]> SALOME platform Git repositories - modules/shaper.git/blob - src/BuildPlugin/interpolation_widget.xml
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[modules/shaper.git] / src / BuildPlugin / interpolation_widget.xml
1 <source>
2   <toolbox id="interpolation_method">
3     <box id="by_selection" 
4          title="Curve by selection"
5          icon="icons/Build/feature_interpolation_by_selection.png">
6       <multi_selector id="base_objects"
7                       label="Points and vertices:"
8                       tooltip="Select points or vertices objects."
9                       shape_types="vertices"
10                       concealment="true">
11         <validator id="GeomValidators_DifferentShapes"/>
12       </multi_selector>
13       <boolvalue id="reorder" label="Reorder" tooltip="Changes the order of points to construct the shortest curve." default="false"/>
14       <optionalbox id="closed" title="Closed" tooltip="Makes the curve closed or not." default="false"
15                   has_frame="false" enable_on_check="false">
16         <optionalbox id="use_tangents" title="Tangents" default="false">
17           <shape_selector id="tangent_start"
18                           icon="icons/Features/axis.png"
19                           label="Start"
20                           tooltip="Select vector tangent to the start of curve"
21                           shape_types="edge"
22                           default="&lt;start&gt;">
23             <validator id="GeomValidators_ShapeType" parameters="empty,line"/>
24           </shape_selector>
25           <shape_selector id="tangent_end"
26                           icon="icons/Features/axis.png"
27                           label="End"
28                           tooltip="Select vector tangent to the end of curve"
29                           shape_types="edge"
30                           default="&lt;end&gt;">
31             <validator id="GeomValidators_ShapeType" parameters="empty,line"/>
32           </shape_selector>
33         </optionalbox>
34       </optionalbox>
35       <validator id="GeomValidators_MinObjectsSelected" parameters="base_objects,2"/>
36     </box>
37     <box id="analytical"
38          title="Curve analytical"
39          icon="icons/Build/feature_interpolation_analytical.png">
40       <groupbox id="curves_parameters" title="Curves parameters">
41         <stringvalue id="xt" label="X(t) equation">
42             <validator id="BuildPlugin_ValidatorExpressionInterpolation"/>
43           </stringvalue>
44         <stringvalue id="yt" label="Y(t) equation">
45           <validator id="BuildPlugin_ValidatorExpressionInterpolation"/>
46         </stringvalue>
47         <stringvalue id="zt" label="Z(t) equation">
48           <validator id="BuildPlugin_ValidatorExpressionInterpolation"/>
49         </stringvalue>
50         <doublevalue id="mint"
51                      label="Min t"
52                      default="0">
53         </doublevalue>
54         <doublevalue id="maxt"
55                      label="Max t"
56                      default="100">
57         </doublevalue>
58         <integervalue id="numstep"
59                       label="Number of steps"
60                       min="0"
61                       default="10">
62           <validator id="GeomValidators_Positive"/>
63         </integervalue>
64       </groupbox>
65     </box>
66   </toolbox>
67 </source>