]> SALOME platform Git repositories - modules/geom.git/blob - resources/Makefile.am
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[modules/geom.git] / resources / Makefile.am
1 #  Copyright (C) 2007-2010  CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
2 #
3 #  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
4 #  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
5 #  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
6 #  version 2.1 of the License.
7 #
8 #  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 #  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 #  Lesser General Public License for more details.
12 #
13 #  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
14 #  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
15 #  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA
16 #
17 #  See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
18 #
20 # -* Makefile *- 
21 # Author : Patrick GOLDBRONN (CEA)
22 # Date : 28/06/2001
23 # Modified by : Alexander BORODIN (OCN) - autotools usage
24 #
25 include $(top_srcdir)/adm_local/unix/make_common_starter.am
27 dist_salomeres_DATA =           \
28 GEOM_en.xml                     \
29 GEOM_fr.xml                     \
30 GEOM.config                     \
31 SalomeApp.xml                   \
32 Plugin                          \
33 GEOMDS_Resources                \
34 ImportExport                    \
35 ShHealing                       \
36 3dsketch.png                    \
37 angle.png                       \
38 arc.png                         \
39 arccenter.png                   \
40 arcofellipse.png                \
41 archimede.png                   \
42 axisinertia.png                 \
43 basicproperties.png             \
44 bounding.png                    \
45 box.png                         \
46 box2points.png                  \
47 boxdxyz.png                     \
48 build_compound.png              \
49 build_edge.png                  \
50 build_face.png                  \
51 build_shell.png                 \
52 build_solid.png                 \
53 build_wire.png                  \
54 centergravity.png               \
55 chamfer.png                     \
56 chamferall.png                  \
57 chamferedge.png                 \
58 chamferface.png                 \
59 chamferedgefromface.png         \
60 change_orientation.png          \
61 check.png                       \
62 circle.png                      \
63 circlepointvector.png           \
64 circle3points.png               \
65 circlecenter2pnts.png           \
66 common.png                      \
67 cone.png                        \
68 conedxyz.png                    \
69 conepointvector.png             \
70 cut.png                         \
71 cylinder.png                    \
72 cylinderdxyz.png                \
73 cylinderpointvector.png         \
74 delete.png                      \
75 disk.png                        \
76 disk3points.png                 \
77 disk_pntvecr.png                \
78 disk_r.png                      \
79 display.png                     \
80 displayonly.png                 \
81 displayall.png                  \
82 erase.png                       \
83 eraseall.png                    \
84 face_hw.png                     \
85 face_vechw.png                  \
86 fillet.png                      \
87 fillet1d.png                    \
88 fillet2d.png                    \
89 filletall.png                   \
90 filletedge.png                  \
91 filletwire.png                  \
92 filletface.png                  \
93 filling.png                     \
94 fuse.png                        \
95 geometry.png                    \
96 limit_tolerance.png             \
97 line.png                        \
98 line2points.png                 \
99 line2faces.png                  \
100 mindist.png                     \
101 mirrorPoint.png                 \
102 mirrorAxe.png                   \
103 mirrorPlane.png                 \
104 ModuleGeom.png                  \
105 multirotation.png               \
106 multirotationdouble.png         \
107 multirotationsimple.png         \
108 multitranslation.png            \
109 multitranslationdouble.png      \
110 multitranslationsimple.png      \
111 normale.png                     \
112 offset.png                      \
113 origin_and_vectors.png          \
114 partition.png                   \
115 partitionkeep.png               \
116 partitionplane.png              \
117 pipe.png                        \
118 pipebinormal.png                \
119 plane.png                       \
120 planeWorking.png                \
121 plane3points.png                \
122 planeface.png                   \
123 planepointvector.png            \
124 planeworkingface.png            \
125 planeworkingvector.png          \
126 planeworkingorigin.png          \
127 point2.png                      \
128 pointonedge.png                 \
129 pointonface.png                 \
130 point_line_intersection.png     \
131 polyline.png                    \
132 prism.png                       \
133 prism2.png                      \
134 prism3.png                      \
135 revol.png                       \
136 rotate.png                      \
137 rotatepnt.png                   \
138 scale.png                       \
139 scale_along_axes.png            \
140 section.png                     \
141 select1.png                     \
142 sewing.png                      \
143 shading.png                     \
144 shapesonshape.png               \
145 sketch.png                      \
146 sphere.png                      \
147 spheredxyz.png                  \
148 spherepoint.png                 \
149 subshape.png                    \
150 supressHolesOnFaceShell.png     \
151 supressface.png                 \
152 supresshole.png                 \
153 tolerance.png                   \
154 torus.png                       \
155 torusdxyz.png                   \
156 toruspointvector.png            \
157 translationDxyz.png             \
158 translationPoints.png           \
159 translationVector.png           \
160 tree_compound.png               \
161 tree_compsolid.png              \
162 tree_edge.png                   \
163 tree_face.png                   \
164 tree_shape.png                  \
165 tree_shell.png                  \
166 tree_solid.png                  \
167 tree_vertex.png                 \
168 tree_wire.png                   \
169 tree_group_vertex.png           \
170 tree_group_edge.png             \
171 tree_group_face.png             \
172 tree_group_solid.png            \
173 tree_lcs.png                    \
174 vector.png                      \
175 vector_mode.png                 \
176 vector2points.png               \
177 vectordxyz.png                  \
178 whatis.png                      \
179 ellipse.png                     \
180 ellipsepointvector.png          \
181 bezier.png                      \
182 interpol.png                    \
183 spline.png                      \
184 closecontour.png                \
185 suppressintwires.png            \
186 marker.png                      \
187 marker2.png                     \
188 marker3.png                     \
189 marker_1.png                    \
190 marker_2.png                    \
191 marker_3.png                    \
192 marker_4.png                    \
193 marker_5.png                    \
194 marker_6.png                    \
195 marker_7.png                    \
196 marker_8.png                    \
197 marker_9.png                    \
198 marker_10.png                   \
199 marker_11.png                   \
200 marker_12.png                   \
201 marker_13.png                   \
202 position.png                    \
203 position2.png                   \
204 position3.png                   \
205 free_bound.png                  \
206 point_coord.png                 \
207 point3.png                      \
208 shapeprocess.png                \
209 block_2f.png                    \
210 block_6f.png                    \
211 block_face_2e.png               \
212 block_face_4e.png               \
213 block_face_4v.png               \
214 block_multitrsf_double.png      \
215 block_multitrsf_simple.png      \
216 tree_block.png                  \
217 subblock.png                    \
218 group_new.png                   \
219 group_edit.png                  \
220 glue.png                        \
221 check_blocks_compound.png       \
222 free_faces.png                  \
223 propagate.png                   \
224 redo.png                        \
225 undo.png                        \
226 glue2.png                       \
227 remove_extra_edges.png          \
228 coordsys.png                    \
229 translation.png
232 ADVANCED_RESOURCES += pipetshape.png tree_pipetshape.png pipetshape_import_icon.png
233 ADVANCED_RESOURCES += dlg_pipetshape.png dlg_pipetshapechamfer.png dlg_pipetshapefillet.png
234 ADVANCED_RESOURCES += dlg_pipetshapel1.png dlg_pipetshaper1.png dlg_pipetshapew1.png
235 ADVANCED_RESOURCES += dlg_pipetshapel2.png dlg_pipetshaper2.png dlg_pipetshapew2.png
236 ADVANCED_RESOURCES += dlg_pipetshapechamferl1.png dlg_pipetshapechamferr1.png dlg_pipetshapechamferw1.png
237 ADVANCED_RESOURCES += dlg_pipetshapechamferl2.png dlg_pipetshapechamferr2.png dlg_pipetshapechamferw2.png
238 ADVANCED_RESOURCES += dlg_pipetshapechamferh.png dlg_pipetshapechamferw.png
239 ADVANCED_RESOURCES += dlg_pipetshapefilletl1.png dlg_pipetshapefilletr1.png dlg_pipetshapefilletw1.png
240 ADVANCED_RESOURCES += dlg_pipetshapefilletl2.png dlg_pipetshapefilletr2.png dlg_pipetshapefilletw2.png
241 ADVANCED_RESOURCES += dlg_pipetshapefilletrf.png
242 ##@@ insert new functions before this line @@ do not remove this line @@##
244 dist_salomeres_DATA += $(ADVANCED_RESOURCES)
246 # VSR: little trick to avoid putting if GEOMCatalog.xml to the distribution archive
247 nodist_salomeres_SCRIPTS = GEOMCatalog.xml