->next)
195 if (xmlStrcmp(node->name, plugin_tag) == 0)
199 data.name = readXmlAttribute(node, name_tag);
200 data.serverLib = readXmlAttribute(node, server_tag);
201 data.clientLib = readXmlAttribute(node, gui_tag);
202 // iterate through children, to find actions container node
203 for (xmlNodePtr subnode = node->children; subnode; subnode = subnode->next)
205 if (xmlStrcmp(subnode->name, actions_tag) == 0)
207 // actions container node
208 // iterate through children, to get actions data
209 for (xmlNodePtr subsubnode = subnode->children; subsubnode; subsubnode = subsubnode->next)
211 if (xmlStrcmp(subsubnode->name, action_tag) == 0)
215 action.label = readXmlAttribute(subsubnode, label_tag);
216 action.icon = readXmlAttribute(subsubnode, icon_tag);
217 action.menuText = readXmlAttribute(subsubnode, menu_tag);
218 action.toolTip = readXmlAttribute(subsubnode, tooltip_tag);
219 action.statusText = readXmlAttribute(subsubnode, status_tag);
220 action.accel = readXmlAttribute(subsubnode, accel_tag);
221 if (action.label != "")
222 data.actions.push_back(action);
224 } // end iteration through actions container node children
225 } // end actions container node
226 } // end iterations through plugin node children
229 info.push_back(data);
231 } // end iterations through plugins container node children
235 //xmlCleanupParser();//vsr: xmlCleanupParser should not be called from the application