2 <multi_selector id="base_objects"
3 label="Points and vertices:"
4 tooltip="Select points or vertices objects."
7 <validator id="GeomValidators_DifferentShapes"/>
9 <boolvalue id="reorder" label="Reorder" tooltip="Changes the order of points to construct the shortest curve." default="false"/>
10 <optionalbox id="closed" title="Closed" tooltip="Makes the curve closed or not." default="false"
11 has_frame="false" enable_on_check="false">
12 <optionalbox id="use_tangents" title="Tangents" default="false">
13 <shape_selector id="tangent_start"
14 icon="icons/Features/axis.png"
16 tooltip="Select vector tangent to the start of curve"
18 default="<start>">
19 <validator id="GeomValidators_ShapeType" parameters="empty,line"/>
21 <shape_selector id="tangent_end"
22 icon="icons/Features/axis.png"
24 tooltip="Select vector tangent to the end of curve"
26 default="<end>">
27 <validator id="GeomValidators_ShapeType" parameters="empty,line"/>
31 <validator id="GeomValidators_MinObjectsSelected" parameters="base_objects,2"/>